Dumitru Fusu

Рождение : 1938-03-25, Parkovo, Romania [now Moldova]

Смерть : 2014-01-14


In this heavyhanded political allegory, set in the plains and mountains of Central Asia, a tribe of people led by the fanatical Mavrut (Vladimir Msrian) wanders about in the most desolate parts of this already desolate region in search of a mythical "Land of Happiness." Their quest is hampered by the fact that they must all live a life which is extremely ascetic. One tribeswoman expresses a desire to have a child, but is rebuked by being reminded that she has vowed never to have worldly ties that would distract her from the quest. When she has a child anyway, she and her lover are made to pay for this crime in a horrific way. Despite that, the child becomes a kind of holy mascot for the group, touted by the leader as a kind of savior. They are distressed when the child goes missing one day, only to appear mysteriously on the opposite side of the rapids of a river, beckoning to them.
Всё могло быть иначе
Grigory Timofeyevich
Growing up in an orphanage, Florin is trying to find his mother Dorina, whom he has not seen for 15 years. His beloved Liza is very jealous of Florin's plans. Having met his mother, an already adult son is trying to understand the person who gave him life and abandoned him. But can a son forgive his mother, who deprived him of a happy childhood?
Красочное романтическое повествование о бродячих народных музыкантах Молдавии — лаутарах. С детства две страсти владели душой Тома Аристара — музыка и любовь к красавице — цыганке Лянке. Но, как ни боролись юные любовники за свое счастье, их разлучили. А со скрипкой разлучить не смогли. Ее он пронес по дорогам Молдавии через всю жизнь как память о Лянке. И только перед смертью встретил старую цыганку, в которой узнал свою единственную любовь.
Путешествие в апрель
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