Javier Agirre Erauso

Рождение : 1975-03-31, Irun, Gipuzkoa, Basque Country


The first step is taken inward and in silence.
Director of Photography
Террористы убивают мужа главной героини, из-за чего вся её жизнь идёт наперекосяк. Полная решимости — не отомстить, но понять, почему это произошло, — она просит организовать встречи с теми, кто участвовал в том нападении и сейчас сидит в тюрьме. После этих встреч жизнь Майсабель и других жертв террористической атаки меняется, подарив им надежду на прощение, новую жизнь и свободу.
Hondalea: Marine Abyss
The sculptor Cristina Iglesias has made what is probably the most important work in her career to date, Hondalea. Her intervention in the Lighthouse on San Sebastian's Santa Clara Island. Taking her inspiration from the island's wild nature and the peculiar geology of the Basque coast, the sculpture by Cristina Iglesias transforms the interior of the lighthouse, now restored and converted into a vertiginous sculptural space. The cast-metal geological strata and the water flowing to the rhythm of the waves and the tides will offer the visitor a profound experience. This film looks at the process of building the work.
Death Knell
Human bones are found at the Garizmendi farmhouse. Farmers Fermin and Karmen call their son Nestor, who reports the matter to the authorities. But, when the agents turn up, the bones are gone. Suddenly, the bell on the nearby chapel begins to peal. This bad omen announces the coming of tragic events and reopens old wounds within the family and those around it.
Director of Photography
Страна Басков, 1609 год. Чтобы оттянуть собственную казнь, обвиненные в колдовстве женщины заманивают инквизитора на шабаш ведьм.
Director of Photography
During lockdown, Telmo Esnal recovered a long-forgotten project: 'UR', a tale by Pablo Azkue taking a deep look at the conscience and the sea. 'Urtzen' is a special cinematic essay, a curious collage which, recycling and reusing dialogues, images and music, reflects on existence.
Arzak Since 1897
The story of the transformation of traditional cooking into nouvelle cuisine through 100 years of history at Donostia's Arzak restaurant, run by Juan Mari Arzak and his daughter Elena Arzak.
Mateo's Mother
Director of Photography
After a period of time without seeing his mother, Anjel Mari decides to bite the bullet and go and visit her at the nursing home to which she has been admitted. He doesn’t like seeing how his mother has disappeared under the skin of a senile old woman who does not recognise her own children.
Преимущества путешествий поездами
Director of Photography
Импозантный мужчина в поезде знакомится с молодой женщиной по имени Хельга Пато. Он представляется психиатром Анхелем Санагустином и рассказывает о самом кошмарном случае из своей практики – истории параноика. Она скорее напоминает причудливые сказки «Тысячи и одной ночи», но оказывается лишь началом череды поразительных происшествий, погружающих Хельгу в водоворот безумия, перверсий и маний.
Вечный окоп
Director of Photography
Молодожены Ихиньо и Роза сталкиваются с началом гражданской войны в Испании, которая представляет собой угрозу для жизни Ихиньо. Он вынужден прятаться в своем доме, опасаясь быть застреленным франкистами. С помощью своей жены Ихиньо решает использовать яму, вырытую в собственном доме, в качестве укрытия. Страх потенциального возмездия и любовь, которую они испытывают друг к другу, обрекают супружескую пару на 30-летнее заключение.
Director of Photography
When the rain ends, life sprouts from the earth. A fruit grows and becomes the apple that gives life to the cider. Then comes the time of harvest, toasting and celebrating love. A story about the cycle of life and death, of the struggle for survival. Where the passage of time is marked by the course of nature, music and dance.
Director of Photography
Халил живет в маленьком городке, где высокие здания граничат с болотами. Он постоянно навещает старика по имени Хосе Рамон. Тот делит со своим братом дом, но отказывается говорить с ним. Потерянные души обитают в этих болотах, никогда не пересекаясь и не заботясь друг о друге.
Late for Break Time
During a football training, two friends celebrate a goal effusively, which causes an unexpected reaction in one of them.
Director of Photography
Вернувшись после гражданской войны с парализованной рукой, Мартин узнаёт, что его младший брат внезапно начал расти и уже вымахал за два с половиной метра. Чтобы прокормить семью в стране, которая опустошена войной, Мартин убеждает брата согласиться выступать на потеху толпе, а сам становится его антрепренёром. Однако, всё меняется когда братья понимают, что гигантизм - это опасная болезнь и гиганты долго не живут.
Two-player tennis are about to have an intense match. The game ends abruptly in the first point.
El último verano
Director of Photography
Twelve short films, twelve portraits of the city of San Sebastian.
Скалистый берег
Photoscience Manager
Экранизация романа Лусии Эчебарии "Суть тишины". Габриэль получает неожиданный звонок с известием о массовом самоубийстве секты на Канарских островах. Его младшая сестра, с которой он много лет не общался, была одним из адептом и, вероятнее всего, погибла вместе со всеми. Как единственный родственник, Габриэль отправляется на Канарские острова, чтобы выяснить что же произошло с его сестрой. Эта поездка заставит его переосмыслить своё прошлое и будущее...
Director of Photography
Pushed by the fear of losing her friends, Silvia has invited them to a sleepover. But things can be complicated when your home is not exactly what your friends may call a home...
Ghost Ship
Director of Photography
A sinister tale of ships and shipwrecks, love and cinema, ghosts and vampires. Bram Stoker, author of Dracula, his wife Florence Balcombe and her relationship with Oscar Wilde. Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau and the lurking shadow of Count Orlok, the undead, the nosferatu. A mysterious cruise ship, a profaned tomb, an exciting adventure.
Years after their break-up, Tanya and Josean meet again at a conference on renewable energy. She has a lot to tell him...
