Jiří Hanibal

Jiří Hanibal

Рождение : 1929-02-18,


Jiří Hanibal


Dívka a kouzelník
Útěk s Cézarem
Levé křídlo
Víkend bez rodičů
Víkend bez rodičů
Don't Call Me Major
A group of children is trying to solve a mystery related to the diamonds smuggling.
Čas pracuje pro vraha
Vera, wife of the plumber Simandl (Josef Somr), is found murdered in the cinema next to the IDOC (Information and Documentation) agency where she worked. Police captain Marha (Frantisek Nemec), who is leading the investigation, is informed by Simandl that on the day of the murder Vera promised to bring home fifty thousand crowns to buy a car. Marha's primary suspects are the three men working at the agency: deputy editor-in-chief Brandl (Jirí Pleskot) and editors Pernata (Eduard Cupák) and Remes (Ludek Munzar, and of course also Simandl.
Don't Look Back, There Is a Horse Behind Us
Postwoman Mrs Skorepa, her husband the ambulance driver Mr Skorepa and their eleven-year-old twins Petr and Pavel live in Prague in Malá Strana (Lesser Town), one of the Prague's historical and oldest quarters. The boys are crazy about cars and everything linked to them. They don't share their father's love of classical music. On the other hand, they are crazy about the newly announced scrap yard competition for paper collection. The lottery tickets awarded for every ten kilograms of old paper collected could win them a go-kart.
Don't Look Back, There Is a Horse Behind Us
Postwoman Mrs Skorepa, her husband the ambulance driver Mr Skorepa and their eleven-year-old twins Petr and Pavel live in Prague in Malá Strana (Lesser Town), one of the Prague's historical and oldest quarters. The boys are crazy about cars and everything linked to them. They don't share their father's love of classical music. On the other hand, they are crazy about the newly announced scrap yard competition for paper collection. The lottery tickets awarded for every ten kilograms of old paper collected could win them a go-kart.
Leť, ptáku leť!
Leť, ptáku leť!
Podivný výlet
Podivný výlet
Podivný výlet
Good Day, Town
The town is waking up. The bus driver Josef Král is saying goodbye to his wife Vera who is in a state of advanced pregnancy. At the rolling mill, the master craftsman Mares is preparing for retirement, which is now only two days away. Elderly Simon who grows and sells vegetables at the market has problems with his wife. Their little home has to give way to a new development but the wife Simonka refuses to move out. The chairman of the workers' council has troubles with the miner Adam, who has started drinking. He doesn't know that Adam is getting divorced and fears he may lose his young son to his wife.
Good Day, Town
The town is waking up. The bus driver Josef Král is saying goodbye to his wife Vera who is in a state of advanced pregnancy. At the rolling mill, the master craftsman Mares is preparing for retirement, which is now only two days away. Elderly Simon who grows and sells vegetables at the market has problems with his wife. Their little home has to give way to a new development but the wife Simonka refuses to move out. The chairman of the workers' council has troubles with the miner Adam, who has started drinking. He doesn't know that Adam is getting divorced and fears he may lose his young son to his wife.
Anna, sestra Jany
Great Sorrow
Jana is forced to live in a foster home and always dreams about family reunion.
A Valley of Beautiful Frogs
A fifteen years old Jana escapes summer camp wearing nothing but bikini...
A Valley of Beautiful Frogs
A fifteen years old Jana escapes summer camp wearing nothing but bikini...
Dvě věci pro život
After returning home from the army, Vasek (Ladislav Potmesil) has married Bozka (Eva Trejtnarová) and the couple now live at her parents' house. Vasek is unhappy both with his work and with sharing the house with Bozka's parents. He and his friend Ruda (Oldrich Vlach) decide to take a temporary job in Ostrava for a year. Bozka is against this, but Vasek gets his way. Mining is hard work but Vasek gradually adapts to it. He gets homesick from time to time and wants to go back, but his pride always wins out. Once he really does travel back to see Bozka, but he doesn't find her at home.
