Под занавес своего долгожданного, но неудавшегося путешествия в Париж три девушки от скуки заходят в пятизвездочный отель, и их жизнь совершает головокружительный поворот: одну из них принимают за избалованную англичанку, наследницу огромного состояния. И вот тыква превращается в карету, скромное платьице — в шикарный наряд, Золушка — в принцессу, а Париж — в Монте-Карло с вездесущими папарацци, частными самолетами, и незабываемой романтикой.
The Irresponsible Toad is in a mess and needs help from his friends try and save Toad Hall.
The Irresponsible Toad is in a mess and needs help from his friends try and save Toad Hall.
The Irresponsible Toad is in a mess and needs help from his friends try and save Toad Hall.
The Great Ak calls a council of the Immortals to ask that Santa Claus be given immortality. And to justify it, he tells the history of Santa Claus. The Ak found an abandoned baby and gave it to a lioness and a fairy to raise, who named him Claus. When Claus grew up, the Great Ak showed him the evil and hardship in the world and Claus decides to live there and relieve some of the suffering. He decides to make toys for orphans, but King Awgwa, the ruler of the valley where Claus lives doesn't want the children to be happy, and there is a great battle among Immortals.
The Great Ak calls a council of the Immortals to ask that Santa Claus be given immortality. And to justify it, he tells the history of Santa Claus. The Ak found an abandoned baby and gave it to a lioness and a fairy to raise, who named him Claus. When Claus grew up, the Great Ak showed him the evil and hardship in the world and Claus decides to live there and relieve some of the suffering. He decides to make toys for orphans, but King Awgwa, the ruler of the valley where Claus lives doesn't want the children to be happy, and there is a great battle among Immortals.
In this animated pilot based on the SNL sketch, The Coneheads come to conquer Earth but they soon find themselves becoming domesticated.
In this animated pilot based on the SNL sketch, The Coneheads come to conquer Earth but they soon find themselves becoming domesticated.
In this version of Oscar Wilde's tale, Dorian Gray is an actress who, desperate to become a worldwide star, makes a deal that switches her soul to her image on film, then proceeds to sleep and connive her way to the top, knowing that her screen test, and not she, will show the ravishes of time and of her immoral transgressions.
В далекой волшебной стране в сиреневой роще жил юный прекрасный единорог, знающий секреты магии. Однажды он узнал, что все его сородичи исчезли с лица земли, и он может стать последним единорогом на свете.
И тогда единорог покинул свою рощу и отправился в долгое и опасное путешествие, чтобы разыскать и спасти своих сородичей. Много приключении пришлось ему пережить и многих опасных врагов довелось повстречать-свиноподобную ведьму Матушку Фортуну, шайку разбойников капитана Калли, злобного и жадного короля Хэггарда.
Но с помощью верных друзей - волшебника-недоучки Шмендрика, девушки Молли и прекрасного принца Лира -единорогу удалось одолеть огромного и страшного Красного Быка и освободить своих собратьев-единорогов.
В далекой волшебной стране в сиреневой роще жил юный прекрасный единорог, знающий секреты магии. Однажды он узнал, что все его сородичи исчезли с лица земли, и он может стать последним единорогом на свете.
И тогда единорог покинул свою рощу и отправился в долгое и опасное путешествие, чтобы разыскать и спасти своих сородичей. Много приключении пришлось ему пережить и многих опасных врагов довелось повстречать-свиноподобную ведьму Матушку Фортуну, шайку разбойников капитана Калли, злобного и жадного короля Хэггарда.
Но с помощью верных друзей - волшебника-недоучки Шмендрика, девушки Молли и прекрасного принца Лира -единорогу удалось одолеть огромного и страшного Красного Быка и освободить своих собратьев-единорогов.
Добрый зеленый волшебник живет со своей прекрасной белокурой дочерью. Естественно, он борется со злом, но в последнее время у него было много неудач. Служат ему летающие драконы и есть у него три брата, один из которых, красный волшебник, олицетворяет зло. Зеленый волшебник философски замечает, что добро было бы невозможно без существования зла. Он созывает своих трех братьев, так как обеспокоен тем, что их волшебные силы слабеют, а люди предпочитают надеяться на науку и логику.Он предлагает создать последнее волшебное царство, объединив силы, так как мир не должен обходиться без волшебства, необходимого для вдохновения. Но красный волшебник не согласился, он решил использовать силу и страх, восстановить брата против брата.