The story of a family; the story of a conflict. The rural and the urban, the past and the present, parents and their offspring: opposing ways of life struggle against one another whilst, in eloquent silence, the grandmother ('amama') watches her family’s destiny unfold.
Ane is in her mid-forties and delighted when a stunning bouquet of flowers is delivered to her home. But the site manager has no idea who to thank – one thing is for sure; her jealous husband, Ander, is not the unknown cavalier. As these gallantries increase, always on a Thursday and always with an anonymous sender, Ane’s life takes on a new direction. The life of Lourdes is also sent into turmoil by beautiful bouquets of flowers: Since the death of her husband in a traffic accident, flowers have been deposited regularly at the scene. Lourdes’ mother-in-law, Tere, is determined to get to the bottom of the anonymous flowers. Jon Garaño and José Mari Goenaga’s feature film debut pays charming homage to three headstrong women and the power of flowers.
She Bought It in Zarautz
Often, when Miren goes to order her coffee, so­meone jumps the queue. But the day she reali­ses that a blouse has been stolen from her shop she decides to put her foot down.
Second Unit Cinematographer
Arid soil, sun, wind. A procession crosses the landscape. The echoes of their prayers bring the rain.
Cutting Grass
Moritats are old folk songs about crimes and are typical of Central Europe. Zela Trovke is a moritat from Slovakia which the Holland Baroque Society has recovered to include in its Barbaric Beauty programme. Maite Larburu, the orchestra’s violinist, unveils the song's hidden secrets.
The Arrieta Method
Mentxu and Lourdes Arrieta cannot speak. They cannot control their muscles. Two sisters born with a congenital disorder, labeled "retarded" or "lost" even by those who loved them, with no way to communicate, created a unique language for themselves.
Director of Photography
Cholera: Path. Acute, infectious disease, often epidemic and very serious.
Dragon Hunter
Gorka has long postponed again and again the answer to the pressing questions that his son Aitor asks about his past. Gorka, a member of ETA political-military until its dissolution in the early eighties, ends joining the guerrillas in Central America. A life experience shared with Maddalen, a nurse and committed Christian, with José, an indigenous guerrilla member, and Andrés a former military, head of the insurrection. An experience that will transform them all.
Every day, at the same time, Antonio and Santi have a strange conversation. Three women are witness to it.
Deus et Machina
The employee comes to the factory every day. He is the only person who is qualified to do his particular job. It is precise, mundane, and repetitive work. Every morning he goes through the same drill, starting up each machine. Today, though, he has made a decision...
The Gold Ring
Father lost his wedding ring in the ocean once. Like all the sailors, he’d take it from his finger to put on a neck chain, not to lose the finger as the net went out.
Bi anai
At the death of his father, Paulo, the youngest son, will have to be in charge of his mentally handicapped brother Daniel. Based on the novel by Bernardo Atxaga.
Urte berri on, amona!
The misfortunes of a couple who have to take care of the wife’s elderly mother.
El método Julio
In the outskirts of Caracas, in Petare, one of most violents hoods in South America, a woman teaches with "el método Julio" writing and reading.
¿Por qué te vas?
Short film in homage to José Luis Rebordinos and Olaciregui Lucia, who had left the direction of the Fantasy Film Horror of San Sebastian, after 21 years in charge
For 80 Days
Axun, a 70 year old woman, is called from the hospital to take care of her daughter's ex-husband, who was seriously injured in a car accident. To her surprise, the woman who takes care of the other patient in the same hospital room turns out to be Maite, her best friend when teenagers. They have not seen each other for more than 50 years. The hospital visits will show that the close relationship they had when teenagers is still alive. Their relationship was very special fifty years ago but nowadays the same feelings flourish. Where is the thin line that separates friendship from desire?
La casa del nazareno
The documentary shows the work of Mirentxu Egiguren and her colaborators in the Civic house known as 'La casa del Nazareno'.
Sukalde kontuak
Director of Photography
Sent to work, sent to earn a living. This is the reality millions of children must face in Africa nowadays, in spite of their extreme youth.
Ahate pasa
Suddenly, ducks cross the screen.
On the Line
An ordinary Saturday in the South of California. Adam, a lower middle class North-American man, sees off his wife and children to carry out his weekly task.
Документальный фильм об испанском анархисте Лусио Уртубиа. Он выбрал Действие... и победил. Маленький человек оказался на голову выше монстров Системы. Жизнь как фантасмагория воплощенных идеалов Сопротивления. От борьбы с режимом Франко, экспроприаций и контрабандной деятельности — к грандиозному штурму мировой финансовой цитадели.
Aupa Etxebeste!
The same day that the Etxebeste Family are leaving for their holidays, they lost all their money. They have to keep up appearances in front of the residents, so they will hide them selves at home. During their stay at home the Etxebestes will throw each other miserys and lies but later they will enjoy the best holidays in their life.
Straight Men & the Men Who Love Them
A collection of 7 shorts that explores the relationships between gay men and straight men. Includes: Coffee Date (2001); In the Name of the Father [Em Nome do Pai] (2002); Misguided Piss (2002); Popcorn & Coke (2004); Space 2 [Espacio 2] (2001); Truth or Dare [Verdade ou Consequência] (2002); Uninhibited (2004).
The Dragon House
The Dragon House portrays the confrontation between tradition and modernity which the Kingdom of Bhutan is currently experiencing. This is done by means of two Bhutanese characters: a young Buddhist monk, heir to the local tradition, and the first disc jockey to dare to play House and Techno music in the small Himalayan kingdom.
Tercero B
A woman entrusts her belongings to a stranger while she goes into the sea to take a swim. But when she comes out again, the stranger has disappeared, taking everything with him, including the keys to her house.