The medium that gives voice to those who have no voice is radio. In northern Iraq, seven young journalists, Muslims, Christians and Yezidis, are giving their microphones to those who want peace. They work for Radio Al-Salam, a station free from political and religious influences. In total freedom, voices are raised on the airwaves and bring back the link within a nation.
After a brutal attack, a young nomad named Sira refuses to surrender to her fate without a fight and instead takes a stand against Islamist terror. A feminist counterpoint to current reporting from the Sahel region.
Февраль 1939 года. Не справляющееся с потоком республиканцев, спасающихся бегством от диктатуры Франко, французское правительство размещает их в лагерях. Двое мужчин, находящиеся по разные стороны колючей проволоки, становятся друзьями. Один – жандарм, другой – художник. От Барселоны до Нью-Йорка, правдивая история Хосепа Бартоли, борца с режимом Франко и исключительного художника.
In 2008, Sami Benboudaoud discovered the hell of Neuilly-sur-Seine. Ten years later, now that everything is for the best for Sami who brilliantly completes his studies of political science, nothing will go for his cousin Charles of Chazelle.