Shirley Kwan

Рождение : 1966-08-15, Hong Kong


Shirley Kwan is an influential Cantopop singer from Hong Kong. Kwan first shot to fame in 1989 with the hit, "Happy Are Those in Love" and was widely popular throughout the early to mid-1990s.


Счастливы вместе
Lai Yiu-fai's Girlfriend
Лай Ю-Фай и Хо По-Винг были влюблены, когда приехали в Аргентину из Гонконга. Но когда они отправились на юг в поисках приключений, что-то между ними сломалось…
How to Pick Girls Up!
Three love-challenged men meet a radio host who tutors them in the art of picking up women in a variety of unconventional ways in Wong Jing's gleefully crude and tasteless comedy.
Mr. Possessed
Lui Chang Lan
Riley (Kenny Bee) is being followed by the ghost of an evil warlock, who was killed in a duel with Riley's father many years ago. Now, he wants to seek revenge by causing misfortune in Riley's life. Therefore, Riley's mother (Pik-Wan Tang) will see to it that the demon is vanquished by using another human being as bait. She sees a ray of hope when she meets Riley's girlfriend (Carol 'Do Do' Cheng) - a woman she detests.
Who Is The Craftiest
Lau used all his savings to purchase a house from a shady profiteer named Wing. The house had plenty of problems--despite the fact that it wasn't even big enough for a single person--and Lau tried to sue Wing to recover his money, but lost. Lau eventually died of depression because of this ruling, but before he passed, he asked his daughter to get revenge on Wing. It wasn't long before the Lau family was able to use Wing's greedy personality against him and trick him into bankruptcy. But when he discovers what happened to him--and who was responsible--he decides not to take it sitting down...
Scared Stiff
Female vampire
Alan and Halley are partners in a pest control company. Handsome Alan gets the girls and puffy Halley gets nothing. One night the two are injured in a car crash. Halley suffers slight injuries but Alan is dead for all purposes except his brain wave which still works actively. But when Halley cries over his "corpse", Alan bursts into ecplosive life. So the doctor decide to study this phenomenon and Alan agrees to be the guinea pig as he fancies the beautiful Dr. Emily. Halley discovers by accident a murder and is chased by the murderer who happens to be a police inspector...
Экспресс миллионеров
Конец 30-х годов. Авантюрист Чин после увлекательных приключений в России возвращается в родную деревню на китайской границе. За время его отсутствия дома многое изменилось. Местный начальник полиции со своими подчиненными ограбил банк и сбежал. Его место занял бывший начальник пожарной охраны Тсао. В окрестностях городка появляется конная банда, в рядах которой два американских ковбоя, собирающиеся напасть на экспресс из Шанхая с целью завладеть картой древних сокровищ.
Да, мадам!
Retirement Home Nurse
В Гонконг приезжает коррумпированный британский агент Ричард Нордон, целью которого является продажа боссу мафии микрофильма, изобличающего его преступные махинации. Но Нордон не сходится с ним в цене, и Тьен подсылает к нему убийцу, который убивает англичанина, но микрофильм так и не находит.Пленка хранится в паспорте Нордона, который прихватили с собой воришки Стрепсилс и Аспирин. Не зная, что у них на руках, существенная улика, они ведут свой обычный образ жизни, ноу них на хвосте сидят две девушки-полицейские…
Three Stooges Go Undercover
Two police officers and an informant go undercover to infiltrate a counterfeiting ring.
Winner Takes All?
CID madam
Joe is betrayed by his gang, who then set out to kill him. On the run, he forcibly enters the apartment of Ann. Despite being initially scared, Joe departs on fairly friendly terms, and catches up with Ann again the next day at her work. One of Ann's students is Sweetie, whose father Mr Fung dotes on her. Fung, a jeweller, is also being romantically pursued by one of his employees, Elsa. The following day, Joe's old gang rob Fung's jewellery shop, during which time they snatch Sweetie.
Just For Fun
Pawn shop customer
Rich playboy Big Lamp (Frankie Chan) comes back from France to inherit his just-deceased father's fortune, only to discover much to his dismay that his dad has donated all his wealth to charity, leaving him merely four words: Work Hard For Yourself! Falling suddenly from riches to rags, Big Lamp is forced to seek shelter at old butler Uncle Yim's (Wu Ma) home. He then hooks up with his former "Bank Check" bandmates: Gossip (Charlie Cho), Lemon Head (Liu Wai Hung), Cat's Poo (Melvin Wong), and gets involved in the fight over Lemon's sassy cousin, Sally (Sally Yeh).
Funny Boys
Funny Boys is a Hong Kong Comedy-Drama starring Kent Cheng and Danny Lee.
The Sweet and Sour Cops Part II
The Sweet and Sour Cops Part II is a Hong Kong Crime-Comedy starring Kent Cheng.