David Buck
Рождение : 1936-10-17, London, England, UK
Смерть : 1989-01-27
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. David Buck (October 17, 1936—January 27, 1989) was an English actor. His most famous role was in the 1978 animated The Lord of the Rings movie, for which he provided the voice of Gimli. However, he had a memorable role as Royal Air Force Squadron Leader David "Scotty" Scott in the 1969 film Mosquito Squadron opposite David McCallum when his character was shot down during a low-level bombing raid over northern France in 1944 and assumed killed.
Buck died of cancer in 1989. At the time of his death, he was married to the actress Madeline Smith of Up Pompeii and James Bond fame.
Description above from the Wikipedia article David Buck, licensed under CC-BY-SA,full list of contributors on Wikipedia.
Slave Master (voice)
Веками в волшебной стране, которую населял народ гелфлингов, царил мир и покой. Но однажды произошла страшная беда: был повреждён Тёмный кристалл, магический камень, управляющий законами Вселенной. Из-за этого нарушилось равновесие хаоса и порядка, а бедных человекообразных гелфлингов поработили воинственные, злобные ящеры скексисы.
Если Тёмный кристалл не починить до дня Великого слияния трёх солнц, кошмарные скексисы будут вечно править миром. И тогда храбрые гелфлинги Джен и Кира отправляются на полные опасностей и приключений поиски отколовшейся части кристалла, без которой нельзя исправить святыню…
Balogun's most political film is a confrontation with the African wars of liberation. Based on Carcase for Hounds, Meja Mwangi's novel about the Mau-Mau uprising, it is set in an unnamed country and thus offers the vision of a pan-African struggle for freedom and against colonial oppression. The central figures in the straightforwardly and powerfully told story are the guerrilla leader Haraka and his adversary, the English colonial official Kingsley. In the end, the film becomes a homage to the freedom fighters from all over Africa: the final images show Patrice Lumumba, Steve Biko, Nelson Mandela and Amílcar Cabral, among others.
Major Ian Anderson
School leaver Gordon Saville (Martyn Hesford) joins the army.
Earl of Westmoreland
The life of King Henry the Fifth.
Earl of Westmoreland
The death of King Henry the Fourth and the coronation of King Henry the Fifth.
Earl of Westmoreland
Henry Bolingbroke has now been crowned King of England, but faces a rebellion headed by the embittered Earl of Northumberland and his son (nicknamed 'Hotspur'). Henry's son Hal, the Prince of Wales, has thrown over life at court in favour of heavy drinking and petty theft in the company of a debauched elderly knight, Sir John Falstaff. Hal must extricate himself from some legal problems, regain his father's good opinions and help suppress the uprising.
Gimli (voice)
Сказания Средиземья — это хроника Великой войны за Кольцо, войны, длившейся не одну тысячу лет. Тот, кто владел Кольцом, получал власть над всеми живыми тварями, но был обязан служить злу. Хоббит Фродо призван уничтожить Кольцо. Он отправился за ним в Мордор и на огненную Гору Судьбы вместе с союзниками — эльфами, гномами, людьми и хоббитами. «Властелин колец» повествует о борьбе добра и зла, сохраняя сказочную атмосферу классики жанра «фэнтези» — трилогии Дж. Р. Р. Толкиена.
An old house appears to be haunted - but only one woman can sense it.
Paul Hedley
A man has been killed on the Dover/Boulogne car ferry. What is the connection between him and the attempts being made to kill Jane Kerrell, a young girl in her early twenties? As she speeds through the French countryside to the South of France, several attempts are made on her life as she is deliberately forced off the road by another car. But when she reports these attempts, the local Cap Ferrat Police Inspector and the sinister psychiatrist, Dr. Forla believe these attempts are in her imagination and Dr Forla, concludes that Jane is mentally disturbed. At her wits end Jane finds an ally in the young English painter, Paul Hedley who finally believes her life is in danger following an attempt to murder him. When Inspector Malling of Scotland Yard and Mr. Breese arrive in Cap Ferrat trying to uncover the connection between Jane and the murdered man on the ferry, this thrilling puzzle of international intrigue begins to unravel against the backdrop of the French Riviera.
Squadron Leader David Scott
Командир эскадрильи Квинт Манро переживает смерть своего лучшего друга Скотти в бою. Спустя время, Манро влюбляется в жену Скотти — Бет…
Основательно изучив досье на гениального вора Генри Кларка, Ричард и Фей Моро предлагают ему сотрудничество. Супруги намерены провернуть искусную аферу — ограбить особняк известного миллионера Салинаса, но без помощи Генри им не обойтись. Взвесив все «за» и «против» Кларк принимает предложение, не предполагая, к каким последствиям приведет его решение…
Paul Preston
Archaeologists discover the final resting place of a boy king, removing the remains to be exhibited in a museum. By disturbing the sarcophagus they unleash the forces of darkness. The Mummy has returned to discharge a violent retribution on the defilers as the curse that surrounds the tomb begins to come true. One by one the explorers are murdered until one of them discovers the ancient words that have the power to reduce the brutal killer to particles of dust.
Winston Smith
Early adaption of Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four as part of the Theatre 625 series.
Harry Banks
English vicar Dr. Syn becomes a scarecrow on horseback by night to thwart King George III's taxmen.
One of the earliest hits for the newly established RSC, Michael Elliott’s sparkling version of Shakespeare's comedy is still remembered with joy by a generation of theatre-goers. The design was dominated by a huge oak tree, but the production is most memorable for Vanessa Redgrave’s luminous Rosalind, supported by Max Adrian and Ian Bannen.