In the microcosm of a private school, the latent traumas of adults coexist with the teenager’s wild search for identity. From somewhere on its walls, travelers could glimpse suggestive ports, but no one finds enough energy to leave the trip. The fruits of the past lay roots that imprison and immobilize those who close their eyes as salvation.
Ernesto, a Cuban actor who decides to audition in Mexico, is stranded in the gigantic city when he fails to achieve a leading role in an important play. Facing the dilemma of returning defeated to his home, he accidentally meets Belén in the subway, a spontaneous actress who tells stories or lies in exchange for some coins.
Жили-были старик со старухой. Они жили вместе так долго, что давно стали одним существом с общей памятью, желаниями, страхами. Жили и как будто не замечали прожитых лет - старик как и раньше ревновал жену, а жена оттого чувствовала себя все такой же желанной. И любили они друг друга так же, как и ненавидели. И была в этом вечном противостоянии супругов гармония. Но однажды служанка решила взять ситуацию в свои руки и подыграть одной из сторон.
Keta is a professional makeup artist with a big butt and large thighs, but she also has big dreams. The truth is that Keta with her overweight, her addiction to marijuana and her pink hair can not get a job anywhere, so she ends up as a drug dealer handing out goods to her neighbor - who is addicted to all kinds of painkillers-, to an actress of soap operas as schizophrenic as a cocaine addict; also going through a swinger couple, a prude housewife, a not so prude nun and a host of characters that will surely make more than one viewer is reflected.
Salvador is willing to do absolutely anything. Even mutilate, physically and emotionally, in order to retain the woman he is in love with.
When his father passes away, Juan Pablo inherits his guitar. Decided to continue his father's legacy, he abandons his career and becomes a mariachi.
At a pivotal moment in her singing career, Rocío discovers that her mother is ill and that her final wish is to meet with her again before she dies. After evading the past for 10 years, Rocío returns to her hometown from where she was once expelled. When confronting her family, she comes to understand that forgiveness is the key that will allow her to realize her full potential.
A romance between the painters and writers: Dr. Atl and Nahui Olin arises in this era, the 20's, while Jose Vasconcelos founded the Ministry of Education and call all the intellectuals of the country for this project. Mr. President Alvaro Obregon, who feels devotion for the intellectuals allows one of the most important cultaral crusades of our history. In this liberal atmosphere where gays, the divorce, the vote for women, began to be accepted, several of our protagonists are given in love within a whirl of ideas, passions, political and ideological propositions.
Two wrestlers decide to go to a hotel in order to meet two prostitutes.
Augusto is a 40 year old who fall in love with a younger russian girl that lives at Veracruz, Mexico.
Doña Ruti
In a reinterpretation of Madame Bovary set on contemporary Mexico City, Emilia, a middle class housewife, tries to deal with the monotony of her life. One day, she loses the two things which makes everything beareable: her lover and her credit card.
Antonio (Ricky Mergold) is a 16 year old boy from a village in the Mexican province, living the awakening of consciousness with the intensity of the contradictions that surround him: a dogmatic religion, mediocre educational institutions, corrupt politicians an a society full of conformity. His life changes when a young teacher with a genuine desire to teach their students comes to the town, a guide that encourages them to live with dignity and to be critical of the world around them. This story is full of drama and misadventures, which Antonio lives without proper orientation and promiscuity.
La Sandoval
Butch Fenton, major of American army, comes for Villa's head and he's gonna get it. The "Punitive Expedition" proved to be the last major campaign of the U.S. Cavalry. Mexican revolution is the first social movement of the century.
Aurora (as Patricia Reyes Spindola)
In Madrid, a petty thief who cannot adjust to life outside of jail puts together a theater troupe her friends -- a prostitute, a gypsy, and a Colombian immigrant -- in an attempt to make a go at a relatively straight life.
Madre Superiora
Matilde is a nun convinced that faith moves mountains. She secretly begins a mystic fasting to end what she considers to be the second great flood. Elena is a thin and fashion-conscious woman ashamed of her daughter's chubbiness. She's willing to do the impossible to make her daughter Linda thin so Linda will look like a little princess on the day she receives her first communion. At the same time Elena's husband Gustavo - a professor of architecture - cannot cope with his wife's bones poking him during intimate moments so he turns his attention to a buxom female student with a hearty appetite.
Mrs. Gonzalez
Dianne travels alone to Mexico in search of her missing sister. Her investigation presents unsettling encounters leading her on a mind-bender as she attempts to unravel the truth.
A conservative businesswoman promises her dying husband to bring their son, long-absent and whose whereabouts, is unknown back home. The clues lead to El Edén, a male brothel dressed as a gym. Despite the fact that he refuses to return, she, accustomed to achieving what she sets out to do, will use all her weapons to recover what is her own.
