Morten Revsgaard Frederiksen


Nation Estate
Executive Producer
A clinically dystopian, yet humorous approach to the deadlock in the Middle East.
Petey & Ginger
Executive Producer
When the global economy collapses the only true victors are those that weren't invited to the boom. Petey plays in a band and works in a pornography warehouse; Ginger works the night shift in a bar. From opposite coasts of the country, the two provide their personal takes on individual vs. collective crisis, together weaving a narrative that exposes a wasteland of shattered economic dreams, unfulfilled social promises and a bleak reality that only music and friendship can float freely above.
Executive Producer
Деннис Питерсен — изрезанный глубокими морщинами и щедро покрытый татуировками человек-шкаф, человек-Шрек, похожий на зелёного огра не только гигантским телом и каменной башкой, но и детской наивностью. Профессиональный бодибилдер, подрабатывающий охранником, живёт с сухонькой и седенькой мамой, ведёт себя тише воды-ниже травы и безнадёжно мечтает о постоянной девушке. И вот однажды, последовав примеру друга семьи и закрыв глаза на пассивно-агрессивное поведение мамы, Деннис отправляется в Таиланд, где доступных девушек не счесть…
Out of Love
Executive Producer
Fusing documentary and fiction, the film depicts the lives of children trying to survive the aftermath of war in Kosovo by selling cigarettes on the street. Through monologues performed by the children against the eerie backdrops of Pristina, the film tells their gripping and sad story of memory, loss and fear.
Out of Love
Production Manager
Fusing documentary and fiction, the film depicts the lives of children trying to survive the aftermath of war in Kosovo by selling cigarettes on the street. Through monologues performed by the children against the eerie backdrops of Pristina, the film tells their gripping and sad story of memory, loss and fear.
Squat 69
"For Sale! Including 500 violent stone throwers from Hell", was the message from the controversial squat 'Ungdomshuset' in Copenhagen, Denmark. The film takes a balanced look behind the barricades and follows the definitive last year in the life of the squatters before all was demolished in March 2007 and riots broke out in Copenhagen.