FRONTLINE investigates Russian President Vladimir Putin’s clashes with multiple American presidents as he’s tried to rebuild the Russian empire. Veteran filmmaker Michael Kirk (Putin’s Revenge, Putin’s Road to War) and his team trace the miscalculations and missteps of U.S. presidents over five administrations, culminating in Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.
Frontline’s season premiere investigates American political leaders and choices they’ve made that have undermined and threatened democracy in the U.S. In a two-hour documentary special premiering ahead of the 2022 midterms, Frontline examines how officials fed the public lies about the 2020 presidential election and embraced rhetoric that led to political violence.
A look inside the Russian assault on Ukraine's second-largest city, Kharkiv, told by displaced families, civilians caught in the fight and first responders.
In an epic three-part documentary series, FRONTLINE investigates the decades-long failure to confront the threat of climate change and the role of the fossil fuel industry. Part One charts the fossil fuel industry’s early research on climate change and investigates industry efforts to sow seeds of doubt about the science. Part Two explores the industry’s efforts to stall climate policy, even as evidence about climate change grew more certain in the new millennium. And as leading climate scientists issue new warnings about climate change, Part Three examines how the fossil fuel industry worked to delay the transition to renewable energy sources — including by promoting natural gas as a cleaner alternative.
В постапокалиптическом мире, потрясенном жестоким восстанием андроидов, молодая беременная женщина и ее парень в отчаянии ищут спасение.
The Taliban take over Afghanistan, and the threat of ISIS and Al Qaeda intensifies. On the ground, reporter Najibullah Quraishi (Leaving Afghanistan, Taliban Country) investigates uncertainty and fear among the Afghan people and revisits the lead-up to the U.S. defeat and the Taliban’s return.
Narrator (voice)
An investigation of Boeing’s flawed 737 Max jet and the crashes that killed 346 people. With the New York Times, revealing the commercial pressures, flawed design, and failed oversight behind the creation of Boeing’s fastest-selling plane.
From veteran FRONTLINE filmmaker and chronicler of U.S. politics Michael Kirk and his team, this documentary traces the U.S. response to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and the devastating consequences that unfolded across four presidencies. Drawing on both new interviews and those from the dozens of documentaries Kirk and his award-winning team made in the years after 9/11, this two-hour special offers an epic re-examination of the decisions that changed the world and transformed America. From the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq to the January 6 insurrection, America After 9/11 exposes the legacy of September 11 — and the ongoing challenge it poses for the president and the country.
Mayor Greenwood
Кортни Беннет, в прошлом подающая большие надежды фигуристка, руководит городским катком и учит детей кататься бесплатно. Накануне Рождества выясняется, что мэр планирует закрыть его из-за проблем с финансированием, и традиционный рождественский карнавал не состоится… Кортни падает духом, кажется, спасти каток может только чудо. Она знакомится с Ноем Тремблеем, директором нового ледового центра, и Ной впервые после смерти жены начинает испытывать какие-то чувства к другой женщине, а его дочке очень нравится учиться кататься у Кортни. Вместе они придумывают план по спасению городского катка, и рождественское чудо все же случается: им удается не только осуществить эту мечту, но и обрести любовь.
Narrator (voice)
A look into what has shaped President Donald Trump and presidential candidate Joe Biden, where they came from and how they lead.
Jeff Bezos is not only one of the richest men in the world, he has built a business empire that is without precedent in the history of American capitalism. His power to shape everything from the future of work to the future of commerce to the future of technology is unrivaled. As politicians and regulators around the world start to consider the global impact of Amazon — and how to rein in Bezos’ power — FRONTLINE investigates how he executed a plan to build one of the most influential economic and cultural forces in the world.
With unique access inside the battle for Hong Kong, FRONTLINE follows five protesters through the most intense clashes over several months of pro-democracy protests. The film examines their struggle against what they say is growing influence from the communist government of mainland China.
Self - Narrator (voice)
A deep look into the growing divide in America from the Barack Obama era through the presidency of Donald Trump.
Narrator (voice)
A documentary about the UN sex abuse scandal where companies and staff working for the United Nations in the Congo and other Central African countries were involved in rape and sex abuse of local women. There have been over 1700 allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse against UN peacekeepers in the last 15 years. Ramita Navai reveals why it keeps happening despite UN promises to stamp it out. It was produced for Channel 4 and for PBS Frontline – and ARTE. The film won the Robert F Kennedy Human Rights Journalism award for Television – International. Nominated for 2019 Emmy Award for Outstanding Investigative Documentary. Shortlisted for 2019 Grierson Awards for Best Single Documentary – International and Best Current Affairs Documentary. In 2020, the documentary won the 22nd Media Awards for “Children’s Rights in One World” in Germany.
