Jake Wood
Рождение : 1972-07-12, Westminster, London, England, UK
The Gecko
You know the GEICO Gecko, but do you really know him? This is the extraordinary tail, er, tale, of how the helpful green guy grew into the guru he is today. You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll surely want to switch your insurance. Coming this winter.
Join Len Goodman in this special feature length DVD as he celebrates his time as a judge on Strictly Come Dancing by looking back at some of his favourite and most memorable Strictly Come Dancing routines. Len relives some of the best, funniest and most exciting dances as well as treating fans to a unique look behind the scenes of one of BBC One’s most popular and enduring programmes.
Вена. Начало 20 века. В городе появляется загадочный человек, называвший себя иллюзионистом Эйзенхаймом. Он показывает публике невиданные фокусы, которые кажутся не иначе как волшебством. Слава о необыкновенном чародее доходит до кронпринца Леопольда, который почтил своим присутствием одно из представлений Эйзенхайма. Леопольда сопровождает его будущая невеста Софи. Её появление в зале дает толчок для целой вереницы необъяснимых событий, корни которых уходят в прошлое…
Emil Maurice
A young girl becomes the great love of the Nazi leader's life. It spans the years between 1929 and 1945, and focuses on Hitler's obsessive relationship with his niece Geli Raubal, which eventually led to the girl's suicide, then goes on to tell the story of how Eva Braun became his wife.
Оккупированная Венгрия 1944 года. Молодые супруги Ханс и Ингрид Вассманы – идеальная арийская пара, вынужденная прислуживать в замке богатой еврейской семьи Краузенбергов. Состояние этого семейства привлекает главного гитлеровского помощника Генриха Гиммлера. В обмен на поместье он обещает Краузенбергам помочь тайно эмигрировать за границу. Сделка проходит гладко до того момента, пока не выясняется, что арийцы Вассманы не те, за кого себя выдают...
Вера Дрэйк, немолодая добропорядочная женщина, все дни напролет ухаживает за больным соседом и пожилой матерью. Но есть в ее жизни и тайная сторона – она посещает женщин и помогает им избавляться от нежелательной беременности. Между тем, по английским законам 50-х такая практика считается незаконной, и когда власти узнают о деятельности Веры, ее жизнь превращается в ад...
Harry Fielding is an investigative reporter with a brief to covertly document the compromising exploits of public figures. Incriminating evidence captured on his camera is used by his unscrupulous boss, Hamilton, to blackmail the very people they are supposed to be protecting. The tables are turned when Fielding and Hamilton themselves become the subject of scrutiny and are plunged into a world of Subterfuge, Intrigue, blackmail and murder.
Jimmy Dobbs
Доктор Бэмфорд уже достаточно пожил в деревне и отчаянно нуждается в отдалении от любопытных корнуолльских соседей. Когда местный агент по недвижимости показал ему ферму Трегунт (заброшенную и в милях от других мест), он полюбил её с первого взгляда. Но семейство Боудэн из Лондона также положили глаз на эту собственность с целью застроить землю уродливыми коттеджами. Будучи обыгранным при торгах за дом, доктор решил попытаться обратить семью в бегство, запугав их Зверюгой Бодмина.
DS Pete Ainsworth
Two years after the events of Tough Love, Lenny Milton has been transferred, but still finds that he is hated by his colleagues, who have branded him a grass. Meanwhile, when a friend of his Lenny's son dies during a heroin-related overdose, a drug-related gang war breaks out, and Lenny seizes his opportunity to re-ignite his feud with drug trafficker Barry Hindes. Obsessed with bring Hindes to justice, Lenny ignores the advice of his colleagues as he sees a chance for vengeance.
Checkpoint Soldier
Sunday tells the story of an infamous day in Derry, North of Ireland and how the events of that day were subsequently covered up by the British Government of the time. On Sunday 30th January 1972 a peaceful civil rights march against internment (imprisonment without trial), organised by the Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association (NICRA) ended with 13 marchers shot dead and 15 wounded. It became known throughout the world as Bloody Sunday. Told primarily from the perspective of the Derry community, juxtaposed with the British Army/state's preparations and reaction to the day, Sunday communicates the forensic and emotional truth of what happened
This brisk comedy of errors, penned by two-time onscreen lovers Paloma Baeza and Cillian Murphy, stakes out multiple perspectives on a series of bumbling petty crimes. Late in the evening, friends Phil (Cillian Murphy) and Ray (Barry Ward) look out of their window as two unidentified men hid from the police outside the door of a neighboring house. They cannot resist the temptation to find out what they are hiding...
