Cliff Traiman


26.2 to Life
Director of Photography
Filmed inside California's oldest state prison, 26.2 to Life explores the transformative power of San Quentin's 1000 Mile Club, in which incarcerated men train for and run a marathon on the dirt and concrete path circling the prison yard.
That's Democracy
There's this fantastic improv show on WNYC called "The Truth". Headed up by a chap named Jonathan Mitchell, these guys generate a story, usually dark and ironic, and then workshop the hell out of it with their ridiculously talented cast, then edit it down into something succinct and powerful. All of their pieces are worth a listen, but this one, called "That's Democracy", I knew at once would make a tremendous short film. Jon Bowden and I contacted TheTruth in New York, and managed to strong-arm them into letting us to turn their podcast into a film. And so here it is...
An American in Puerto Rico
Director of Photography
A young American man is transferred to work in Puerto Rico. He quickly tries to integrate into the Puerto Rican life, but his ignorance of cultural differences and no understanding of the Spanish language create problems.
The Village Barbershop
Director of Photography
A fading smalltime barber is forced to hire the last person on earth he'd want working in his shop - a woman.