Shang-Ho Huang

Shang-Ho Huang

Рождение : 1983-10-01, Taiwan


Shang-Ho Huang


“Siaulian”, who is released from prison and trying to turn his life back to track, runs into his childhood friend Tang, now a police officer, in a gang fight. Siaulian is wanted by the gangs since he has been made the one responsible for the fight. Siaulian is forced to form his own gang in order to protect his family and seek revenge. Eventually, he is wanted by both the gangsters and the police. As for Tang, he is struggling to protect his dearest friend as he is actually the reason why Siaulian was sentenced to prison.
The film is set in a pre-Covid Taipei, where a group of disenchanted souls are lost in a parallel virtual world.
Treat or Trick
Han Shang
Feng, a corrupted police officer, ordered to retrieve the diamonds within 48hrs, arrives at a remote village, following the mobile signal of his partner Chiang who stole the diamonds from the gang. While Feng and his men try to find Chiang in the village, they encounter the locals who seem naive but suspicious, and a ghost full of stories. Remake of a renowned Korean film To Catch A Virgin Ghost (2004).
Gatao: The Last Stray
A Qing encounters the photographer Xiao Qi at the full moon banquet of the daughter of the big brother Ren Ge at the corner of the Beiguan. They fall in love with each other. But, sadly, they aren't able to stay together at the end.
Wrath of Desire
Yin Wei
Androgynous Phoenix Du, the illicit daughter of a presidential candidate, kills the thug who breaks into her apartment to silence her. She comes before prosecutor Jade Liu, guilt-ridden from the suicide of her brother and her strict Catholic upbringing. Before demanding Phoenix’s three-and-a-half years sentence for manslaughter, Jade has a night of passion with her that redirects both their lives. Phoenix writes her hundreds of letters and begs her to wait for her release. In fear of her own desire, Jade marries Meng Ye, the genderless young man she saved from prison who reminds her of her brother…
The Silent Forest
Hearing-impaired teenager Chang Cheng transfers to a school for children with special needs. However, the world of the hearing-impaired doesn’t seem quiet at all. When Chang witnesses the game taking place in the last row on the school bus, his excitement about blending into a new environment immediately turns into fear.
What Con Lovers Do
Нина У
Assistant Director
Мечтая стать известной актрисой, Нина У уходит из небольшой театральной компании в провинции и уезжает в большой город. Воплощение мечты затягивается, девушка живёт одинокой жизнью, страдая от депрессии. Когда она наконец получает роль в шпионском фильме, вместо ожидаемой славы её ждут одни несчастья.
The Gangs, the Oscars, and the Walking Dead
Hsiao Wu
Two friends want to make a genre movie. However, there is not enough money. Therefore, besides their regular jobs as being flmmakers in the day time, they join the local gang in order to make extra petty cash at nights. One day, big boss is deeply favored by him.
Весеннее половодье
Master Huang/黄师傅
Журналистка Го Цзяньбо живёт вместе с матерью-пенсионеркой и малолетней дочерью. Делая репортажи о социальных проблемах общества, женщина пытается разобраться со своей собственной драмой. Её мать, бывшая учительница, всегда вела активную общественную жизнь и пользовалась уважением окружающих, но дома её мало волновали дела семьи. Дочь же входит в подростковый возраст и бунтует против взрослых.
Long Time No Sea
Zhong-Xun Yu
Yearning to reunite with his father in Kaohsiung city, Manawei joins his elementary school’s dance troupe.
Гатао 2: новый король
Ren has finally succeeded his boss as the head of the North Fort Gang. For so long, his ambitions had been held back; now, he can realize them. But the ruthless Jian returns with his own gang. Though Ren and Jian were once like brothers, Ren's position is challenged, causing tensions with Qing, his loyal captain. Now that former friends are enemies, what is the price of loyalty? What will be left of friendship when the smoke of battle clears?
miss world
A young woman comes home to Taiwan, to say goodbye to her father before he goes to prison.
Thanatos, Drunk
They live in an old house on the fringe of Taipei City: Rat and his elder gay brother Shanghe. Two brothers look for jobs to survive while search for themselves and long for a foothold in life. The younger works at market where he meets a mute woman who gets up to all sorts of craziness. The elder is attracted to a nightclub dancer and finds himself drawn into shifty business.
Tomorrow Comes Today
A Chinese food delivery boy is looking for his mother in New York City. And the picture he carries as his mother is actually a picture of Marlene Dietrich. It’s a black comedy about living in between cultures and how an individual finding a masculine identity in such environment.
Sandy & Chris
A couple has been happily married for years. One night, the husband confesses to his wife that he is gay. However, they decide to stick together and live together even after getting divorced. Once after drinking at a night club, they both get lucky. But fate has a final trick up the sleeve. Different relationships in one bed. It is as hilarious as it gets.