Camera Operator
Camera Operator
Историческая драма о конфликте на далеком севере, между саамами и норвежскими чиновниками в далеком 1850-1853 годах. Когда конфликт вычерпал себя и перерос в огромный бунт, по тем временам не виданный до сих пор для северонорвежской зоны. По некоторым данным даже в честь этого поставили памятникам саамам в центре Норвегии, уже в 20 веке, так как тот мужественный бунт помнят до сих пор.
First Assistant Camera
Pelle's father joins an activist group and Pelle has to face up to his father.
Assistant Camera
Knut Erik Jensen's personal visual poem, an Elegy for a culture that no longer exists. Stella Polaris is a personal document in fiction form of a bygone era and culture in the northernmost part of Norway. At the same time described the current Finnmark in the scene from our own time. The story is narrated by a woman's eyes, both as children in the busy fishing village and as an adult in the present. She returns to the birthplace and remember how life was before the fishing village was closed. Love story between her and her childhood friend is central to the action. 'Stella Polaris' is in the form of associative told with an unconventional dramaturgy.
The bothers Ken and Bent are separated when their parents are divorced, and grow up as very different persons, before they meet as grown ups. They help each other out, but some years later Bent disappears. Only his crashed Buick is found.
Lighting Production Assistant
Norwegian short film