Virginia Cook


Costume Supervisor
Жизнь Патерсона — сплошная романтика: он работает водителем автобуса в городе Патерсон, штат Нью-Джерси, а в свободное время пишет стихи для любимой жены Лоры. Патерсон облачает красоту повседневности в стихи и встречает поэтов повсюду — такова магия города — родины поэтов Аллена Гинзберга и Уильяма Карлоса Уильямса. Патерсон пишет в стол и даже не мечтает публиковаться, однако одно маленькое событие меняет его планы.
Costume Design
Living in rural New South Wales, working-class single mother Rhia is struggling to evade debt collectors and raise three young daughters. The eldest, and hardened beyond her years, Lou blames Rhia for the departure of her father, who walked out 10 months ago and hasn't been seen since. Mother-daughter relations hit bottom when Rhia takes in Doyle, her father in-law, who is in the beginning stages of Alzheimer's. Doyle turns Lou's initial hostility around with exciting tales of his South Seas adventures. But coursing deepest in his mind are fractured memories of Annie, his late wife. Before long, Doyle "sees" Annie in Lou and imagines he is courting her all over again.
The Girl from Monday
Costume Design
A comic drama about a time in the near future when citizens are happy to be property traded on the stock exchange.