A desperate homeless couple commit a self-defense homicide, leaving them and their child fugitives in pursuit of safe harbor.
Ms. Prager
Стефани, мама-блогер из маленького городка, оказывает подруге простую услугу, после чего та бесследно исчезает... Вместе с Шоном, мужем пропавшей, Стефани должна докопаться до истины. Отныне их жизни полны тайн и предательств, любви и верности, убийств и мести.
In an attempt to get his life together, Ryan, a slacker in his mid-20s, gets a temp data entry job in a soul-crushing cubicle farm. He volunteers to pull an all-nighter to finish a time-sensitive project for the company. But late at night, alone in the office, Ryan discovers a dying, disheveled man hiding above the ceiling tiles. He's a former employee, the guy Ryan's essentially replacing, and he needs help...