Mitsuo Kato


Osaka Tough
The film takes place in a dark area of the giant city of Osaka and tells about a group of people who find themselves at the bottom of society, and about the courage of a man who defies the city of violence in search of his beloved sister.
Adventures of Princess Anmitsu
Враг находится в Хонно-дзи!
Фильм основан на реальных событиях конца XVI века. Кульминацией фильма стал ключевой момент в истории Японии, 21 июня 1582 года, когда Акэти Мицухидэ, ближайший вассал Ода Нобунага, решается на предательство и направляет свои войска на храм Хонно-дзи, где расположилась свита его сюзерена. Этим был положен конец эпохи Нобунага и открыт путь для Хидэёси и Токугава Иэясу.
Onatsu Detective Case: Mad Slasher
Japanese crime film
Tatsuo Osone movie
Love in the Mountains
Original Music Composer
A mother and her daughter who run a quiet mountain hotel, and guests who visit the hotel. A girl who does not know what a broken heart is, the attractive joy of first love, and separation is like parting with life. The mother-daughter duet with Isuzu Yamada attracted a lot of attention at that time. Haruko Wanibuchi, demonstrated rare attractiveness and pure charm by playing a heroine living in a beautiful and pure first love.
Original Music Composer
Red Pants
Original Music Composer
A woman diver in great peril is rescued by Shinji, a fisherman. But his deed is belittled by Takiko, another diver, as a rash act. Her attitude, however, is nothing but a cloak to hide her affection for him. Shinji, hard working and manly, becomes the focus of many yearning eyes and Seikichi, the boss' son, picks a quarrel with him and violent fight ensues in which Shinji kills a man in self-defense.
Kaze no uchi so to
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
One Step to Happiness
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Night School
An Ishiro Honda Film.
Miai Ryokou
A chance ride in a car leads to an unforgettable relationship. A misunderstanding leads to more misunderstanding... Love and thrills in this coming-of-age romance film.
World War II
Original Music Composer
Japanese documentary.
Haru no Wakakusa
Original Music Composer
Bikkuri Sanjuushi
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Undersea Girls
Original Music Composer
A semidocumentary film about female pearl divers and fishermen.
Original Music Composer
Kemono no yado
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Sakon Detective Story: Handprint in Fresh Blood
Original Music Composer