Production Manager
On a stormy night, young woman asks another guest at party to rescue her from her lecherous boss and take her to the train station. When her rescuer suggests that she stop at his place to get out of her wet clothes, she dashes from his car. The door she knocks on for help is the home of a retired actor and there she spends the rest of the night. He makes no passes and next morning she discovers young man who drove her from party is a next door neighbor, before long the two men are competing for her affections.
Production Manager
Клод Чавесс — частный детектив, специализирующийся на слежке за неверными женами и мужьями. Любимый объект его наблюдений, приносящий ему львиную долю доходов — американский миллионер и охотник за женщинами Флэннаган. На этот раз очередной обманутый муж, получив доказательства измены, решил застрелить любовника жены во время их следующей встречи. Узнавшая об этом Ариана, дочь Клода, движимая состраданием, решает спасти Флэннагана и заодно познакомиться с ним. Это была самая большая ошибка в её жизни… Девушкам нельзя знакомиться с донжуанами…
Unit Production Manager
A high school rock group enters a band contest.
Production Manager
Long before he became producer/director of The Tonight Show, Fred DeCordova helmed the Universal meller Illegal Entry. Howard Duff, who later worked with DeCordova on the TV series Mr. Adams and Eve, stars as Bert Powers, an undercover agent for the U.S. Department of Immigration. While attempting to bring a vicious gang of alien smugglers to justice, Powers falls in love with Anna Duvak (Marta Toren), a gang member who is Not What She Seems.
Unit Production Manager
Indecisive heiress Dee Dee Dillwood is pushed into marrying her sixth fiancée, but unable to face the wedding night, she flees into the adjacent hotel room of commercial pilot Marvin Payne, who just wants to sleep. She then persuades him to take her to California.