Добрый зеленый волшебник живет со своей прекрасной белокурой дочерью. Естественно, он борется со злом, но в последнее время у него было много неудач. Служат ему летающие драконы и есть у него три брата, один из которых, красный волшебник, олицетворяет зло. Зеленый волшебник философски замечает, что добро было бы невозможно без существования зла. Он созывает своих трех братьев, так как обеспокоен тем, что их волшебные силы слабеют, а люди предпочитают надеяться на науку и логику.Он предлагает создать последнее волшебное царство, объединив силы, так как мир не должен обходиться без волшебства, необходимого для вдохновения. Но красный волшебник не согласился, он решил использовать силу и страх, восстановить брата против брата.
Sent in search of a Christmas tree, cabin boy Dinty Doyle lands on a mysterious, uncharted Irish island where he accidentally releases a bad-tempered banshee from her pine tree prison. Leprechaun Blarney Kilakilarney knows that in order to survive, the banshee will try to swipe his clan's pot of Christmas gold. With some magical assistance from Lord Patrick, the king of the wee folk, Dinty and Blarney make a plan to outwit the gold-hungry hag before Christmas morning dawns.
Sent in search of a Christmas tree, cabin boy Dinty Doyle lands on a mysterious, uncharted Irish island where he accidentally releases a bad-tempered banshee from her pine tree prison. Leprechaun Blarney Kilakilarney knows that in order to survive, the banshee will try to swipe his clan's pot of Christmas gold. With some magical assistance from Lord Patrick, the king of the wee folk, Dinty and Blarney make a plan to outwit the gold-hungry hag before Christmas morning dawns.
Executive Producer
A steel samurai blade that was to be given to the American ambassador by the Emperor of Japan is stolen. American sailors and Japanese samurai are sent to find it.
As Geppetto prepares for Christmas, Pinocchio joins a puppet show to earn money for a present. There he meets and elopes with the beautiful girl puppet, Julietta, leaving Geppetto alone and worried.
As Geppetto prepares for Christmas, Pinocchio joins a puppet show to earn money for a present. There he meets and elopes with the beautiful girl puppet, Julietta, leaving Geppetto alone and worried.
К стенам Королевского города стекаются несметные войска Повелителя Тьмы. Король-призрак ведет чудовищную армию — тролли и орки, гоблины и назгулы идут на штурм города. Насмерть стоят бесстрашные защитники, все длится и длится кровавый бой… А в горах Мордора Фродо и Сэмми, томясь от жажды и голода, прячась от вездесущих врагов, все ближе и ближе подступают к жерлу Огненной горы…
"Возвращение Короля" — полнометражный анимационный фильм режиссеров Артура Рэнкина и Жюля Бэсса. Мультфильм является экранизацией третьей, последней книги трилогии Джона Рональда Руэла Толкина "Властелин колец". Был снят как продолжение мультфильма "Хоббит" тех же режиссёров и выдержан в духе детской сказки с элементами мюзикла.
К стенам Королевского города стекаются несметные войска Повелителя Тьмы. Король-призрак ведет чудовищную армию — тролли и орки, гоблины и назгулы идут на штурм города. Насмерть стоят бесстрашные защитники, все длится и длится кровавый бой… А в горах Мордора Фродо и Сэмми, томясь от жажды и голода, прячась от вездесущих врагов, все ближе и ближе подступают к жерлу Огненной горы…
"Возвращение Короля" — полнометражный анимационный фильм режиссеров Артура Рэнкина и Жюля Бэсса. Мультфильм является экранизацией третьей, последней книги трилогии Джона Рональда Руэла Толкина "Властелин колец". Был снят как продолжение мультфильма "Хоббит" тех же режиссёров и выдержан в духе детской сказки с элементами мюзикла.
Executive Producer
An ivory ape escapes from a freighter and makes its way to Bermuda. Two anthropologists want to save it, but the local authorities hire a big-game hunter to track it down and kill it.
Pardon-me Pete, the official groundhog of Groundhog Day, tells the story of Jack Frost, who falls in love with a beautiful young woman and begs Father Winter to make him human so that she can see him. His request is granted, but only on the condition that by the Spring he has a house, a bag of gold, a horse and a wife. But Jack finds that life as a human is more complicated than he thought.
