Vishnu Govind


Sound Designer
The survival of those affected after the natural disaster struck.
Sound Designer
What happens when the name of an innocent girl appears in Kerala Anti-Social Activities Prevention Act (KAAPA), the list of most wanted people in Kerala.
Saudi Vellakka
Sound Designer
Abhilash Sasidharan receives a summons warrant to appear in court for a case from his childhood. Desperate to learn the truth, he finds a small conflict snowballed into a larger one that changed the lives of everyone involved
Sound Mixer
The story unravels between the incidents that take place within four days of Joshi, a mobile shop owner who purchases a new car owing to a marriage alliance that is almost fixed with a girl called Radha.
Sound Designer
The story unravels between the incidents that take place within four days of Joshi, a mobile shop owner who purchases a new car owing to a marriage alliance that is almost fixed with a girl called Radha.
Sound Designer
Jasmine returns to her childhood home on her brother's death. Is the house now haunted by spirits or by living beings trapped by emotional bonds?
Sound Designer
Wazim is young, carefree and often drawn to fights. But when love blooms with a star vlogger, the impact of his fists could have disastrous effects.
Sound Designer
A sensitive and manipulated video clip is circulated amongst the co-workers of the factory where the couple work, which unleashes unexpected emotional, social and marital imbalances in their relationship.
Sound Designer
Abraham Mathew Mathan aka Paappan, a voluntarily retired S.P. from the Crime Branch who is unwillingly reinstated to the force for investigating a long-standing murder case.
Sound Designer
Anikkuttan is an ill-tempered electronics technician who leads a quiet life with his mother. His daily routines are disrupted when his next door neighbour's new born baby stirs up undesirable memories from his past. What will happen next?
Sound Mixer
A time travel story, where an ancient case and a new one come together in a modern-day courtroom drama.
Sound Designer
A time travel story, where an ancient case and a new one come together in a modern-day courtroom drama.
Sound Designer
Kuttan, an annoyingly disciplined and a bigoted upper-caste retired police officer, is living with his son Kichu. After Bharati, Kuttan’s younger sister, falls in love with lower caste Kuttappan and elopes with him against her family’s wish, the attempts on Kuttan's life increases and his paranoia make the lives around him miserable.
Upacharapoorvam Gunda Jayan
Sound Designer
Former rowdy Jayan is in a mission to conduct the marriage of his niece. Things got out of hands when things get worse
Sound Designer
Paul’s daughter Sherin is no more and her husband Allen has remarried. When he visits the new couple, who is also taking care of his grandson, a few doubts pop up in his mind, regarding his daughter’s death.
Sound Mixer
A past ridden with crime, death and pain is recounted to Freddy, a juvenile criminal, who has been assigned to eliminate his estranged uncle Sulaiman, an aging patriarch, while behind bars.
Sound Designer
A past ridden with crime, death and pain is recounted to Freddy, a juvenile criminal, who has been assigned to eliminate his estranged uncle Sulaiman, an aging patriarch, while behind bars.
Хвала храбрецам
Sound Designer
Недумааран Раджангам «Маара» стремится заставить простого человека летать и в процессе берет на себя самую капиталоемкую промышленность в мире и наживает себе врагов, которые стоят у него на пути к заветной цели.