Dvě věci pro život
After returning home from the army, Vasek (Ladislav Potmesil) has married Bozka (Eva Trejtnarová) and the couple now live at her parents' house. Vasek is unhappy both with his work and with sharing the house with Bozka's parents. He and his friend Ruda (Oldrich Vlach) decide to take a temporary job in Ostrava for a year. Bozka is against this, but Vasek gets his way. Mining is hard work but Vasek gradually adapts to it. He gets homesick from time to time and wants to go back, but his pride always wins out. Once he really does travel back to see Bozka, but he doesn't find her at home.
Dvě věci pro život
After returning home from the army, Vasek (Ladislav Potmesil) has married Bozka (Eva Trejtnarová) and the couple now live at her parents' house. Vasek is unhappy both with his work and with sharing the house with Bozka's parents. He and his friend Ruda (Oldrich Vlach) decide to take a temporary job in Ostrava for a year. Bozka is against this, but Vasek gets his way. Mining is hard work but Vasek gradually adapts to it. He gets homesick from time to time and wants to go back, but his pride always wins out. Once he really does travel back to see Bozka, but he doesn't find her at home.
Velikonoční dovolená
Velikonoční dovolená
Velikonoční dovolená
Carlsbad Ponies
Angelika, a ten years old daughter of a spa visitor Bachmann is terribly bored in Karlovy Vary spa. Her father enjoys different spa procedures, trying to lose some weight, but the little girl feels to be only waiting for something to enjoy. Moreover, she cannot speak any Czech unlike her father. Kája, a son of the hotel receptionist Vlasta, attempts to amuse her despite he cannot speak German. Both children make friends although there is the language barrier.
Červená kůlna
Malé letní blues
Malé letní blues
Dům ztracených duší
Dům ztracených duší
Grandpa, Kylian and I
The Karpísek married couple, both doctors, are leaving for London for two months on business. They entrust their five-year old son Jozánek to the care of their neighbor, Mrs Pokorná.
Grandpa, Kylian and I
The Karpísek married couple, both doctors, are leaving for London for two months on business. They entrust their five-year old son Jozánek to the care of their neighbor, Mrs Pokorná.
Škola hříšníků
Škola hříšníků
Škola hříšníků
Рассказы о детях
Три небольшие новеллы: «Магдалена» — о решительной девочке, которая уже не первый день в школе, ничего не боится и даже может позаботиться о робком однокласснике; «Обманщица» — о маленькой Ярмиле, которая облегчает свои обязанности маленькими обманами — например, симулирует кражу, желая заполучить новые туфли; и «Карп» — о сыне руководителя спортивного комплекса, который в предрождественское время выпускает рождественского карпа в плавательный бассейн.
Life Without a Guitar
A group of jolly young people work in the Prague Tesla factory, also spending most of their leisure time together. One of them, guitar player Zdenek, begins to shun his friends' company. He has fallen in love with Vera, who does not belong to the group. The happy-go-lucky young man already has several acquaintances and has his own method to get a girl: to take his motorcycle, his guitar and a bottle of wine and take her to a rented houseboat. Vera, however, is different and gets angry at Zdenek. But she is fond of him and thus eventually spends a whole evening with him on the houseboat. At a preventative medical examination, the doctor tells Vera she is pregnant.
Life Without a Guitar
A group of jolly young people work in the Prague Tesla factory, also spending most of their leisure time together. One of them, guitar player Zdenek, begins to shun his friends' company. He has fallen in love with Vera, who does not belong to the group. The happy-go-lucky young man already has several acquaintances and has his own method to get a girl: to take his motorcycle, his guitar and a bottle of wine and take her to a rented houseboat. Vera, however, is different and gets angry at Zdenek. But she is fond of him and thus eventually spends a whole evening with him on the houseboat. At a preventative medical examination, the doctor tells Vera she is pregnant.
