Ian Gibson

Ian Gibson


Ian Gibson


Antonio Machado: los días azules
Documenting the world of the famous Spanish poet Antonio Machado, including the places where he lived and worked.
Спустя некоторое время
Планета Земля, 9177 год. Остатки человечества живут в постапокалиптической среде, разделенной всего на два социальных класса: правящий король и олигархи, обитающие в Представительском здании, и бедняки, едва выживающие в трущобах, построенных вокруг него.
Lunas de Nueva York
First film of Juan José Ponce’s trilogy about Federico García Lorca. Lunas de Nueva York looks back on Federico’s trip to New York in 1929, an essential journey for his life and career.
Dalí, être Dieu
Another kind of biography, one that unravels the mysteries of Dalí, the conflicts with himself and with the characters with whom he had greater emotional involvement: his father, his sister Ana María, Gala and Lorca. They lead us to a Dalí from different eras.
Death in Granada
A journalist starts an investigation into the disappearance of famed poet and political agitator, Garcia Lorca, who disappeared in the early days of the Spanish Civil War in the the 1930's.
Danger Point
Three irresponsible teenagers borrow a yacht belonging to the local Sea Scouts and run out of fuel. They hoist the sail in an endeavour to stop the boat drifting on to the notoriously dangerous Bradda Head, but find themselves in even greater trouble in the shape of a sea-mine.