Follow former prisoners through the challenges of their first year on parole. With unique access, the film goes inside the effort to change the way parole works in Connecticut and reduce the number of people returning to prison.
Review the partisanship that gridlocked Washington and charged the 2016 presidential campaign.
The key moments that helped shape President-elect Donald Trump.
An interwoven investigative biography of U.S. presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump that draws on dozens of interviews from those who know them best—friends and family, advisers and adversaries—as well as authors, journalists and political insiders.
Self - Narrator
An investigation into the hidden dangers of vitamins and supplements, a multibillion-dollar industry with limited FDA oversight. The film examines the marketing and regulating of supplements, and cases of contamination and serious health problems.
Self - Reporter
Whether the use of antibiotics in food animals is exacerbating antibiotic resistance in humans; the family of a man who died from a bacteria outbreak in a hospital at the National Institutes of Health.
Examines the unfolding chaos in Iraq and how the U.S. is being pulled back into the conflict. Drawing on interviews with policymakers and military leaders, the film traces the U.S. role from the 2003 invasion to the current violence, showing how Iraq itself is coming undone, how we got here, what went wrong, and what happens next.
Sixty years after the Supreme Court declared separate schools for black and white children unconstitutional, school segregation is making a comeback. What’s behind the growing racial divide in American schools — and what’s the legacy of Brown v. Board of Education?
An investigation into the hidden relationship between Silicon Valley and the National Security Agency.
Last year Edward Snowden downloaded tens of thousands of top-secret documents from a highly secure government computer network. The revelations that followed touched off a fierce debate over the massive surveillance operations conducted by the National Security Agency. Through exclusive interviews with intelligence insiders, cabinet officials, and government whistle-blowers, the film reveals how the U.S. government came to monitor the communications of millions of Americans and to collect billions of records on ordinary people around the world.
Himself - Narrator (Voice)
From PBS and Frontline: With unprecedented access, FRONTLINE investigates the impact of mass incarceration in America, focusing on a troubled housing project in Louisville, Kentucky, and a statewide effort to reverse the trend. There are some 2.3 million people behind bars in the U.S. today, but a disproportionate number come from a few city neighborhoods, and in some places the concentration is so dense that states are spending millions of dollars a year to lock up residents of single blocks. "Prison State" examines one community, Louisville's Beecher Terrace housing project, and follows the lives of four residents as they move in and out of custody, while Kentucky tries break that cycle and shrink its prison state.
Narrator (voice)
Thanks to social media, teens are able to directly interact with their culture -- celebrities, movies, brands -- in ways never before possible. But is that real empowerment? Or do marketers hold the upper hand? Douglas Rushkoff explores how the teen quest for identity has migrated to the web -- and exposes the game of cat-and-mouse that corporations are playing with them.
Himself - Narrator
Drawing on the book of the same name, League of Denial crafts a searing two-hour indictment of the National Football League’s decades-long concealment of the link between football related head injuries and brain disorders.
Walt Whitman (voice)
Walt Whitman's "Leaves Of Grass" proves transformative for the ghost of a handsome young Civil War soldier and a closeted middle-aged accountant, both of whom want out of the prisons that confine them.
A devastating earthquake and tsunami struck Japan on March 11, 2011 triggering a crisis inside the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear complex. This 2012 documentary reveals how close the world came to a nuclear nightmare. In the desperate hours and days after the Fukushima nuclear disaster, the fate of thousands of Japanese citizens fell into the hands of a small corps of engineers, firemen and soldiers who risked their lives to prevent the Daiichi nuclear complex from complete meltdown. FRONTLINE tells the story of the workers struggling frantically to reconnect power inside the plant’s pitch-dark and highly radioactive reactor buildings; the nuclear experts and officials in the prime minister’s office fighting to get information as the crisis spiraled out of control; and the plant manager who disobeyed his executives’ orders when he thought it would save the lives of his workers.
A documentary covering the 2010 Olympic Games in Vancouver.
Frontline Narration App
Нью-Йоркские детективы Аллен Гэмбл и Терри Хойтз ведут полицейскую бухгалтерию. Гэмблу такая работа в радость, Хойтзу — наказание. Когда напарникам представится шанс выйти из тени — прийти на помощь своим кумирам, детективам Дэнсону и Манцетти — станет ясно, что в бухгалтерию Гэмбла и Хойтза сослали не зря…
This is the true story of one of the most grisly crime scene investigations in the history of the United States. The grueling case - that began with a simple shoplifting arrest - unfolded clue by clue, until a shocking discovery rocked the nation: more than forty pounds of bones and five intact bodies buried on Charles Ng and Leonard Lakes' property. Each gruesome excavation confirmed that Ng and Lake were no ordinary serial killers. They were manipulative, sadistic, and had no mercy for their innocent victims. Walk alongside law enforcement, step by step, as they work to get justice for the slain.
