Jeff Gadigan


Во вдовце из Окленда вновь проснулась жажда справедливости, когда он понял, что местное убийство странным образом похоже на нераскрытое убийство его жены, совершенное много лет назад.
Hipster outside bar
Во вдовце из Окленда вновь проснулась жажда справедливости, когда он понял, что местное убийство странным образом похоже на нераскрытое убийство его жены, совершенное много лет назад.
Wild Boar
Assistant Camera
A small group of treasure seekers, also known as "Geocachers," who trek into to the desert to conquer a Geocache Challenge. Out in the wild they stumble upon a forbidden world flooded with radiation and inhabited by a race of bloodthirsty mutants who have evolved from pigs.
Wild Boar
Boom Operator
A small group of treasure seekers, also known as "Geocachers," who trek into to the desert to conquer a Geocache Challenge. Out in the wild they stumble upon a forbidden world flooded with radiation and inhabited by a race of bloodthirsty mutants who have evolved from pigs.
Wild Boar
A small group of treasure seekers, also known as "Geocachers," who trek into to the desert to conquer a Geocache Challenge. Out in the wild they stumble upon a forbidden world flooded with radiation and inhabited by a race of bloodthirsty mutants who have evolved from pigs.
Tahitian #1 (uncredited)
Set in contemporary Manhattan, it follows four young people as they start their first jobs at a news website.