Jan Reiff


Стальные двери
Director of Photography
Молодой человек просыпается в комнате без окон, но с огромной железной дверью и железным шкафом, закрытым на замок. На все его крики о помощи и стуки в дверь никто не отзывается. Что ему делать — неизвестно. Понятно только одно: отсчет часов до его смерти уже запущен, ведь без еды и без воды долго ему не протянуть. На второй день он обнаруживает ключ от шкафа, спрятанный в плафоне лампы освещения. В шкафу обнаруживается зубило молоток и автоген. Запертый в комнате он начинает долбить дыру в бетонной стене. За стеной обнаруживается такая же точно комната с такой же огромной железной дверью. Разница только одна — в комнате стоит гроб, а в нем лежит живая африканская девушка, ни слова не понимающая по-английски. Вдвоем они продолжают игру на выживание.
Insanity, evil, and murder rule the woods
Director of Photography
Insanity, evil, and murder rule the woods
Insanity, evil, and murder rule the woods
Makeup Artist
Insanity, evil, and murder rule the woods
Ted / Zombie
Insanity, evil, and murder rule the woods
Insanity, evil, and murder rule the woods
Requiem der Teufel
An angry husband comes home to find his wife having an affair with another man. He kills her. He kills her lover. He kills an innocent witness who happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Unfortunately for him, his murder victims come back as zombies. And these zombies proceed to play a lot of very nasty tricks on him (razor blades in spaghetti anyone). Will he survive?
Requiem der Teufel
An angry husband comes home to find his wife having an affair with another man. He kills her. He kills her lover. He kills an innocent witness who happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Unfortunately for him, his murder victims come back as zombies. And these zombies proceed to play a lot of very nasty tricks on him (razor blades in spaghetti anyone). Will he survive?
Der Traum vom Fahren
On a lonely dirt road, a car gives up the ghost. Further desperate attempts to start it also fail. After several days, the car becomes a prison for its driver and the situation takes on traumatic forms.
Der Traum vom Fahren
On a lonely dirt road, a car gives up the ghost. Further desperate attempts to start it also fail. After several days, the car becomes a prison for its driver and the situation takes on traumatic forms.
Der Traum vom Fahren
On a lonely dirt road, a car gives up the ghost. Further desperate attempts to start it also fail. After several days, the car becomes a prison for its driver and the situation takes on traumatic forms.
Ted, Tina and a friend are going on a hike. When darkness falls, they look for a suitable shelter in the forest. They spend the night in an abandoned hut, without suspecting that something evil is hiding in the walls.
Ted, Tina and a friend are going on a hike. When darkness falls, they look for a suitable shelter in the forest. They spend the night in an abandoned hut, without suspecting that something evil is hiding in the walls.
The Color Red
After a man comes into possession of a mysterious wooden chest, he is killed by diabolical demons. Years later, his son Bob tries to destroy the chest and in turn gets to deal with all sorts of undead creatures.
The Color Red
After a man comes into possession of a mysterious wooden chest, he is killed by diabolical demons. Years later, his son Bob tries to destroy the chest and in turn gets to deal with all sorts of undead creatures.