Это история двух друзей детства из неблагополучных семей. Еще в школе они начали заниматься вооруженными грабежами, что в итоге не уберегло их от наркотиков и тюрьмы. По прошествии срока друзья меняются, но судьба подкидывает им «ограбление века».
Award Ceremony Narrator (voice)
Миллиардер изобретатель Тони Старк попадает в плен к Афганским террористам, которые пытаются заставить его создать оружие массового поражения. В тайне от своих захватчиков Старк конструирует высокотехнологичную киберброню, которая помогает ему сбежать. Однако по возвращению в США он узнаёт, что в совете директоров его фирмы плетётся заговор, чреватый страшными последствиями. Используя своё последнее изобретение, Старк пытается решить проблемы своей компании радикально…
A documentary covering the 2006 Olympic Games in Turin.
Ben Foxworthy
Events in the life of Paige Wilson, a pretty, bright 27-year-old congressional aide in Washington, D.C. This is an unaired television pilot for a potential series that would have been in The CW's 2007-2008 season of programming if it was picked up.
Идеальное течение жизни американского города: работа, дом, семья, дети. Идиллия? Однообразие? Скука? Интрига? Все меняется ночью: запретные развлечения — измены, жаркие сексуальные утехи, в то время как по улицам разгуливает маньяк, не вполне определившийся в своих предпочтениях…
Narrator (voice)
After a quarter-century of political denial and social stigma, of stunning scientific breakthroughs, bitter policy battles and inadequate prevention campaigns, HIV/AIDS continues to spread rapidly throughout much of the world. Through interviews with AIDS researchers, world leaders, activists, and patients, FRONTLINE investigates the science, politics, and human cost of this fateful disease and asks: What are the lessons of the past, and what can be done to stop AIDS?
Wilson Rogers Jr.
In the '80s, priests and especially the Father Geoghan arrested for sexual abuse of minors. Cardinal Law, also indicted, and the diocese was aware of the actions of these men of the church and was kept secret for years, until the victims decide to seek redress.
Documentary Narrator (voice)
Лиз — физиотерапевт, среди ее клиентов очень богатые люди. В жизни этой очаровательной молодой женщине сопутствует успех. После разрыва с мужем она сама воспитывает сына-подростка. Ее сын Финн нуждается в родительской заботе и много времени проводит в мыслях об отце, знаменитом ученом-антропологе, изучающем в дебрях Амазонии нравы первобытного племени, называемого за безжалостные обычаи и дикие нравы «Жестокими людьми». Чтобы сменить обстановку и больше уделять времени ребенку, Лиз принимает приглашение мультимиллионера Огдена Осборна, одного из своих влиятельных клиентов, стать его личным врачом и поселиться на роскошном ранчо. Избранное общество готово принять в свой круг прекрасную протеже Осборна…
Homeland Chief Utley
The telefilm centers on a present-day nuclear plant disaster and its aftermath.
Nolan Flannery
The late Irish hero fireman's (Lefty) charming son William M. "Billy" Dylan (25) is elected as independent, youngest Massachusettes state representative. He joins the Democrats, Congress seat Beacon Hill's legendary rooster, House speaker Charles T. "Chick" Mudoon, who trusts the customary campaign debt check will reel the rookie in as another meek party soldier. However the naive, naturally noble new boy, who doesn't hesitate to single-handedly fight off two skinhead gay-bashers, has and follows his own conscience. He defeats Muldoon's dodgy attempts to prevent a congressional committee investigating state police school cadet abuse, which would compromise his deputy, majority leader Spanky Reardon. It seems Muldoon's revenged when Dylan gets framed for the alleged violent abuse of a two-faced congressional aid. However, there's a more devious, ambitious plot behind two abuse cases and a staged corrupt payment for a memorial hospital wing.
Narrator (voice)
A documentary from PBS detailing the Watergate scandal with interviews from the men involved and surrounding the event.