In Vera Cruz in the 1940s, Nacho, an Indian, waits tables at Don Lázaro's café at Hotel Ofélia. He falls for Lola, an opium-addicted, alcoholic whore who's hopelessly in love with Gardenia Wilson, a masked wrestler who slept with her once but knows she's unbalanced. Don Lázaro warns Nacho about Lola, and Nacho knows his love will be unrequited, but he'll do anything, regardless of how degrading, to be near her. Lola, for her part, can be sadistic. Republican exiles who are regulars at the café encourage Lola's desire to assassinate Franco. Nacho in turn mixes this political mirage with his fascination with the plot of "The Mikado." Where do fantasies and obsessions lead?
Matilde Kahlo
Фриде было 20 лет, когда она вышла замуж за самого знаменитого художника Мексики Диего Риверу, немолодого, богатого и развратного. Пройдет всего несколько лет, и она завоюет Париж, а о его скандале с Рокфеллером напишут все американские газеты! Их многочисленные любовные романы не помешают им покорить мир, а вот смогут ли они укротить друг друга?!..
Conflicted gay man makes contact with the ghost of his boyfriend from teenaged years.
Iñaki, a petty thief, is forced to leave Spain because of a crime that got complicated. He decides to go to Mexico to meet his father, and realizes that he has lived a life of lies, but also discovers other things, within a group of guys with little luck.
Caiman's Mother
Iñaki, a petty thief, is forced to leave Spain because of a crime that got complicated. He decides to go to Mexico to meet his father, and realizes that he has lived a life of lies, but also discovers other things, within a group of guys with little luck.
Axe Face
A woman seeks help from one of her bigamous husband's killers to transport his corpse back to her home.
Adela, The Godmother
After her husband leaves her for a younger woman, Julia plans her revenge with the help of her grandmother.
Alejandro and Beto are in love. Their relationship, however, is being seriously tested. Alejandro is HIV+ and becoming more desperate as he finds the drug treatments in Mexico City are not working as he had hoped, and his t-cells continue to plummet. After much anguish, he decides, without input from Beto, that he needs to go to the U.S. for better information, medication and treatment. That decision unleashes havoc for Alejandro as he and Beto fight, slip up and finally reconcile. At the U.S. embassy, Alejandro is denied a visa, which ultimately leads him to try crossing the border illegally.
Когда-то полковник сражался за свободу и братство. Но те дни прошли, и он тщетно ждёт пенсии в небольшом латиноамериканском городке вместе с больной женой. Ждёт уже 27 лет… Каждое утро он просыпается с мыслью о пенсии, ждёт, что с минуты на минуту ему её переведут. А мимо проносится жизнь с её маленькими радостями и горестями. Над полковником смеются, его жалеют, и единственная его надежда на лучшую жизнь — бойцовый петух, когда-то принадлежащий его погибшему сыну.
"La Nueva Jerusalem" is a small community of believers lead by Papá Basilio and Mamá Dorita. They're waiting for the second coming of Christ, so they've abandoned the world, searching for a new spiritual life. Mamá Dorita sees in young Tomasa the signals of the chosen one. The young girl will be the new leader in "La Nueva Jerusalem".
Sra. Ruelas
Мелкий мошенник и альфонс Николас встречается лишь с теми женщинами, которые способны если не содержать его, то хотя бы поддерживать на плаву. В ход идут все средства: «милый севильский акцент», сходство с французским актером Шарлем Буайе и даже парик, скрывающий обширную лысину. После недолгого общения с любовницами Николас грабит их и исчезает. И все бы шло гладко, если бы не встреча с весьма непривлекательной, одинокой, сексуально неудовлетворенной женщиной пышных форм, по имени Корал. Чтобы удержать Николаса при себе, она становится его тенью. Представляясь братом и сестрой, любовники вместе продолжают грабить и убивать отчаявшихся от одиночества женщин. Со временем патологические отношения героев перерастают в обоюдную страсть...
Tired of being mistreated by their husbands, Ema (Reyes Spindola), Clotilde (Elizarraras) and Chayo (Orozco) leave their past (children and husbands included) and begin an adventure that will take them to a cavernous cabaret in Guadalajara, a love affair with a hot-blooded young drug dealer and, finally, a popular and well decorated mexican restaurant in downtown L.A. In the middle, the three women will find their respective self-esteem and their true reasons for living.
Lucha Reyes
The legendary life of Mexican singer Lucha Reyes is the basis of this fictionalized biography ( or as director Arturo Ripstein puts it "an imaginary biography"). Lucha Reyes was an unconventional, and sexually liberated woman, most famous for her "cancion ranchera" style singing. Her story begins in 1939, where at 33 she still lived at home with her mother, Dona Victora, the madame of a renowned Mexico City whorehouse. Lucha marries the liberal Pedro Calderon and then buys a beggar's daughter. She becomes the mother to this child, Luzma. Lucha craves lasting love like junkies crave heroin. But for her loyal daughter, she never finds it and in the end no one can help her.
Ghosts cause a lot of funny and chilling problems to a young couple that recently moved in their house.
A bureaucrat gets a house and even a car on credit thanks to the support of a compadre who is a union leader, but then has difficulty paying because he is fired in a job cut despite the many years he has been working.
