Ng Kit-Keung


China Strike Force
Construction worker
A young Chinese Security Officer, Darren, is called for Team 808, which fights against the smuggling of drugs and corruption. Noriko, a Japanese Interpol officer, collaborates with Darren for the destruction of a large international drug cartel. At the same time, a senior government officer's daughter is suspected of corruption.
Heart of Killer
Taxi driver
Ultra serious Ko Lap and carefree Kung Kwan are expert assassins.It's love at first sight for Kwan when he runs into the lovely Bin Yee. And Ko Lap continues to hide his love for Sau Yu, agent for him and Kwan. Unkowingly, Ko Lap executes a contract on Yee's father.
Fox Hunter
An undercover assignment turns into a deadly game of revenge for a Hong Kong police-woman.
Рожденный защищать
Angry Chinese
Конец Второй мировой войны. Молодой китайский паренек возвращается после войны с японцами в родной город, чтобы разыскать армейского друга. Он узнает, что местным жителям, после того, как в город вошли американцы, живется не многим лучше, чем под японцами. Американские солдаты ведут себя как настоящие захватчики, обращаясь с китайцами как с людьми второго сорта, а местное правительство предпочитает закрывать на это глаза.
Photographer and adventurer Tong (Yu Rong-Guang) spots a mirage of a beautiful woman while on a mission and is obsessed by the beauty of her. Heading into Mongolia with best friend (Tsui Siu-Ming), the discovery of the woman and her true nature is anything but beautiful however as she's the leader of a gang of desert bandits.
Disciples Of Shaolin
Martial Arts Choreographer
Cheng runs away from a marriage arranged by his parents to the temple. Then he starts to learn with the monks later on. However, his master Hung Duk only assigns hard work and does not teach them Kung Fu. Cheng and his mates are disappointed. The Rover, a Kung Fu fanatic, puts them to shame. He once a Shaolin student but expelled for misbehavior, goes back to Shaolin to humiliate the monks. Cheng and his mates are beaten by the Rover. Hung Duk eventually starts to teach them Kung Fu but the abbot punishes him for his flight with the Rover. Cheng is incensed. He goes out and pits himself desperately against the Rover…
Боец с шестом
Шестеро братьев Янг и их отец — уважаемые генералы, но их подставляет мстительный генерал Пан Мей и в суровой битве погибают все мужчины семьи, кроме двоих. Один из них возвращается домой и сходит с ума, второй обривается в монахи, однако не оставляет надежды когда-нибудь отомстить за погибших братьев и отца.
Победители и грешники
Robber in Jewelry Shop
Пять преступников со смешными прозвищами, выйдя из тюрьмы, решают начать честную жизнь и открывают фирму по уборке квартир. Одним из их клиентов оказывается подпольный фальшивомонетчик. В тот самый момент, когда шеф полиции собирался взять фальшивомонетчика с поличным, друзья занимались уборкой в его доме и случайно прихватили чемоданчик с деньгами…
Wang Tso Yi
An insane man is shot dead by two cops, Kung and Hsiao, after he refused to listen to them and stabbed a woman dead. After the encounter, the two cops always strange things and Hsiaos girlfriend is also haunted. To reduce the fear of hiring police a Taoist to sort out this problem ...
The Chinese Stuntman
Production Manager
The Chinese Stuntman was a Bruceploitation film starring Bruce Li released in 1981. It is largely based around the Bruce Lee classic Enter The Dragon. Chang Wei (Li), a stuntman, is called to the secret island owned by the mysterious Fu Chi (Yun Wen Chang). Here he competes in a martial arts tournament to investigate the suspicious surroundings.
The Clones of Bruce Lee
Bruce Lee has just died, but the BSI is swinging into action to salvage the situation. Aided by the brilliant Professor Lucas, cells from the martial arts master's body are removed and grown into three adult Bruce Lee clones. After undergoing training to bring their skills up to the level of their 'father', the three are sent out to battle crime, with one sent to take on a gold smuggler, and the other two teaming up to shut down an evil mad scientist.
Carry on Wise Guy
Gordon Liu as the Master Killer has taken a vow not to use his superior fighting abilities, but he is put to the test when he must transport a valuable map across dangerous territory. Features amazing fight scenes choreographed by the Lau Brothers.
The Enigmatic Case
Action Director
An imprisoned swordsman is accused of killing three men. He probably would have already been executed for his crimes but is kept alive because he knows the whereabouts of hidden gold.
