Script Supervisor
Gregoria is a young peasant from the Venezuelan Andes, Lucia is a frivolous middle-aged city dweller. Forced by the circumstances they must travel together to reach their destinations. One will discover the past, the other will discover her present. Both discover the strength of love.
Script Supervisor
It is the dead of night and there is a blackout in the city. A single mother is visited by Cándido, her former partner and her most recent failure as a father figure for her little daughter. He returns as he wants to protect them in the dark, probably...
Армандо – обеспеченный мужчина средних лет. Время от времени он приводит в дом молодых людей, которым платит. Он не хочет до них дотрагиваться – только смотреть с достаточного расстояния. Таким же образом он следит и за пожилым бизнесменом – человеком из прошлого, который оставил в его жизни глубокую рану. Когда Армандо встречает уличного хулигана Элдера, тот отвечает ему насилием. Но несмотря на это красивый грубоватый подросток не выходит у Армандо из головы. Ради денег Элдер продолжает приходить к Армандо и постепенно из этих встреч складывается родство душ. Но тяжелое прошлое не даёт Армандо покоя и толкает Элдера на серьёзный шаг, который он совершает во имя своих чувств к Армандо.
Script Supervisor
In a war-torn African country, a small group of young people, led by Mão-de-Ferro, a traumatized and violent war child, arrive in a mysterious city where children, abandoned by adults, have created their own utopian republic.
Script Supervisor
In an unknown first world airport the arrival of an ecuadorian flight is heard. The 'members of the European Union' passby migration, while the 'others', in the other line, wait. In the middle of the claims, a group of ecuadorians is arrested. They are taken to the Room, where they wait to be deported. Seems like everyone hides something, like PROMETEO the youn magician with his hands tied like a delinquent who has a 'magical' trunk as luggage. Time passes, a way of being, Ecuador happens in this waiting room. Seems like there is no possible exit. Meanwhile, a different but well-known way of life takes place. The only thing left as a promising way out is illusion.
Anselmo is a fair man forced to live in an unfair world. His innocence will lead him to get involved in dangerous situations that will make him wonder if he does need a bit of evil to achieve happiness.