Fabrizio Fornaci


Когда исполняется 40
Узнав горькую правду, шеф-повар вместе с другом и партнером по ресторанному бизнесу отправляется на кулинарный конкурс в Канкуне, чтобы снова почувствовать вкус жизни.
Porn to Be Free
Original Music Composer
Italy, 1970. An increasing legion of harmless warriors begins a peaceful struggle for sexual freedom through pornography, shaking and shocking religious authorities and conservative political institutions. They are ironic, happy, crazy. They are dreamers, defenders of definitive communion between body and soul. But they were censored and humiliated. They were mistreated and arrested for demanding loud a new cultural renaissance.
Black Star
Original Music Composer
L'uomo dei sogni
Original Music Composer
Silvia is a 35-year-old taxi driver from Rome. She's an energetic, witty and indipendent woman but she still hasn't found her soulmate: any man she meets turns out to be a disappointment in the end.
Sex Penitentiary
Girls who hang out with drug dealers get sent to the sex penitentiary, where they get a lot of unwanted attention from the warden and the doctor.