Masayoshi Mizoguchi


Зимний цветок
Кано — якудза. Он должен убить Мацуоку, который предал их босса. Кано знал, что у Мацуоки была трёхлетняя дочь, поэтому прежде, чем сдаться полиции, он попросил, чтобы его человек, которому он доверял, заботился о ней. В тюрьме Кано продолжал посылать письма девочке, маскируясь под дядю из Бразилии. 15 лет спустя Кано выходит из тюрьмы. Бывший якузда настроен жить, не нарушая закон, однако жизнь вносит свои коррективы.
Nuns That Bite
Sound Recordist
A woman on the run is raped, rescued, then raped again. Escaping, she heads for the hills and finds safe haven at a convent. After becoming a postulant (trainee nun), she catches her fellow sisters engaging in lesbianism, fighting over nothing, hurling snakes at each other, and engaging in mild flesh eating.
Hokuriku Proxy War
Sound Recordist
In the setting of the Hokuriku region, where the snow and cold winds rage, for the first time in true-life yakuza film history, director Kinji Fukasaku shows battles among yakuza who value land over tradition. Hiroki Matsukata stars as Noboru Kawada, a Hokuriku yakuza who will use any measure for survival, disregarding parents, brothers, and tradition.
The Yakuza Code Still Lives
Sound Recordist
After spending eight years in prison for murder, Hiroshi leaves his yakuza family to start a new life as a labor racketeer.
Большая война якудза на Окинаве
Sound Recordist
В 1972 году формальный суверенитет над префектурой Окинава вернулся от США к Японии. Банды с большой земли устремились урвать свой кусок, но встретили сопротивление местных якудза, которые объединились в союз, дабы не допустить на свою землю чужаков. Однако не все местные боссы оказались истинными патриотами, некоторые были готовы влиться в крупнейшие токийские банды, что привело к большой войне якудза на Окинаве.
A Savage Beast Goes Mad
Sound Recordist
Test driver Hayami loses control of his car and rolls over. His company then learns that he has kept secret that he is visually impaired, and he is fired. Without the prospect of returning to his old job he makes a plan to rob several jewelry stores. A few days later, Hayami escapes with stolen goods worth 80 million yen in a violin case on a Kyoto city bus. A wild chase ensues.
Evil Doers
Sound Recordist
Hiroki Matsukata plays Ogata, an Osakan restaurant worker that gets sent to prison for murder. The film details his subsequent attempts to escape. It's the third and final entry in the "Hiroki Matsukata Toei Jailbreak Trilogy" following Escaped Murderer from Hiroshima Prison (1974) and Riot in Shimane Prison (1975), both directed by Sadao Nakajima.
The International Gang of Kobe
In 1947, in Kobe, Japan, a local street gang fights for their survival when its turf is overrun by United States occupation forces and international gangs.
Gambling Den Heist
Sound Recordist
After eight years in prison, Takeshi’s mission is a big heist from his own clan’s gambling parlor.
Джинсовый блюз: Без будущего
Sound Recordist
Судьба сводит вместе «бунтарей без причины» — двух молодых неудачников, разочарованных в жизни и не обременённых моралью.
Yakuza of the Present
Sound Recordist
Battles Without Honor and Humanity
In the teeming black markets of postwar Japan, Shozo Hirono and his buddies find themselves in a new war between factious and ambitious yakuza...
Terrifying Girls' High School: Women's Violent Classroom
Sound Recordist
Delinquent girl boss meets and conflicts with an orphan girl who lives an isolated life after the dramatic deaths of her parents. She plays the piano, but stands up against her lecherous guardian, who is also a school official.
Trials of an Okinawa Village
Sound Recordist
A boss from a trucking company has run-ins with evil yakuza during the American occupation of Okinawa. Her hometown is threatened by usurers, gangsters and indirectly by American GI influences. She must battle a yakuza organization with her employees to help settle things.
Whipmaster: Ballad of Murder
Sound Recordist
Ryotatsu, the wayward Priest blinded by Shinkai, the Wicked Priest, has his own story in this ultra-violent tale from the era of the Meiji Reconstruction. When a woman leaves her blind son at the Monastery, Ryotatsu is forced to teach the boy how to cope as a blind person in old Japan. When he takes the child with him on the road to find the boy's mother, they run afoul of not only yakuza gangsters, but some corrupt army officers have been trying to sway public opinion against the Satsuma rebels by posing as members of Saigo Takamori's group. It's a bloody mistake for them to underestimate the strength of the Blind Priest, and he'll make them pay with their lives!
The Cross of Vengeance
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Film with Junko Miyazono.
Nippon '69 Sexual Curiosity Seeking Zone
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Early Japanese mondo film, also known as Mondo Grottesco.
Bakuchi-uchi: Nagurikomo
5th entry in the Bakuchi-uchi series.
Showdown of Men 4: Tetsu, the White Tiger
Sound Recordist
Tetsu, is a honourable and noble yakuza caught in a conflict between rival clans, and obligations each has toward their yakuza boss and brothers. A railroad line brings changing times to a community. Because Tetsu can't stand by and allow a bunch of yakuza men to molest women, it forces him to battle it out with a knife wielding rival, the unfortunate incident leads to his boss losing face and him having to leave the family to protect it. But the rival family won't stop until they destroy Tetsu who will risk life and love for his brothers.
Golden Ninja
Sound Recordist
Just after the Battle of Sekigahara, a pair of children Denji and Kichizo witnessed a team of the defeated forces hide the Toyotomi treasure. When the leader cuts down the rest of the team, a bloodstained footman seems to be the only survivor, and his image haunts the pair for the next twenty years. As they are serving a prison sentence a plan is hatched to get them released so they can lead their captors to the hidden gold on Hikone Beach. Danger and excitement await the two as they run into unexpected and dangerous obstacles!
Самурай — волк
История о странствующем самурае Киба, попадающем в деревню, где находится почтовая станция, занимающаяся перевозкой товаров. Управляющая станции - молодая, слепая женщина Чизе. Будучи втянут в заговор, связанный с пересылкой крупной суммы денег, самурай соглашается оказать ей поддержку. Присланный на помощь противоборствующей стороне, наемный убийца Санай вступает с ним в схватку, мотив которой, не только деньги но и любовь к Чизе