Lighting Technician
Naoto Ogata plays Sadajiro, a young farmer fighting out the battle of the riot through to the end. Sadajiro's wife is played by Hiromi Iwasaki, his father is played by Go Kato and Ryuzo Hayashi plays a leader of the Riot. The Riot in Gujo is called one of the biggest three riots in the Edo Period as it took almost 5 years to settle and also involved the Edo government. This movie is a period film about the riot and Gujo farmers fighting for their tenacity of purpose. The farmers had suffered enough from heavy taxes and decided to rise up in riot when the domain lord, Yorikane, issued a new act, which practically forced tax increases. Asking the lord to retract the act, they pour down to the Hachiman Castle. For once they attain the repeal deed signed by the chief retainer. However the promise is broken. Now the farmers decide to make a direct plea to the Edo Residence…This film is full tension and breathless moments.
Lighting Technician
A young doujinshi writer doesn't win the literary prize award, and ends up killing the selection committee.
Lighting Technician
After the events of the previous film, the 17 years-old Sukeban Deka III, Yui Kazama, works for the Juvenile Security Bureau along with her older sisters Yuka and Yuma. This organization is led by politician Kuraudo Sekin, who fights juvenile crime in heavy-handed manners, to the extent to equip his student agents with triple-bladed yo-yo weapons. However, when Sekin's methods become too zealous, Yui quits the bureau and refuses to undertake undercover missions for them. It is soon discovered that Sekin's actual goal is to overthrow the Japanese government, and the Kazama sisters, along with a gang of young outcasts, have to stop him.
Lighting Technician
A story of the skilled brain surgeon, Todo, whose talent and ambition are put to test through a series of high risk surgical procedures.
Lighting Technician
The story of friendship, love and sportsmanship among high-school students.
Lighting Technician
Story of three people, a barber, a Christian and a graduate of the Tokyo Military Academy during the 2nd World War.
Lighting Technician
In a rural village with a poorly understood but long standing curse from the Dog God, outsiders from a major Tokyo mining corporation scouting for uranium destroy a small shrine and crush a dog under their jeep wheels. After one of the mining company employees marries the daughter of a prominent member of the village, the Dog God’s wrath boils over and people start to die. The village girl and mining company employee start a new life in Tokyo, but the Dog God possesses her and she is deemed mentally ill. The couple returns to the village to perform an exorcism, but it is unsuccessful. As the body count accumulates, the cause of and remedy for the curse becomes more opaque.
Lighting Technician
У мастера Игаки была лучшая школа восточных единоборств в городе. Его главный соперник на этом поприще по имени Никадо решил избавиться от него при помощи команды киллеров экстра-класса. Лишившись глаза, Игаки был вынужден покинуть страну вместе с маленькой дочуркой Юми. Всю свою оставшуюся жизнь он посвятил тому, чтобы сделать из дочери орудие возмездия. После смерти отца Юми отправляется в Токио, чтобы найти Никадо и его головорезов. Неожиданного союзника она находит в лице молодого ученика Масахико. Оказывается, много лет назад Никадо убил его отца — честного полицейского, и Масахико стал учеником убийцы.
Lighting Technician
Миф о легендарной правительнице-шаманке Химико, правившей древним царством Яматай в III веке н.э., изложенный сквозь призму современного взгляда на историю Японии. Химико — жрица, имеющая право общения с божествами солнца. Днем она пророчица, ночами ее, терзаемую желаниями, ласкают рабы. Установленный порядок меняется с возвращением из дальних странствий сводного брата Химико Такэхико, к которому она воспылала безумной страстью. Кровосмесительная любовь не позволяет ей больше общаться с божествами солнца. Приревновав брата к одной из жриц, она подвергает его страшной казни. Затем в борьбе за власть мучительной гибелью завершается и ее жизнь.