Key Animation
As the conflict that began in Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha: Reflection continues to escalate, Nanoha and her allies soon find out the troubled history between Iris and Yuri, which is related to the tragedy of Eltoria's "Planet Reclamation Committee".
Animation Director
As the conflict that began in Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha: Reflection continues to escalate, Nanoha and her allies soon find out the troubled history between Iris and Yuri, which is related to the tragedy of Eltoria's "Planet Reclamation Committee".
Key Animation
The three brothers discover that the human experiment banned after destroying the "Orochi", is still going on to secretly revive the evil snake. They also find out that some ex-members of the Yamainu (the Japanese military unit formed to kill the snake) are behind this conspiracy. The brothers fight together again in a battle against the military.
Key Animation
Fuma ninja clan is a secret ninja tribe that is waiting for the "Orochi" (gigantic snake) to resurrect for generations. Shirasu and his twin brother Ichiu grew up in this viscous environment and this tells how they become the leaders of the clan.
Key Animation
Key Animation
One year has passed after the great battle against the Orochi (gigantic snake). Tenka Kumo had been paralyzed from the final battle and he took part of the government’s human experiment before the battle. Tenka withdrew himself from society but his younger brothers Soramaru and Chutaro find out the secret past about their older brother.
Key Animation
Фильм о новой игре, для которой требуется устройство расширенной реальности под названием "Augma". Augma куда компактнее АмуСферы. Ordinal Scale - это ARMMORPG, эксклюзивная для Augma. Игра наделала шуму благодаря применению в ней новейших технологий, включающих реальный мир в игру в качестве игрового поля, а также возможности повышать ранг победами над монстрами и применять предметы в различных областях реального мира. Ordinal Scale (OS) - это функция в игре, и все игроки получают ранг, основанный на их порядковых номерах. Таким образом, топовые игроки обладают несокрушимой силой. В соло-PvP порядковый ранг - это важный фактор, определяющий во многом победу и поражение.