Скоро увидимся
Sound Mixer
Фильм снят в формате видеоконференции через интернет. Главный герой картины Джимми встречает девушку Ану на сайте знакомств. Она ему сразу же понравилась, и он влюбился в неё с первого взгляда. Довольно скоро главный герой решает жениться на этой девушке, и с этого момента начинается всё самое интересное. Мать Джимми отправляет кузена Кевина на задание, согласно которому он должен раздобыть как можно больше информации о будущей невесте её сына. Кевин и предположить не мог, что такая прекрасная и обаятельная девушка, как Ану может скрывать такие ужасные секреты. Вскоре он узнает о ней очень много нового, и всю полученную информацию он должен будет как можно скорее передать своему кузену…
Sound Designer
Вскоре после похищения нескольких детей их находят жестоко убитыми. За поиск серийного убийцы берется следователь Ритика Ксавье. В качестве помощника ей назначают молодого судмедэксперта Сэмюэла Джона Каттооккаарана, который оказывается младшим братом бывшего мужа Ритики. Они расстались после потери одного из своих детей. Внезапно Сэмюэл делает шокирующее заявление о том, что убийцей является ребенок. Ритика вынуждена согласиться с этим после того, как один свидетель рассказывает о том, как видел маленького мальчика, выбрасывающего тело. Они публикуют фоторобот ребенка-убийцы, в то время как жертв становится все больше. Но психолог Альфонс Куриен пока не узнает в ребёнке своего давнего клиента, который действительно имел признаки психопатического поведения. Теперь начинается гонка на время: успеет ли команда профессионалов найти убийцу до того, как появится еще одна жертва?
Ayyappanum Koshiyum
Sound Designer
The story revolves around the clash between Ayyappan, a senior police officer who serves at the Attappadi Police Station and Havildar Koshi, who comes to the village with a motive.
Sound Designer
Aravind is informed that something unexpected has happened to his family and has to reach the hospital immediately. What awaits him comes as a shock as he is soon sucked into a miasma of questions that he has to fight to find the answers.
Anjaam Pathiraa
Sound Designer
A psychologist with a keen interest in criminology gets entangled in a tough serial killer case which the police find hard to crack.
Sound Mixer
SI Manikandan and his police team are dispatched to Basthar, a Maoist area for election duty where they aren't trained to handle the attacks in a territory field filled with land mines while being armed with unnecessary ammunition.
Sound Designer
Two youngsters who try to find joy after they lose out on love and their need for a mutual trust to sustain love and happiness.
Sound Designer
An amiable photographer in a small-town, who is nursing a breakup, unwittingly becomes embroiled in a street brawl that turns him into a man obsessed with revenge.
Sound Designer
A series of murders are happening in the city, and a cop realises that they are all eerily similar. Can he find out the link and capture the murderer before it is too late?
Sound Designer
A journalist sets out to uncover the truth behind an incident, through the perspectives of different people, unraveling how they and their lives are intertwined with it.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Two families have a tough time dealing with a revenge-seeking spirit, which is strangely connected with one of its members
Meyaadha Maan
Sound Designer
A youngster who loves a girl tries to commit suicide and to dissuade him, his friend reaches out to the girl, setting in motion events that unexpectedly turn out to be life changing.
Sound Designer
An experimental romantic thriller, Solo is the story of four different men, their love, rage and afterlife. Through four elements - water, air, fire and earth, they also represent different facets of Lord Siva.
Sound Designer
A grumpy boxing coach takes on a young, rebellious woman under his wings and starts training her for the world championship. But their biggest battle has to be fought outside the ring.
Take Off
Sound Editor
A group of Malayali nurses stranded in Iraq, must survive their capture by the extremists and reach out to the rescue team headed by the Indian government.
Enakku Innoru Per Irukku
Sound Designer
The film is an action entertainer where G V Prakash will be seen in the role of an auto rickshaw driver named Johnny.
Sound Designer
Three men try to overcome the problems in their lives not realising the impact their efforts are having on the women in their lives.
Kadhalum Kadanthu Pogum
Sound Designer
An unlikely romance brews between a tough-acting thug with a tender heart, and a recently single, IT consultant neighbor, in this lighthearted and wacky twist of a romantic comedy.
Jil Jung Juk
Sound Designer
Three bumbling underlings who are tasked with smuggling cocaine get into problems during their journey.
