Diana Holtzberg


American River
Consulting Producer
AMERICAN RIVER is a new documentary by Scott Morris about a four-day kayak journey down the Passaic River, one of the most beautiful and neglected waterways in the United States. The story centers on Mary Bruno, who spent her childhood fearing the polluted stretch of the Passaic near her home and returns decades later to rediscover the river of her youth.
Beyond the Bolex
Executive Producer
Filmmaker Alyssa Bolsey stumbles on a treasure trove of vintage cameras, old film reels, fading photos, technical drawings and boxes of documents that belonged to her great-grandfather Jacques Bolsey. Among the many boxes, she spots an old movie camera with the word "Bolex" embossed on its side and a dangling tag with the date, "1927." Entranced, she embarks on a journey to reveal how Jacques aimed to disrupt the early film industry with a motion picture camera for the masses.
Executive Producer
Shot below the radar, this film follows the journey of Chinese factory migrant worker-turned-activist Yi Yeting, who takes his fight against the global electronic industry from his hospital bed to the international stage.
Growing Up Coy
Executive Producer
A Colorado family is thrust into the international media spotlight when they fight for the rights of their 6-year-old transgender daughter in a landmark civil rights case.
Reengineering SAM
Sam Schmidt lived out his boyhood dream as an IndyCar racer, winning races and earning the title of IndyCar "Rookie of the Year" along the way. That dream came to an abrupt end when Sam crashed into a wall at 200 miles per hour, leaving him a quadriplegic. Reengineering SAM pulls the curtain back and shows up close the serious implications of a life of paralysis on Sam and everyone around him. Sam's accident rendered him physically helpless, never being able to brush his teeth, much less drive again, until a dedicated group of some of the brightest minds today stepped up to build him a car that he could drive, using only his head. Through groundbreaking adaptive technologies, Reengineering SAM chronicles Sam Schmidt's inspirational road back to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway and shows the promise of freedom and mobility for almost anyone confined to a wheelchair.
Mr. Gaga
The story of Ohad Naharin, renowned choreographer and artistic director of the Batsheva Dance Company, an artistic genius who redefined the language of modern dance.
Ноам Хомский: Реквием по американской мечте
Executive Producer
Ноам Хомский по-праву считается самым влиятельным интеллектуалом нашей эпохи. 86-летний профессор уже давно известен не только как лингвист, но и как политический публицист и активист. В данном фильме он расскажет о 10 принципах капиталистического устройства, которые позволяют сосредоточить деньги и власть в руках экономической элиты. «Формируйте идеологию», «атакуйте солидарность», «проектируйте выборы», «маргинализируйте население» — эти формулировки призваны стать откровением для одних, для других же — расставить акценты и кристаллизовать логические цепочки вплоть до мельчайших деталей и связок.
Broken Heart Land
Executive Producer
A conservative Oklahoma family is shattered when their gay teenage son commits suicide after a bitterly controversial town meeting discussing a proposal for Gay and Lesbian History Month. In their search to unravel the mystery behind his death, they discover a tragic secret, and begin to question their own civic responsibility as they undergo a harrowing transformation from private citizens to public defenders of their son's legacy.
Feathered Cocaine
Executive Producer
FEATHERED COCAINE is not a wildlife documentary. It is a documentary about the international trade of falcons. After the trade of drugs, people and weapons, smuggling falcons is ranked No 4 in the list of the most profitable illegal trades. Most people are not aware that the effects of the falcon trade has exerted huge influence over thousands of years on politics, economy and society all around the world. FEATHERED COCAINE reveals in an investigative way the contexts between the trade of falcons and historical events, where royal dynasties, institutions like the CIA and the KGB, the oil industry and Al Queda were involved. This documentary was filmed and released shortly before the 'supposed' execution of Osama bin Laden, who CIA Operative Alan Parrot & his Team had met with 6 times between 2004 & 2010. As of October 11th, 2020.