DC Pete Ainsworth
DC Lenny Milton (Winstone) is not as ambitious as his best friend and popular boss DCI Michael Love (Dunbar), but the pair are drinking partners and their wives and children are close. However, this goes very wrong over the space of 7 days, when Milton is approached by the police complaints division asking him to go undercover and investigate allegations of corruption against his friend. Milton finds this difficult at first and tries to dismiss the evidence building up. But as his suspicions begin to take shape his position appears to be in danger.
James (Grasshopper)
Несколько разнообразных историй, которые объединяет одно — случились они в лондонском метро.
A wealthy, successful, East-Anglian tulip grower, Dad Savage is also something of a godfather in the local criminal fraternity but doesn't trust banks to take care of his money. On recommendation from his son, Sav, Dad hires two of Sav's unemployed school friends, Bob and Vic, to help with the business and the crime. After some careless talk from Harold, just known as 'H', about Dad's pension fund, Vic and Bob decide to steal the money from Dad if they can find it. The plans to liberate the money go awry and Sav is killed requiring Bob to call upon his sister Chris to rescue them. Dad intercepts their escape and forces a showdown to try to determine exactly the events of the night in order to identify his son's killer.
As Christmas celebrations get under way, Britain is rocked by a deadly new food scare - "mad turkey disease".
Assistant Director
В городе происходят убийства девушек. Актер Бобби Махоун снимается в телепередаче «Час убийств», где инсценируются события преступлений. У него и убийцы появляется профессиональный интерес друг к другу.
A curtain raiser for the 1995-6 football season and a state of the Premiership comedy drama about the corrupt world of football. Sir Bob is a football club chairman and megalomaniac. As the season draws to a climax his club are staring into the abyss of relegation. Can new manager Ted save City from the drop?
L. Cpl. Stagg
In 1971, fresh-faced, eager for heroics, the young officers arrive in Belfast. Pelted with rocks by kids, sniped at by the IRA, they take refuge in sex, black humour and the weird rituals of the officers' mess.
Однажды подруга мисс Марпл, обремененная многочисленной родней, просит ее съездить в Стонигейт, поместье своей сестры Кэри-Луизы, чтобы помочь уладить небольшой семейный конфликт. Дело в том, что муж Кэри-Луизы одержим идеей перевоспитания преступников по собственному методу и устроил экспериментальный интернат прямо у себя в поместье. Пока мисс Марпл вникает в запутанные семейные отношения, в Стонигейте происходит убийство...
Four lads decide to meet up and do a robbery planned by Sweeny, an angry, agressive but small young man who is like a time bomb waiting to go off. The robbery never happens because the boys soon realise Sweeny hasn't put enough thought into the job. His closest friend Tel has a more gentle side to him and falls for a girl at a party called Kak. Gombo is released from a young offenders, and along with Tony finds Sweeny to give him a kicking which actually ends up with Sweeny giving Gombo a kicking! In the end they find an empty house where the owners are away on holiday so they decide to break in. This doesn't quite go to plan either.
Is Joe really having an affair - or is Rosie imagining it all? A story of sexual jealousy, betrayal and vengeance - an emotional journey which keeps you guessing to the bitter end.
Teenagers Sarah and Debbie run away from home and find themselves on the streets of London.
A poetic young man crosses paths with a young runaway woman, and together they embark on an all-night journey through London’s sleepy metropolis.
A brainy kid clones a "suaver, hipper" version of himself to romance the rock singer girlfriend of his school's meanest bully.
Paper Boy
Scoop is a 1987 TV film directed by Gavin Millar, adapted by William Boyd from the 1938 satirical novel Scoop by Evelyn Waugh. It was produced by Sue Birtwistle with executive producers Nick Elliott and Patrick Garland. Original music was made by Stanley Myers. The story is about a reporter sent to Ishmaelia (a fictional African state) by accident.
Little John
1501 год. Вся Европа охвачена кровопролитными войнами. В городах свирепствует чума. Отряд солдат удачи, руководимый бывшим наемником Мартином, захватывает в заложники невесту сына барона Арнольфини, когда-то предавшего Мартина. Отряд укрывается в заброшенном после эпидемии чумы замке и вступает в неравную битву с армией барона.