Особо упрямый
Sound Designer
Тренер по боксу Ади , который находится в длительной ссоре с коварным главным тренером Девом Кхатри ), обвинён в сексуальных домогательствах по анонимному письму и переведён национальным институтом бокса в Ченнаи. Именно здесь, в Мадрасе, Ади находит Мадхи , 17-летнюю рыбачку, имеющую огромный потенциал боксера. Мадхи, хотя и неохотно, но соглашается пройти обучение у Ади. Произошедший инцидент, тайно спровоцированный собственной сестрой Мадхи, Лакс создает раскол между Ади и Мадхи, причем настолько, что Ади отказывается тренировать Мадхи. События разворачиваются таким образом, что приводят Мадхи в полицейский участок, чтобы внести залог за Ади. Живет ли Мадхи теми же надеждами и ожиданиями, как и Ади, что она принесет ему лавры на международном уровне?
Sound Designer
Даниш Али, офицер ATS (Anti Terrorism Squad — отряд по борьбе с терроризмом) счастлив в браке с Руанной и имеет четырехлетнюю дочь. Его счастливой семейной жизни приходит конец, когда во время преследования террористов убивают его дочь. В период восстановления после этой огромной потери, он встречает бывшего шахматного гроссмейстера — Пандитджи, который тоже страдает от горя потери своей дочери. Пандитджи учит Даниша играть в шахматы, пытаясь утешить его и отвлечь от скорби. Также он рассказывает своему новоиспечённому другу о загадочной смерти своей дочери Нины и о своих подозрениях, что это министр благосостояния Изад Куреши зверски убил ее. Даниш самостоятельно берется за это дело и начинает расследование, когда таинственный человек по имени — «Ферзь» совершает попытку нападения на Пандитджи. Кто такой этот Ферзь и почему он хочет убить Пандитджи? Кроме того, что за тайна кроется в смерти Нины?
Indru Netru Naalai
Sound Designer
Elango and his astrologer friend Pulivetti Arumugam come in possession of a time machine and start profiting from it. However, their meddling with time prevents the death of a gangster, who begins to wreck havoc in their lives.
Sound Designer
Three stages in George's life, and three girls he encounters in each stage.
Massu Engira Maasilamani
Sound Designer
A conman gains the power to see and communicate with ghosts and decides to use it to make money. His happy-go-lucky lifestyle goes for a toss when a ghost who is his look-alike approaches him with an offer.
Enakkul Oruvan
Sound Designer
A man suffering from insomnia is tricked into buying a drug, Lucia, that makes his desires come true in his dreams, blurring the line between fantasy and reality.
Sound Designer
Vettri joins a detective agency and is assigned a series of subjects to observe. He falls in love with Madhusree, one of his targets, and just when everything seems to be going fine, Vettri's subjects start dying mysteriously. Can he save Madhu before it is too late?
Pizza 2: Villa
Sound Designer
Jebin is a writer who is trying to get his work published. He comes to understand his financial status after his father's death. There is also a villa in Pondycherry that has been bequeathed to him by his dad about which he had no clue till then. His ensuing journey to the villa sets the ball rolling for interesting events that get unfurled slowly.
Sound Designer
Mathew is a graduate in software engineering, but is now jobless. He is waiting for his good time to get a good job. Mathew has borrowed some money as loan. Now he cannot give it back as he has no job. Mathew's childhood friend Jeena Johnykkutty is ready to help him as she could. She has a job. Her father Johnykkutty does not like Mathew and he always tries to trouble Mathew whenever he gets a chance. At this time Mathew's good time arrives; but along with it many problems too. The gripping events that follow plot the rest of 'Neram'.
Soodhu Kavvum
Sound Designer
Dass specialises in small time kidnapping and has his own set of rules. The primary and most important among them is not to get involved with influential people. Three jobless youngsters meet Dass and the four take up an assignment for a hefty sum that throws away this primary rule and end up being chased by a dreaded policeman.
Sound Designer
The story is about how around a pizza delivery boy lands in a mysterious circumstance and how it works a dramatic change in his life. A very different thriller which will make you sweat.
Sound Mixer
Sound Designer
Sound Designer
Sound Mixer
Sound Designer