Roberto Calabró


Baciami piccina
Still Photographer
7th September 1943. The honest and reliable carabiniere Umberto is sent to escort the flamboyant con man Raoul Nuvolini from Terni to Venice. Umberto's fiancée Luisa follows him against his will.
Who Killed Pasolini?
Still Photographer
1975: poet, intellectual, and filmmaker Pier Paolo Pasolini is bludgeoned to death and run over with his own car in the outskirts of Rome. Charged with murder, 17-year-old hustler Pino Pelosi pleads self-defense -- after all, Pasolini was a well-known pederast. However, many inconsistencies start to undermine his version of events, pointing to him not having acted alone or even being assaulted in the first place. Was Pasolini also murdered for another reason?
An Ideal Adventure
Still Photographer
Patricia, a journalist, is fed up with all the stupid chores and being ridiculed by her colleagues. To show her talent, she challenges her director Eugenio to test her. She will write a good article, but if she fails she will sleep with him.
Зверь из космоса
Still Photographer
В далеком будущем большая интернациональная группа астронавтов отправляются на далекую планету. Астронавта-девушку Сандру постоянно преследуют видения, где она совокупляется со страшным животным на фоне дикой неземной природы. Группа смельчаков наконец достигают этой планеты и отправляются на поиски контакта с внеземной цивилизацией...
Чужой 2: На Земле
Still Photographer
Модуль с астронавтами, после неудачной экспедиции на орбиту, приземляется в океане, но спасатели находят лишь обезображенные трупы и существ, сделавших это. Группа спелеологов борется с монстрами в подземных пещерах, надеясь на спасение и возвращение на поверхность…
Naples... Serenade Caliber 9
Still Photographer
Don Salvatore Savastano, a boss involved in the smuggling of contraband cigarettes, is forced to watch four masked robbers kill his wife and his only son in a restaurant where he and his family are celebrating the young boy's first Holy Communion. From that moment on Don Salvatore has no other purpose in life but to get his revenge on the four assassins.
Frittata all'italiana
Still Photographer
La profanazione
Still Photographer
italian film