Pardon-me Pete, the official groundhog of Groundhog Day, tells the story of Jack Frost, who falls in love with a beautiful young woman and begs Father Winter to make him human so that she can see him. His request is granted, but only on the condition that by the Spring he has a house, a bag of gold, a horse and a wife. But Jack finds that life as a human is more complicated than he thought.
Pardon-me Pete, the official groundhog of Groundhog Day, tells the story of Jack Frost, who falls in love with a beautiful young woman and begs Father Winter to make him human so that she can see him. His request is granted, but only on the condition that by the Spring he has a house, a bag of gold, a horse and a wife. But Jack finds that life as a human is more complicated than he thought.
Winterbolt is trying to make the North Pole his evil wonderland, and it is up to Frosty the Snowman, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and others to stop him.
Winterbolt is trying to make the North Pole his evil wonderland, and it is up to Frosty the Snowman, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and others to stop him.
This cartoon version of A Christmas Carol hails from the production house of Arthur Rankin Jr. and Jules Bass--the team that brought you just about every other Christmas special you saw as a kid (including Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer). Reinvented as a 49-minute musical ghost story, Stingiest stars the voice of Walter Matthau as the bedeviled Scrooge and Tom Bosley as the Jiminy Cricket-type narrator, B. Humbug, Esq.
В поисках причин смерти своего отца сирота по имени Мангус едет на Бермудские острова. Отправившись в компании друзей отца, работников биологической станции, на поиски гигантской черепахи, во время ночного купания он начинает резко тонуть. Спасшая его от смерти молодая загадочная девушка по имени Дженни оказывается его подружкой детства, единственным другом тех лет.
Nestor the donkey is a bit of an oddity--his long ears are enough for six donkeys and stretch all the way to the ground. One night, when Nestor is locked out in the cold, he begins to wander the desert.
Nestor the donkey is a bit of an oddity--his long ears are enough for six donkeys and stretch all the way to the ground. One night, when Nestor is locked out in the cold, he begins to wander the desert.
Nestor the donkey is a bit of an oddity--his long ears are enough for six donkeys and stretch all the way to the ground. One night, when Nestor is locked out in the cold, he begins to wander the desert.
Экранизация сказки Дж. Р. Р. Толкина о необычайном путешествии хоббита Бильбо Бэггинса, волшебника Гэндальфа и компании гномов к Одинокой горе, где дракон Смог сторожит сокровища, исконно принадлежащие гномам.
Экранизация сказки Дж. Р. Р. Толкина о необычайном путешествии хоббита Бильбо Бэггинса, волшебника Гэндальфа и компании гномов к Одинокой горе, где дракон Смог сторожит сокровища, исконно принадлежащие гномам.
Wealthy big game hunter (Boone), along with his group, gets trapped in pre-historic times where they are stalked by a ferocious dinosaur.
The Mailman decides to stop another deluge of letters by answering questions about the Easter Bunny: Sunny, a baby rabbit found and adopted by Kidville (a town of only kids--even a kid mailman). And when Sunny goes delivering eggs to the nearby town (which he has to dye to fool Gadzooks, the mean bear on the mountain), he discovers that there are no kids in the town, and that the rightful (kid) ruler is being suppressed by his aunt. But the young king likes Sunny's dyed eggs and jelly beans. So Kidsville, with the help of an old train engine, makes a few plans (and a decoy chocolate rabbit) to distribute them.
The Mailman decides to stop another deluge of letters by answering questions about the Easter Bunny: Sunny, a baby rabbit found and adopted by Kidville (a town of only kids--even a kid mailman). And when Sunny goes delivering eggs to the nearby town (which he has to dye to fool Gadzooks, the mean bear on the mountain), he discovers that there are no kids in the town, and that the rightful (kid) ruler is being suppressed by his aunt. But the young king likes Sunny's dyed eggs and jelly beans. So Kidsville, with the help of an old train engine, makes a few plans (and a decoy chocolate rabbit) to distribute them.