Perla, a prostitute and the star in a miserable cabaret in the docks, falls in love with a sailor without knowing that he is her brother. Tomasa, Perla's mother, tries to prevent this incestuous relationship at all costs, but fails to do so. Set in a sordid environment, the director makes no concessions in this tragic love affair, which is narrated from three different points of view.
Between chargers, noise and improvisedly placed furniture, a couple experiences a violent marital crisis, ignoring that they are observed by many characters that will soon face them with their own demons. Inspired by a work by Vicente Leñero, Gabriel Retes orchestrates a portrait without concessions of the hell of the marriage institution and love chaos, made in video format in 1990 and completed by the filmmaker more than a decade later.
Mix magical universe of Juan Rulfo, in which Juan Preciado, "Pedro Paramo", located incestuous siblings "Talpa" while Juvencio Nava, of "Diles que no me maten", flee several men who pursue for killing Colonel Terrones.
A taxi driver goes missing after driving a passenger out of town.
The drama of the Indians of tropical Mexico in the early twentieth century. The Rebellion of the Hanged is the intense story of the rise of the oppressed pawns and their struggle to achieve freedom and independence.
Luz is in jail, accused of murdering her own children. Her husband and her mother-in-law say she killed them in cold blood. Dr. Rebollar tries to help the woman, but she refuses to remember anything. Luz thinks of jail as the purgatory: it's only one step to reach the Heaven.
Irene is a young housewife and mother who tries to raise her young family, love her husband and keep her home all the while studying her masters' degree. Mario, her husband, is a good man, but he's tied by convention. When she has a strange mishap one day, her domestic life is catapulted in a whirl of horror and violence that will tear the fabric of her very existence apart.
The abuse of authority and the employer of a mining town make workers, influenced by reading articles from Ricardo Flores Magon in newspaper Regeneration, organize clandestinely and mutiny against the US, owner of the mine, which is refuses to rescue a group of workers trapped by a landslide.
Remake of Pueblerina (1949). Convict is released from prison and tries to pick up his life-farm-girlfriend where he left off with them. But there are obstacles.
Eduvigis Dyada
Juan Preciado, son of Pedro Páramo, goes to Comala to claim his inheritance; but when he arrives he finds an abandoned and sinister town, inhabited by mysterious voices and whispers…
Картина о жизни мексиканца Хесуса Санчеса и его детей. Хесус — овдовевший фермер, он трудится не покладая рук, чтобы обеспечить свою семью. Впрочем, он не только труженик — Санчес любит женщин, а еще бывает довольно агрессивен. Так, он груб и очень требователен по отношению к своей дочери Консуэло , которая хочет вырваться из-под контроля отца. Девушка делится своими проблемами с бабушкой Пакитой , которая советует Консуэло поскорее выскочить замуж...
Directed by Federico Weingartshofer
Virgen Maria
A guy is peer-pressured, despite his reluctance, to play the role of Christ in a local production of the Passion Play.
Gray Thorn
Лорд Джон Морган, разочарованный «цивилизованной» английской аристократией, возвращается на американский Запад в поисках той суровой жизни, которую он когда-то вел среди племени Желтой Руки. Но вместо этого он находит лишь разрушение: жестокая и кровавая война, которую навязали его «соплеменникам» нечестный охотник и его сторонники. Племя почти истреблено, ослаблено, согнано со своих земель, и его единственная надежда на отвоевание священных земель и возвращение древнего образа жизни - это Морган, человек, которого в племени называют Лошадью.
Librado, an unemployed man, lives in a crowded small house with numerous children and relatives, is beaten for stealing a car antenna. His godmother and her children try to settle in his place. She then is arrested at a supermarket for stealing, however, she offers herself and volunteers a friend of hers for sex to the policemen so she can be released. She is a maid of an employee who acts subservient to his boss, a mid-level government employee at once servile who delivers speeches on sexuality in educational texts and then discusses the matter with his brother, a corrupt inspector.
В фильме чилийского режиссёра Мигеля Литтина показывается одна из тёмных страниц истории Чили – жестокое подавление восстания рабочих на селитряных рудниках. Будучи в изгнании во времена правления Пиночета, Литин снимал этот фильм на севере Мексики, где климат и пейзаж соответствовали северу Чили – именно тем провинциям, где и происходили описываемые события. Сценарием к фильму послужил роман Патрисио Маннса, написанного им на основе рассказов очевидцев массовых убийств и пыток, происходивших в начале ХХ века, когда хозяевами Чили фактически являлись иностранные капиталисты. В целях адаптации к телетрансляции и, наверное, из морально-этических соображений из фильма были вырезаны сцены насилия солдат над задержанными рабочими и их жёнами в камере пыток, что в некоторой мере преуменьшает понимание эмоциональной составляющей борьбы за свои права и достойную жизнь.
Two young waitresses, Laura and Eva, become romantically involved with a movie distributor, Adrian, and his friend Luis.
Slice-of-life story about the career arcs of five or six boxers who pal around together.
Adult brothers compete for pateral affection and for control of the family estate.
A Paralytic woman with telepathy powers enter in the body of her caregiver for take revenge against everyone who hurt her.