На Пуэрто-Рико надвигается сильнейший ураган, поэтому к полицейскому Кардийо приставлена новая напарница Джесс и выдано задание эвакуировать население. Вызов на конфликт в продуктовом магазине приводит копов в почти пустой жилой дом, где обнаруживается нежелающий покидать уютное кресло бывший полицейский Рэй, а теперь - просто упрямый пенсионер. Пока Кардийо с его дочерью-врачом уговаривает эвакуироваться другого жильца, в дом проникает хорошо вооружённая банда грабителей. Настало время Джесс пройти боевое крещение, а Рэю - тряхнуть стариной.
A talented young filmmaker from New York sets off to Los Angeles in pursuit of the Hollywood dream, only to discover through his relationship with a beautiful feisty young actress, that Hollywood is not all that it seems.
White Dwarf is a blend of story, documentary, of cinéma and vérité that examines the culture of Hollywood when shooting stars eventually lose their luster. The film chronicles a day (and night) in the life of Gregory, a couch-surfing aspiring actor, his group of 'industry' friends and the false lives they lead.
Marvin Gupta
Politics makes strange bedfellows, but never stranger than when a sexy, savvy, African-American conservative Republican reluctantly falls for his Democratic counterpart: a beautiful Indian-American Obama campaign volunteer. Sparks fly, tempers flare, heads turn, and romance blossoms for this mismatched pair of lovers in the frantic and intoxicating days leading up to Election Day. Can the politics of love conquer all?
30 year old Sam has his Trick or Treating plan's foiled when his wife stays home sick for the night.
A hip-hop-inflected tale of a rapper called Flawless who has a difficult time escaping gang life. He must decide if he should hunt down Ice, his brother, whose violent lifestyle continues to have a negative effect on his burgeoning career.