Roberto Frisone


The Preacher
Art Direction
A precarious con artist manipulates the family of a “miracle girl” and creates a business so large and lucrative that it will inevitably get out of hand.
The invention of Soledad
Art Direction
Soledad is trapped in quarantine with a new partner she has recently been dating. The objects of his old relationship still flood his house and denounce a presence that has not disappeared. One night, the memory of the ex-boyfriend materializes in Soledad's bed and the three of them wake up in a bizarre and uncomfortable situation. From that moment they cannot free themselves from the memory and the three end up living in confinement together and trying to support each other.
Злая ночь
Production Design
Дана – проститутка, работающая на сутенера Нельсона, мечтающего создать нечто вроде секс-империи. Для этого он не гнушается никакими способами: от шантажа до похищения девушек, которые вынуждены работать на него в закрытом борделе. В этом отношении Дане повезло – она всего лишь вынуждена отдавать Нельсону часть своего заработка, который получает, трудясь «на вольных хлебах». Но в последнее время дела у девушки идут все хуже – прогрессирующая наркомания заставляет ее все ниже скатываться по социальной лестнице и терять денежных клиентов. В какой-то момент Дана не смогла принести своему хозяину еженедельную дань. В ответ Нельсон похищает ее дочь.
Black Hole
Production Design
Afraid to face upcoming parenthood and the ultimate deadline for his long-awaited novel, a once-promising writer develops a crush on a defiant muse, the 16-year-old girl next door, and escapes into a second adolescence, alienating his partner and those who care about him.
Tan distintos
Production Design
Its not about secrets, is hiding them.
Tan distintos
Art Direction
Its not about secrets, is hiding them.
Production Design
A drama set in turbulent, turn-of-the-millennium Ecuador and centered on a young man who begins to develop complicated feelings for Juano after he saves him from a beating.
Quito 2023
Production Design
Is the year 2023. Quito has been walled by Leonardo Ponce, a military dictator that took control of the city in the early 2010's. A group of revolutionaries led by Marcos and Santiago are on the verge of giving a coup d'état. Just hours before the strike, Santiago steps forward and starts asking tough questions that led everybody to rethink why are they really doing this. Meanwhile at Ponce's palace, he is trying to decipher what is going on at the city wall. There's unusual movement and one of the revolutionaries is captured. Ponce tries to get as much information as he can from him. Confined to just 2 locations, Quito 2023 shows the human side of the revolution, the internal conflicts of their leaders and the hopelessness of a region that cannot be governed.
Quito 2023
Art Direction
Is the year 2023. Quito has been walled by Leonardo Ponce, a military dictator that took control of the city in the early 2010's. A group of revolutionaries led by Marcos and Santiago are on the verge of giving a coup d'état. Just hours before the strike, Santiago steps forward and starts asking tough questions that led everybody to rethink why are they really doing this. Meanwhile at Ponce's palace, he is trying to decipher what is going on at the city wall. There's unusual movement and one of the revolutionaries is captured. Ponce tries to get as much information as he can from him. Confined to just 2 locations, Quito 2023 shows the human side of the revolution, the internal conflicts of their leaders and the hopelessness of a region that cannot be governed.
Open Wound
Art Direction
Jorge, a young Ecuadorian, is unexpectedly in the middle of the jungle as an inexperienced soldier. At first, Jorge is confident that military experience makes you a recognized and respected man. But he finds out that the reality is very different; as the private may face neglect, hunger, death and nature, especially human nature. Captive in an enemy camp, Jorge must discover who he has become as he recovers from his injuries and struggles to escape with his fellow prisoner Hugo or stay there under the care of the Peruvian nurse Dolores. Difficult decisions ... beyond the target and border that divides them are abound.
Open Wound
Production Design
Jorge, a young Ecuadorian, is unexpectedly in the middle of the jungle as an inexperienced soldier. At first, Jorge is confident that military experience makes you a recognized and respected man. But he finds out that the reality is very different; as the private may face neglect, hunger, death and nature, especially human nature. Captive in an enemy camp, Jorge must discover who he has become as he recovers from his injuries and struggles to escape with his fellow prisoner Hugo or stay there under the care of the Peruvian nurse Dolores. Difficult decisions ... beyond the target and border that divides them are abound.
La verdad sobre el caso del señor Valdemar
Art Direction
1873, Quito, Ecuador. One of the most recognized psychiatrists of the city, Mr. Romero, is experimenting new hypnosis techniques as a healing tool with his patients, finding out that hypnosis has never been tested in a dying human being. Romero wonders if this technique could stop or delay death in dying patients. Valdemar, a Brazilian diplomatic who suffers tuberculosis, is willing to collaborate with Romero and agrees to be hypnotized the night he is supposed to die. The experiment will have dramatic consequences, Romero will be accused of Satanism and sentenced to death by the Ecuadorian president. His only chance of survival, is to persuade the presidents' secretary that he is innocent. He has only one chance to tell the truth.
1809-1810: mientras llega el día
Production Design
1809-1810: mientras llega el día is a 2004 Ecuadorian historical-dramatic film, directed by Camilo Luzuriaga and starring Marilú Vaca, Aristides Vargas and Gonzalo Gonzalo. The plot is based on the book by Juan Valdano, and revolves around the events that took place in the city of Quito between August 10, 1809, when the First Cry of Independence took place in the Spanish colony of the Presidency of Quito, and on August 2, 1810, when the Massacre of the Próceres occurred in the hands of the peninsular authorities.
Art Direction
Когда популярный тележурналист из Майами, чей «конек» — сенсационные репортажи, отправляется в приморскую деревушку на Эквадоре для расследования серийных убийств детей, его личные амбиции переходят допустимые пределы и приводят к трагическим последствиям.
Vida del Ahorcado
Adaptation of Pablo Palacio short story that through a teacher and a group of his students, presents an exercise of dispersion and annihilation converted into an aesthetic object.
Доказательство жизни
Терри Торн сумел выкупить заложника Пьера Ленуа на территории Чечни, утерев нос федералам, которые настаивали на том, чтобы самостоятельно осуществить выкуп. Терри — парень не простой; владеет всеми видами оружия, знает несколько языков, является хорошим переговорщиком и психологом.Он занимается освобождением заложников, если есть «доказательство жизни». А застраховать свою жизнь в странах с «горячими точками» стоит дорого. Еще больше выплачивается страховой компанией лицу, указанному в страховом полисе получателем. Продемонстрировав, как ловко Терри действовал в Чечне, авторы фильма переносят место действия в Южную Америку. Там захватом заложников и грабежами занимаются повстанцы. И для очередного освобождения заложников правительство обращается за помощью к Терри…