Agustín Bescos


Cuernos de mujer
Señor Mayor
Ana works in an office where the things are going very badly. One night after having dinner with nasty rich people, she has a discussion with her husband. He dissapears and then the life of Ana changes: she has incredible luck in gambling.
Todo es mentira
Pablo hates everything. When Lucia comes into his life, he thinks she's the woman he dreams of, and sees the solution to all his problems. But Lucia, who is rather manipulating, is just what will make Pablo explode. Nobody believes in the ideal couple, not even Pablo's friends, who live all in couples, and all with problems: Between Ariel and Lola there is a professional rivalty they don't know how to cope with; Claudio lives on Natalia, and none of them feels good about it; what's wrong with Alejandro and Beatriz is just the big age difference between them two. Nobody is happy with his partenaire, but everyone will let it be, maybe for conformism, maybe for fear, maybe for lazyness, or maybe because Everything is false.
Femenino singular
¡Que vienen los socialistas!
(as Agustín Besco)
Spain, 1982. In a small Spanish town produces special shock announcement of the next election. And above all, the political forces in center and right are moved to the claim that the Socialists will win by a landslide. Then begins the hunt for possible partnerships. Each of the delegates of the center parties want to win the favor of the delegate of the PSOE in the area.
Nightmare City
Man in Elevator (uncredited)
In a nameless European city, a local reporter and his doctor wife try to escape from hordes of blood thirsty zombies, undead people exposed to nuclear radioactivity, while the military leaders fight a losing war of attrition against the relentless atomic zombies.
Despido improcedente
(as Agustín Besco)
Where Time Began
Like in the novel of Jules Verne four persons try to get to the centre of the world by entering into a world of caves by a volcano. On their way they discover among other things also prehistoric animals like some dinosaurs,
El espiritista
Alberto Ramos, known as ‘the best photographer in Lisbon’, is also a famous medium who uses his professional gift to enjoy a libertine lifestyle that gives him access to the upper social classes. Margarida Malveira, a rich 50-year-old widow, consults him in the hopes of establishing contact with the love of her life, deceased 30 years prior. After one session, the spirit of Margarida’s husband possesses Alberto’s mind, forcing him to take care of his wife. - MOTELX
El erotismo y la informática
La lozana andaluza
In 16th century Rome, Rampín, a friendly and shameless rogue, exploits his arts of deception. He lives with his aunt, Napolitana, a pimp dedicated to the same trades as his nephew. With the arrival of a beautiful Andalusian, Lozana, her fortune enters their house by making her the most beautiful courtesan in Rome. Lozana and Rampín reach an agreement: he will be at her service, taking her lovers home, and she will treat him like a king and give him the best, something that others will never have. But one fine day, Don Sancho, a handsome Spaniard, falls in love with her.
El malentendido
Jan , a young man whose life passes successfully, rich and in love, decides to renew ties with his family, which he had abandoned some many years ago. So, together with his wife Maria , he returns to his hometown and, more specifically, to the pension run by his mother and sister. Not knowing how to reveal his true identity, Jan stays at the hostel, waiting for the right moment for his statement. However a cruel fate awaits you. His mother and sister Martha have the habit of murdering the travelers.
Cry, Onion!
Oil Board Member (uncredited)
Onion Jack (Franco Nero) has bought a piece of land on which to settle, but the property is still in possession of the orphans of the original owner and is coveted by the local oil baron.
La última jugada
Police official (uncredited)
A policeman must infiltrate the criminal underworld to investigate the theft of some paintings. The first clue leads him to a Latin American country, where a military prepares for a coup.
Run, Run, Joe!
Man in Elevator (uncredited)
When a don who they were suppose to protect ends up dead, his bodyguard and bodyguard's friend must go under cover to escape the wrath of mob.
Me has hecho perder el juicio
Fuzzy the Hero
Shosena, a clever bank robber, is associated with "Jaguar" to take a big hit. They think the town where the bank owned dock Koven, a man who has against all the farmers of the place. His only son, George, is in love with the daughter of Rush, his most angry enemy. And ... coincidentally, Shosena and "Jaguar" to justify their stay in the village, get to work for him.
Нож для колки льда
Pharmacist (uncredited)
Тринадцатилетняя девочка Марта Колдуэлл становится свидетельницей гибели своих родителей в страшной железнодорожной катастрофе. Сама Марта, едва оставшись в живых и перенеся страшный шок, становится немой. Проходит много лет. Всё ещё немая Марта живёт со своим дядей Ральфом в испанской провинции. Однажды в их дом приезжает двоюродная сестра Марты по имени Дженни, чтобы побыть немного со своими родными. Но вскоре её кто-то убивает…
Голая девушка убита в парке
Party guest (uncredited)
Бизнесмен Иоганн Валленбергер погибает на аттракционе «Поезд-призрак» в Луна-парке. Сразу возникает два вопроса: что он делал на детском аттракционе, и почему ему понадобилось умереть несколько часов спустя после оформления страховки на один миллион долларов? Страховая компания подозревает, что здесь что-то нечисто и отправляет детектива Криса Байера расследовать обстоятельства смерти их клиента. Крис знакомится с одной из дочерей Валленбергера Кэтрин, которая рассказывает детективу, что она получила по телефону смертельные угрозы. Вскоре Крис оказывается в доме семьи Валленбергеров, где знакомится с вдовой Иоганна и загадочной сестрой Кэтрин. Вскоре ситуация запутывается окончательно. Может ли Крис рассчитывать на помощь Кэтрин?…
Ligue Story
Padrino de Mary Luz (uncredited)
High Voltage
Pedro il maggiordomo
José, a young mechanic, arrives in Madrid to make it big. After being conned he loses his savings, and is taken in by Elisa, a photographer. She introduces him to Pablo and Laura. Laura makes him an offer he cant refuse and then his troubles really begin.
