Ella Edward


When a burglary goes wrong, a meth addict must choose between his family or his next fix.
Nicky Green
16-летняя героиня волею обстоятельств открывает в себе способности ведьмы, обнаруживает, что мир устроен намного сложнее, чем ей казалось, знакомится с семейством колдунов, встречает свою любовь и вступает в отчаянную схватку с демоном, покушающимся на жизнь ее младшего брата…
The Rehearsal
First-year acting student Stanley mines his girlfriend's family scandal as material for the end-of-year show at drama school. The result is a moral minefield.
Munted is an unusual, multi-award winning, short film about an accusation of pedophilia and its terrible consequences. Set in 1961 in a remote rural community, it tells the story of a ten-year old girl and her friendship with a brain damaged artist. Told through erosions between film and drawing the film is a lyrical and brutal account of the cost of rumour and prejudice.
Just Think of Us Both
Alice Hilary
A young woman is employed as a waitress at the party of an important architect. There she meets his motherless children. When his father realizes the good relationship established within the children and her, he offers her to work as nanny for the holidays. Although their relationship is very tight at first, soon they find an irreplaceable emotional bond.