Viliam Gruska

Рождение : 1936-09-24,

Смерть : 2019-09-23


Martin Slivka: The Man Who Planted Trees
A tribute to Martin Slivka, one of the most important personalities of Slovak cinematography and culture. He was the creator of Slovak documentary ethnographic film, director, screenwriter, dramaturgist, film theoretician, pedagogue, author and ethnograph, but mainly – exceptional person. This documentary is not only a remembrance of maestro Slivka through words of his close friends and colleagues, but also an attempt to slightly uncover the secret of his rich life and work.
Pod vládou ženy aj na svitaní
Production Design
Production Design
Спящая красавица
Production Design
Когда крестная предсказала королевской чете, что их новорожденная дочь уколет пальчик и умрет, король и королева старались уберечь девочку от всех опасностей. Однако предсказание все же сбылось, но не совсем так, как было объявлено: королевская дочь вместо того, чтобы умереть впала в глубокий сон. Где же смелый молодой принц, который разбудит ее?
Бабушка Метелица
Production Design
Фильм-сказка по мотивам сказки братьев Гримм о Матушке-Метелице, повелительнице снежных бурь. О её помощнике, мальчике Якубе, который не боялся Смерти. А также о бедной и доброй девушке-сироте, eё завистливой сестре и жадной и злой мачехе… И, конечно, о том, что Любовь побеждает Смерть.
King Thrushbeard
Production Design
When a selfless king learns of a beautiful princess in a neighboring kingdom who callously turns down every suitor with an insult, he tries his luck to no avail. So, he hatches a plot with her father in which the princess is married to him, in disguise as a beggar, so he can teach her lessons about humility and compassion.
Dve frašky
Production Design
Deň, ktorý neumrie
Assistant Production Design
Skrytý prameň
Assistant Production Design
Assistant Production Design
Maple and Juliana
Assistant Production Design
A girl is transformed into a maple tree by her impulsive and angry mother. Three poor wandering musicians come by the tree and create instruments from it. Walking around the country instead of happiness they bring death everywhere with their cursed instruments. However they cannot get rid of them, unless they bury the wooden instruments at the place of the tree. The three are anything but harmonious, each taking in their disputes various stances.
Hriech Kataríny Padychovej
Assistant Production Design
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