Sin un adiós
Reporter (uncredited)
Mario Leyva, famous singer in full glory harassed every day more for his "fans", takes the life that they allow him, dedicated to his art and directed professionally by his "manager". His popularity makes him be mixed in the advertising of a brand of cigarettes by advertising phrases that repeat themselves in all the languages.
Dele color al difunto
Bank Teller
Дэвид Голт покидает своего отца, ветерана Гражданской войны, Джозиа и обосновывается в Техасе. Сын меняет свое имя, живет в относительном одиночестве, пока банда его отца не вторгается в Техас шесть лет спустя...
Objetivo: BI-KI-NI
Hombre en terraza al final (uncredited)
In Cape Kennedy, a con man accidentally swallows a valuable microfilm, believing it a pill for heartburn. Parody of the James Bond films.
Death Knows No Time
Court Official (uncredited)
Forced to abandon their land that was sold to the United States, a group of Mexicans turns into bandits. Their leader, Rojas, with the help of Trevor organizes a big robbery. But, caught by the sheriff, he is condemned to 20 years of prison. Threatening to torture Rojas' son, Trevor learns where the money is hidden, not realizing that Rojas' revenge would be so ruthless...
A Devil Under the Pillow
Anselmo is a young anthropologist who is tormented by jealousy, and although his wife Camilla does not give reasons, keeps a close eye on her. After consulting a psychiatrist, the doctor says the problem is him and not his wife. So he plots to verify, once and for all, if his suspicions are true. By chance he meets an old friend, Lotario, who seems the ideal person to carry out his plans. What Anselmo does not know is that his friend is a real womanizer who ends seducing his wife.
Amor en el aire
An Argentine travels to Spain to begin his studies. During the flight, he causes so much troubles to a flight attendant that she is fired. At home, the ex flight attendant discovers some dresses that belonged to her grandmother and decides to try her luck with an artist representative. There she will find the guy who caused his dismissal. Both fail to act in Barcelona, ​​but the boy's father attended the performance, being surprised, because he believed his son was studying in Madrid.
An Ideal Husband
Ринго - маска мести
В карманах Фиделя всего лишь пара монет, но зато он является обладателем карты, на которой указано место, где спрятаны огромные сокровища. Эта карта вытатуирована у него на спине, однако она содержит не весь рисунок и чтобы узнать точное расположение клада, необходимо отыскать хранителя остальной его части. Группе авантюристов становится известно об сокровищах и они собираются провернуть это дело и забрать весь клад себе. Начинается настоящая охота за золотом...
Julio César
After Pompey's defeat at the Battle of Farsalia, Julius Caesar becomes the beacon of the Roman Republic and the master of its destiny; but many patricians want to avoid the birth of a tyranny and plot to assassinate him…
Gunfighters of Casa Grande
In this western, a gambler wins a big Mexican ranch and decides to herd all of the cattle upon it into Texas. The crook enlists the aide of a few Mexicans, but they don't realize he plans to cheat them. En route, the cattle drivers are ambushed by banditos. They survive, but during the course of the struggle, the cattle hands learn the truth and ensure that justice gets served.
Heroes of the West
Two stage robbers impersonate the heirs to a gold mine but end up defending the families they intended to rip-off.
Relevo para un pistolero
Robert, dueño del caballo
A stranger from Boston offers a notorious Arizona outlaw a job he can’t refuse.
El juego de la verdad
Lucia is a mature woman who maintains a relationship with the young John. When he is found murdered in a bullring with a nail stuck in his chest, Lucia is the prime suspect, it is believed that the motive for the crime was jealousy because it felt for her daughter Marta, which had also been seduced by John.
As if It Were Raining
Man with white hair (uncredited)
A writer stumbles into a job as a mob enforcer.
The Shadow of Zorro
Bartender (uncredited)
A battle between revolutionary Mexicans and the U.S. cavalry brings Zorro onto the scene to enact vengeance for violent acts incurred by the cavalry Sergeant. Once the Sergeant is killed, Don Jose de la Torre retires from being Zorro and settles down to live a quiet life. The brother of the Sergeant, in an act of his own justice, dons the costume of Zorro and terrorizes the countryside. In an act to draw out the true Zorro, the imposter kidnaps Don Jose's wife, making him once again don the mask to rescue her.
Two Against All
Villager (uncredited)
Two brothers, Bull and Jonathan Bullivan, witness the murder of bandit Black Boy who had been terrorizing Golden City. The bandit had been put in place by the city mayor, who wants the local residents to leave so that he can keep their land, where there is oil. The two brothers eat a chicken that has been fed with a strong tonic and they become sort of invincible for a few minutes. The mayor, pressured by the villagers, appoints the Bullivan Brothers as sheriffs and tasks them with the arrest of Black Boy.
El balcón de la Luna
Miembro de la sociedad filantrópica (uncredited)
Torrejón City
Tom Rodriguez, a young cowboy, arrives in Torrejón City. However in Torrejón City the unsuspecting Tom is mistaken for the famous outlaw Tim El Malo and the people want to lynch him.
Alfredo is a cheerful party animal, son of a wealthy man. Alfredo's brother, a young very focused and mature boy, and their father try unsuccessfully to change the profligate lifestyle of Alfredo to remedy the dissolute life of the latter, which, by all indications, is clearly gay.