Juan Muñoz Ravelo


El sexo sentido
Special Effects
About a nymphomaniac and an artist that constantly spies on her.
Siempre hay una primera vez
Special Effects
Un Quijote sin mancha
Special Effects
A lawyer trying to fix everyone's problems, instead causes problems, which always end up in funny situations.
Mexico 68: Snapshots
Documentary depicting Mexican society, in honor of the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico City. With a prologue by José Revueltas.
Damiana and the Men
Special Effects
Damiana, a girl who has grown up with her grandmother and a friend, is discovered by photographer and launched as supermodel.
Your Excellency
Special Effects
Lopitos, who is horribly inefficient but quick-witted, is invited (because of the current ambassador's superstition about 13 sitting down to a meal) to a banquet attended by the ambassadors of both superpowers. After the news of a series of coups d'état in Los Cocos arrives throughout the meal, Lopitos becomes the official ambassador. At a summit of world leaders, the representatives of the two world superpowers court the allegiances of third-world diplomats to tilt the balance of global power in their favor. The last diplomat to remain unaligned, Lopitos instead harangues the superpowers for infringing on the rights of developing countries to self determination, talking to them with his point of view as a citizen not as ambassador because he arranged his demise as ambassador one day before his speech.
Autumn Days
Special Effects
Luisa is a small-town girl who works in the bakery of the widower Don Albino. Luisa dreams of marrying and loves children. Just as Don Albino shows interest in her, Luisa announces that she will marry soon with Carlos, the driver of a rich house whom she met recently...
Бумажный человек
Special Effects
По новелле Луиса Спото «Банковый билет». Немой Адам зарабатывает на пропитание тем, что собирает на улицах и свалках мусор. Однажды он находит бумажник, в котором 10 000 песо. Магическая сила этой банкноты превращает приятелей и знакомых Адама в хищников, пытающихся любой ценой отнять у него деньги. Эта банкнота могла бы дать Адаму возможность жить по-человечески. Но он на эти деньги покупает у чревовещателя куклу, которая, как ему кажется, может заменить ему сына, о котором он мечтает всю жизнь.
Santo vs. the Vampire Women
Special Effects
A professor recruits a professional wrestler to protect his daughter from vampires intent on kidnapping her and marrying her to the devil.
Special Effects
После роскошного званого ужина гости вдруг обнаруживают, что в силу каких-то таинственных причин не могут выйти из столовой. Проходит день, другой, и множества тщательно выстроенных фасадов и поз — как не бывало. Исчезают без следа понятия о приличиях, обусловленных положением в обществе, люди опускаются до примитивного животного состояния.
Pilotos de la muerte
Special Effects
A couple of provincial gas station employees travel to the capital seeking fortune of vehicle mechanics accidental career passing drivers.
El hombre de la ametralladora
Visual Effects
Police procedural: tracking a ruthless Chicago hitman who's found a gig in Mexico City.
La marca del muerto
Special Effects
Mad scientist brings his dead mad scientist grandfather back to life and makes a Frankenstein-type monster out of him.
The Crying Woman
Visual Effects
A woman takes revenge in the family of her lover.
¡Yo sabia demasiado!
Special Effects
To Each His Own Life
Special Effects
The days go by dizzyingly for the girls who work at the cabaret ´El Paraíso´. However, on New Year's Eve, in the heat of the glasses and cigarette smoke, they narrate their hapless destinies
The Shadow of the Strongman
Special Effects
Post-revolucionary Mexico. War secretary Ignacio Jimenez is chosen as the candidate for presidency, but he isn't so sure about it, because he knows that his boss and current president, El Caudillo, has chosen a second one.
The Skeleton of Mrs. Morales
Special Effects
A taxidermist decides to murder his wife after having to put up with her after twenty years of hellish marriage.
Special Effects
Poor, hungry peasant Macario longs for just one good meal on the Day of the Dead. After his wife cooks a turkey for him, he meets three apparitions, the Devil, God, and Death. Each asks him to share his turkey, but he refuses all except Death. In return, Death gives him a bottle of water which will heal any illness. Soon, Macario is more wealthy than the village doctor, which draws the attention of the feared Inquisition.
Our Daily Hunger
Visual Effects
Trophy wife of a crooked industrialist meets a philanthropic doctor and develops a social conscience. Mexican remake of Born Yesterday.
Two Ghosts and a Girl
Special Effects
Two ghosts who died in a turn-of-the-century duel and now haunt a theater attempt to help a girl who's in danger from bank robbers.
El ánima del ahorcado contra el latigo negro
Special Effects
Masked rider leads a posse to defend their town from crimes related to appearances of a hanged man come back from the grave.
The Man and the Monster
Special Effects
A failed pianist sells his soul to the devil in return for his becoming the greatest musician in the world. The catch: every time he plays he turns into a horrible monster.
El vestido de novia
Special Effects
A young professional hires a sex-worker to pass as his wife in a situation that requires him to seem married. Later they think about getting married for reals... but mostly they just recite monologues to each other.
Mysteries of Black Magic
Special Effects
Six hundred year old witch butts heads with a scholar over the possession of a rare ancient grimoire and then discovers that his daughter's fiance is the reincarnation of her first boyfriend.
Visual Effects Director
The Head of Pancho Villa
Special Effects
Rival factions struggle over a box that was entrusted by Pancho Villa to several members of his higher command. Second of three films in series "El jinete sin cabeza."