FBI Agent Birden
Джимми Маркум, Дейвид Бойл и Шон Девин - неразлучные приятели с детства. Они вместе играют в хоккей, взрослея на знакомых неспокойных улицах Бостона. И так продолжается до тех пор, пока один из них случайно не оказывается в машине... То злополучное похищение Дейвида Бойла меняет всё. Между бывшими друзьями возникает отчуждение, которое длится до того памятного дня, когда, уже будучи взрослыми мужчинами, судьба снова не сталкивает их вместе перед лицом трагедии: зверского убийства дочери Джимми Маркума - Кэтти. Для Джимми, мошенника в прошлом и владельца бакалейной лавки в настоящем, главным в жизни становится месть. Полицейский, которому поручают расследовать дело - никто иной, как Шон Девин, который вместе со своим напарником уверен в одном: главный подозреваемый в убийстве – Дейв Бойл.
Award-winning sports chronicler Bud Greenspan delivers a powerful and emotional look at six individual stories in the official film of the 2002 Olympic Winter Games in Salt Lake City. Greenspan goes beyond highlight footage to tell the story of how these athletes overcome incredible obstacles to achieve Olympic glory.
This documentary is a captivating account of the defense of Wake Island by a small contingent of United States Marines and civilian contractors. From December 8th until December 23rd, 1941 the defenders thwarted an aerial attack and an attempted amphibious landing from a naval task force before finally being overwhelmed by the third attempt by the Japanese Imperial Navy.
1960's Harvard Professor is having an affair with his male teaching assistant.
It's one of the hottest industries in America. Easier to order at home than a pizza, bigger than rock music, it's arguably the most profitable enterprise in cyberspace. AT&T has been in the business. Yahoo! has profited from it. Westin and Marriott have made more money selling it than selling snacks and drinks in their mini-bars. And with estimates as high as $10 billion a year, it boasts the kind of earnings that most American businesses would envy. It's pornography.
A documentary covering the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney.
In a time of war, a young girl takes in a stray against her father's wishes. Is he a dog or a man in a costume?
Narrator (voice)
Satan in the Suburbs tells the shocking story of a grisly ritualistic murder in the quiet bedroom community of Northport, Long Island in the summer of 1984. The killing, it soon emerged, was linked to a teen satanic cult. Perhaps more disturbing than the details of the murder itself was the revelation of a conspiracy of silence among the town's teenagers, many of whom had been aware of the, e killing in the two weeks before an anonymous call finally tipped off local police. 17- year-old Ricky Kasso was arrested and confessed to the crime; five days later, he hung himself in his holding cell. Kasso's friend Jimmy Troiano also. confessed, but was acquitted after jurors learned that he was beaten by local police.
The murder shocked the local community and reverberated nationally, with some uninformed observers rushing to scapegoat rock music as the cause.
When a school bus driving woman (Tyne Daly) has a heart attack, she makes one request of her three daughters (Ally Sheedy, Marla Sucharetza, Marceline Hugo) - she wants them to find their long lost brother, who was taken away by their father (Jack Davidson) 16 years ago. What they discover is that while they have struggled, their father has become a wealthy man and their brother is in school at Harvard.
From his days as a child in North Carolina to his retirement from the Chicago Bulls in 1999, His Airness takes you on a journey through Michael Jordan's entire career. Complete with spectacular highlights along with interviews from teammates, coaches, and writers, plus Michael's own insight, this video captures the spirit, determination and championship drive of this global icon.
A documentary covering the 1998 Winter Olympic Games in Nagano.
FBI Director
Когда в Бруклине взлетает на воздух автобус и на улицах Нью-Йорка разворачивается кровавый террор, Хаб - Хаббарт, глава Объединенного Антитеррористического Подразделения ФБР получает задание задержать террористов и предъявить им обвинение. Элиза Крафт - тайный оперативный агент ЦРУ. Она обладает ценными источниками информации в среде американцев арабского происхождения и тесно связана с ними.Хаб и Элиза работают вместе, объединившись для совместной борьбы против террористической группы. Но этого оказывается недостаточно. Требования общественности обеспечить безопасность граждан вынуждают президента США объявить чрезвычайное положение и обратиться за помощью к армии. Генерал Уильям Деверо решительно берется за дело по наведению военного порядка.
Jason Gates
Преуспевающий бизнесмен Стивен Тэйлор, испытывающий серьезные трудности на работе, грозящие ему разорением, узнает, что жена Эмили, женщина очень богатая, изменяет ему с художником Дэвидом. Наведя справки, он узнает, что Дэвид вовсе не художник, а брачный аферист с солидным «послужным» списком и рядом отсидок в тюрьме. Встретившись с Дэвидом, Стивен предлагает ему 500 тысяч долларов за убийство собственной жены…
A documentary covering the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta.
Van's Father
Already suffering fiscal and emotional bankruptcy after a car crash shatters his life, young Van finds himself in a vacuum when his buddies go off to college and he stays behind to look after his disabled, alcoholic father. Lacking an outlet for his rage, Van starts to run with two local punks and drifts into a life of crime. Then he meets Doug, who seems to have everything Van desires ... but Doug has demons of his own.
