Masashige Harada


Jakoman and Tetsu
Lighting Technician
In a village subsisting on its herring fishery, a one-eyed criminal named Jakoman terrorizes the inhabitants. One of them, the son of the head of one of the fish companies by the name of Tetsu, decides to overthrow Jakoman and his cohorts.
The Navy
Lighting Camera
A tale of two best friends in the WWII era Japan. Takao is a young man enthusiastic about joining the navy to fight for his country. He convinces his best friend Shinji to join him. As it turns out, however, Takao's poor health prevents him from entering the navy while his friend is chosen instead. As time goes by, Takao becomes a painter and changes his mind about the meaningfulness of war and fighting, while his friend goes the opposite path. Meanwhile Takao's sister falls in love with Shinji.
The Ambitious Youth
Lighting Technician
As descendent of famed fishmonger Isshin Tasuke, young feisty Ishii Tasuke uses his talent to flourish his employer’s food business.
The Escape
Lighting Technician
Film about the 2-26 Incident.
Greed in Broad Daylight
Lighting Technician
After a successful robbery the culprits, from very different backgrounds, at once turn on each other.
Flower, Storm and Gangster
Lighting Technician
A gang of bank robbers plan a big robbery, but they all plot to betray each other after the heist for different reasons.
Странствующий детектив: Трагедия в Красной долине
Lighting Technician
Главный герой этого вестерна по-японски Горо Саёндзи — бродячий искатель острых ощущений. Отправляясь расследовать подозрительную авиакатастрофу в Красной долине, он раскрывает заговор с участием якудза и теневого магната, целью которого является выселение старого фермера с его земли для постройки на этом месте курортного комплекса. Теперь Горо должен помочь старому фермеру и его дочери справиться с этими преступниками.