The Enigmatic Case
An imprisoned swordsman is accused of killing three men. He probably would have already been executed for his crimes but is kept alive because he knows the whereabouts of hidden gold.
Абсолютный монарх
Hong Kong Movie
Snake Deadly Act
Kwok Chung is a righteous rich kid whose hobby is to fight and brawl. One encounter nearly gets him killed, but he is saved by Yueh (Fong Hak On), the Snake Fist Master. Yueh befriends and teaches Kwok the deadly art of the snake. Soon, Kwok realizes that his teacher has more in common with a snake than just techniques. He's being set up by his teacher, and his family is also targeted for murder!
Грязный Хо
11-ый принц, наследник престола не очень любит двор и его окружение. Его тринадцать братьев, правда, любят его и за него, всячески пытаясь поубивать друг друга в погоне за престолом. Что же касается героя Гордона Лиу, то он вполне доволен своей жизнью инкогнито в окружении предметов искусства. Он практикует кунг-фу, достигнув в этом значительных высот, и однажды берет себе ученика, который даже не догадывается, кто на самом деле его учитель. И все было бы хорошо, но близится время, когда император должен назвать своего преемника, и коварные братья принца без устали засылают к нему под видом коллекционеров антиквариата наемных убийц…
Слепой кулак Брюса
Богатенький наследник обучается кунг-фу под "чутким" руководством двух наставников. Обучается, правда, это сильно сказано — те учат его выдуманным за пару минут стилям собаки и кошки и приплачивают местным хулиганам, чтобы те уступали в потасовках их хозяину. Однако вскоре все вскрывается, когда наш герой нарывается на мастера кунг-фу, устраивающего ему хорошую взбучку. Отчаявшийся паренек обращается к слепому нищему, в совершенстве знающему боевые искусства, и после некоторых уговоров тот соглашается, но тут в город прибывает угроза пострашнее — могучий воин, когда-то ослепивший нынешнего учителя героя.
The Reckless Cricket
Thug [extra]
The Lama Avenger
Thug at Opera
When two acrobats are fired for fighting with punks in the audience, they go to live with an aunt who's being pressured to sell her house for a real estate development. The developer's nasty son, Lee Fu, decides to muscle the sale, and soon he's at war with the acrobats, plus their unlikely ally, an American named John who used to be Lee Fu's friend. The acrobats open a kung fu school, the scene of several battles with Lee Fu's thugs. A fight to the death, jail time, auntie's surprise decision, a budding acting career, a possessive girlfriend, a debilitating injury, a friendship that needs recalibrating, and Lee Fu's avenger are all in the mix before the end.
Storming Attacks
A band of counterfeiters wants to make Hong Kong their new territory. The disgraced leader of the Special Squad will have to team-up with a group of Hong Kong police officers in an attempt to stop the dirty business of crime lord Han Tin Lung, but Han's problem is not only the interference of the Police force, but his Japanese ally Kimura is not happy with his 'cut' in the counterfeit deal and will try to put Donna (a relative of Han) on his side to make Han's business his own property. Both policemen and criminals are highly trained Martial Arts fighters and they will have the chance to prove who has the best Kung Fu techniques.
Выход толстого дракона
Fighter on Movie Set
Ah Lung is a pig farmer and a devoted Bruce Lee fan who is anxious to follow in Lee's footsteps, but only ridiculed for his attempts. He is sent to the city to earn a living working at his uncle's restaurant, but when he arrives, he finds a gang of thugs causing trouble in the restaurant. He takes the chance to prove himself and attacks the thugs, defeating them and saving the restaurant. Soon, he becomes a waiter, and discovers a plot by the same thugs to kidnap a woman he works with. Eventually, he defeats the thugs once again and saves the day.
Монах с железным кулаком
После того, как на глазах у Хаскера манчжуры убивают его босса, тот отправляется в храм Шаолинь изучать боевые искусства в надежде отомстить за свои унижения. Проходит некоторое время, и наш герой, решив, что теперь он достаточно силен, чтобы дать отпор обидчикам, покидает монастырь. По пути он забредает в город, который терроризирует банда манчжуров, и с помощью старшего монаха и обычного горожанина, начинает организовывать анти-правительственные действия…
A righteous husband-and-wife swordfighting duo struggle to protect China from the machinations of Japanese pirates and corrupt officials.