Isaiah Goodkind
Салем, Массачусетс. Компания девушек отправляется ночью привораживать парней под руководством Титубы, негритянки с Барбадоса. Колдовское варево на костре и дикие танцы для них — развлечение. Происходящее замечает священник. По деревне ползет слух о дьявольском заговоре. Фантазиям обывателей о связях с Дьяволом и заговорах нет предела. Закручивается жуткая машина охоты на ведьм. Жители деревни оговаривают друг друга, чтобы избавиться от давних врагов. Аресты следуют один за другим. Из Бостона присылают судью. Помешанный на изгнании Дьявола, он принимает даже самые нелепые обвинения.
Mr. Edwards
Дон Уинер, некрасивая девочка-очкарик двенадцати лет, заканчивает выпускной класс начальной школы. Учителя третируют ее, одноклассники унижают, младшая сестра презирает, а старший брат игнорирует. Первая любовь — к озабоченному сексом рокеру-старшекласснику Стиву только добавляет масла в огонь, превращая жизнь Дон в настоящее бедствие… В какой-то момент рассерженная девочка здоровым тесаком отпиливает кукольную голову. Но не все так плохо. И намерение хулигана Брендона изнасиловать Дон оборачивается началом трогательной дружбы…
Rich Man
Джимми Флаэрти и Майк О’Хара ярые поклонники баскетбольной команды «Бостон Селтикс», которые планируют свою жизнь вокруг расписания матчей. Оба парня в восторге, что «Бостон» является лидером в чемпионате серии NBA, но знают, что яркая суперзвезда команды «Юта Джаз», Льюис Скотт, представляет серьезную угрозу судьбе их клуба. Джимми и Майк принимают решение... похитить Скотта перед финальным матчем. Но все пошло совсем не так, как они задумывали...
FRONTLINE untangles the mysterious web of satanic ritual abuse, psychiatric treatment, and insurance claims that escalated into millions of dollars. Were these professed victims of secret satanic cults really helped by the psychiatric care they received?
A documentary covering the 1994 Olympic Games in Lillehammer.
Narrator (voice)
CHINA: A CENTURY OF REVOLUTION is a six-hour tour de force journey through the country's most tumultuous period. First televised on PBS, this award-winning documentary series presents an astonishingly candid view of a once-secret nation with rare archival footage, insightful historical commentary and stunning eyewitness accounts from citizens who struggled through China's most decisive century. THE MAO YEARS examines the turbulent era of Mao's attempts to forge a "new China" from the war-ravaged and poverty-stricken nation.
Narrator (voice)
An investigative biography of the man at the center of the political crime of the 20th century. At the heart of the assassination lies the puzzle of Lee Harvey Oswald: Was he an emotionally disturbed lone gunman? Was he part of a broader conspiracy? Or was he an unwitting fall guy, the patsy, as Oswald himself claimed?
5-part documentary series on the history of electronic digital computers.
Narrator (voice)
The enigmatic nature of the Nixon presidency combined comparatively progressive legislative initiatives with a flagrant abuse of presidential power and the public trust. His achievements in expanding peaceful relations with China and the Soviet Union stand in stark contrast with his continuation of the war in Vietnam. Finally brought down by scandal and duplicity, his administration did much to erode the citizenry's faith in government.
William Tell
A made-for-tv movie based on tv series 'Crossbow'.
A man takes three co-workers hostage while working overtime on Thanksgiving weekend. He has no demands.
narrator (himself)
The creative processes of avant-garde composer Philip Glass and progressive director/designer Robert Wilson are examined in this film. It documents their collaboration on this tradition breaking opera.
Rev. Parris
Nineteen people were hanged and one man pressed to death, while hundreds went to jail during the "witch hysteria" of 1692. THREE SOVEREIGNS FOR SARAH offers an accurate portrayal of the Salem witch trials, with real characters and original transcripts woven into the dialogue. The film is a powerful, moving story about three loving sisters accused of witchcraft.
A look at the trial and the use of psychiatric evidence in the criminal proceedings of mass murderer 'The Hillside Strangler' Kenneth Bianchi.
A look into the mind of one of the Hillside Strangler murderers, Kenneth Bianchi.
On what should have been a peaceful afternoon drive, a former ranger finds himself trapped with other commuters after a group of armed ex-military contractors shut down a bridge.
Self - Narrator
The untold story of The Firestone Tire Company, Charles Taylor, and the forgotten tragedy of Liberia.