Life Without a Guitar
A group of jolly young people work in the Prague Tesla factory, also spending most of their leisure time together. One of them, guitar player Zdenek, begins to shun his friends' company. He has fallen in love with Vera, who does not belong to the group. The happy-go-lucky young man already has several acquaintances and has his own method to get a girl: to take his motorcycle, his guitar and a bottle of wine and take her to a rented houseboat. Vera, however, is different and gets angry at Zdenek. But she is fond of him and thus eventually spends a whole evening with him on the houseboat. At a preventative medical examination, the doctor tells Vera she is pregnant.
Smutný půvab
Smutný půvab
Пятый отдел
Для дезорганизации работы транспорта и срыва экспортных поставок иностранная разведка забросила в Чехословакию матёрого диверсанта Рудольфа Карлика. Он остановился у бывшего радиста Яна Шимека, своего старого приятеля по диверсионной работе.
Пятый отдел
Для дезорганизации работы транспорта и срыва экспортных поставок иностранная разведка забросила в Чехословакию матёрого диверсанта Рудольфа Карлика. Он остановился у бывшего радиста Яна Шимека, своего старого приятеля по диверсионной работе.
Всюду живут люди
Молодой врач Мирек Водак по окончании института неохотно едет работать в небольшое село Лужаны. Он надеется скоро вернуться в город, но, поработав в деревне, Водак понял, что работать интереснее всего там, где ты и твои знания людям нужнее.
Всюду живут люди
Молодой врач Мирек Водак по окончании института неохотно едет работать в небольшое село Лужаны. Он надеется скоро вернуться в город, но, поработав в деревне, Водак понял, что работать интереснее всего там, где ты и твои знания людям нужнее.
Всюду живут люди
Молодой врач Мирек Водак по окончании института неохотно едет работать в небольшое село Лужаны. Он надеется скоро вернуться в город, но, поработав в деревне, Водак понял, что работать интереснее всего там, где ты и твои знания людям нужнее.
Я пережил свою смерть
Хотя Тонда Майер был начинающим боксером, его огромный рост и незаурядная сила обеспечивали ему победу над противником. В концлагере, куда Тонда попал во время гитлеровской оккупации, он понял, что, только презирая опасность, можно остаться здесь человеком и помогать другим. Он назвал себя коммунистом, хотя никогда им не был. И когда Тонде грозила гибель, в дело вмешалась подпольная организация заключенных и спасла его от фашистской расправы.
Darbujan and Pandrhola
Assistant Director
Pět z milionu
First Assistant Director
First Assistant Director
A poignant overview of how short life can be, this interesting drama from Czech director Vojetch Jasny is divided into four separate segments. In the first skit, a young child's impressions are observed as his newborn baby sister becomes a part of the family. In the second, a young woman falls in love for the first time one summer, and in the third, a tough, older peasant woman battles against the farming cooperatives. Finally, in the last segment, everything comes full circle as a woman who is about to become a grandmother dies while her daughter-in-law has not yet given birth.
Сегодня вечером всё будет кончено
First Assistant Director
Картина посвящается чешским защитникам своей Родины, которые проявили громадное мужество, чувство долга и безграничной любви к Чехии в противостоянии агентам иностранной разведки. Действие картины происходит в районе проведения маневров военных. Герой картины сержант Милан, заводит знакомство с Еленой Бушковой, приехавшей из Праги, и искренне в неё влюбляется. Елена же оказывается прожженным агентом иностранных спецслужб и старается через Милана осуществить его вербовку и добыть необходимую информацию военного значения. В районе проведения маневров свои сети широко расставило гнездо шпионов. Между тем, органы государственной безопасности Социалистической Чехословацкой Республики с особой бдительностью защищают родные рубежи.
Dárci života
Dárci života
Dárci života
Nová směna
Nová směna
Nová směna
It’s Not Always Cloudy
Young Man on the Horse
It’s Not Always Cloudy
Assistant Director
Tvář a maska
Assistant Director