Aaron, the drummer boy, struggles to protect a bellmaker's great silver bells from seizure by Roman soldiers
Aaron, the drummer boy, struggles to protect a bellmaker's great silver bells from seizure by Roman soldiers
Aaron, the drummer boy, struggles to protect a bellmaker's great silver bells from seizure by Roman soldiers
Rudolph must find Happy, the baby new year, before the midnight of New Year's Eve.
Rudolph must find Happy, the baby new year, before the midnight of New Year's Eve.
Years have passed since Frosty left for the North Pole, but his promise is kept when he hears news of the first snowfall of the season, and decides to return.
Years have passed since Frosty left for the North Pole, but his promise is kept when he hears news of the first snowfall of the season, and decides to return.
A beloved toy stuffed rabbit is rescued by a fairy to be the first Easter Rabbit.
A beloved toy stuffed rabbit is rescued by a fairy to be the first Easter Rabbit.
A young shepherd, Lucas, is blinded by lightening, and some kindly nuns at a nearby abbey take him in. Sister Catherine describes snow to Lucas, who has never seen it. Lucas gets chosen to play an angel in the abbey's Christmas pageant, and the Christmas snow that falls during the pageant works a small miracle.
A young shepherd, Lucas, is blinded by lightening, and some kindly nuns at a nearby abbey take him in. Sister Catherine describes snow to Lucas, who has never seen it. Lucas gets chosen to play an angel in the abbey's Christmas pageant, and the Christmas snow that falls during the pageant works a small miracle.
A young shepherd, Lucas, is blinded by lightening, and some kindly nuns at a nearby abbey take him in. Sister Catherine describes snow to Lucas, who has never seen it. Lucas gets chosen to play an angel in the abbey's Christmas pageant, and the Christmas snow that falls during the pageant works a small miracle.
Feeling forgotten by the children of the world, old St. Nick decides to skip his gift-giving journey and take a vacation. Mrs. Claus and two spunky little elves, Jingle and Jangle, set out to see to where all the season's cheer has disappeared. Aided by a magical snowfall, they reawaken the spirit of Christmas in children's hearts and put Santa back in action.
Feeling forgotten by the children of the world, old St. Nick decides to skip his gift-giving journey and take a vacation. Mrs. Claus and two spunky little elves, Jingle and Jangle, set out to see to where all the season's cheer has disappeared. Aided by a magical snowfall, they reawaken the spirit of Christmas in children's hearts and put Santa back in action.
When a town learns that Santa Claus has struck it off his delivery schedule due to an insulting letter, a way must be found to change his mind.
A combination of live action and animation chronicinge the great journey of Marco Polo to the mysterious Orient. Much of the story centers on Polo's relationship with the powerful Kublai Khan.
Annie Marie imagines herself in the stories "Alice in Wonderland", "Goldilocks and the Three Bears", "The Wizard of Oz" and "Cinderella".
With the help of Charles Dickens, two young children attempt to save the essence of Christmas from the evil Mantu.
This animated feature casts the Red Baron as a hero, in a world of heroic anthropomorphic dogs and villainous anthropomorphic cats.
A leprechaun, who had changed himself into a pumpkin seed to hibernate for the winter, comes to life as Mr. Jack O'Lantern, who then uses his pumpkin shell to help scare away Zelda the Witch and Archibald the Warlock.
A guardian angel agrees to help Willie Mays win the National League Pennant if Mays agrees to take care of Veronica, a lonely, mischievous orphan girl. Veronica makes Mays' life difficult, but when relatives show up to claim her after hearing that she's inherited money, Mays' heart softens.
A guardian angel agrees to help Willie Mays win the National League Pennant if Mays agrees to take care of Veronica, a lonely, mischievous orphan girl. Veronica makes Mays' life difficult, but when relatives show up to claim her after hearing that she's inherited money, Mays' heart softens.
All of Universal's greatest classic monsters gather at the Transylvania Astoria Hotel for Frankenstein's monster and his bride's Friday the 13th midnight wedding.
All of Universal's greatest classic monsters gather at the Transylvania Astoria Hotel for Frankenstein's monster and his bride's Friday the 13th midnight wedding.
This is one of the 'Animagical' titles from the children's film archive of Rankin/Bass. The story line is reminiscent of an earlier 1966 R/B Animagic film, 'The Daydreamer', both of which chronicles the fairy tales of Danish author, Hans Christian Andersen.
This is one of the 'Animagical' titles from the children's film archive of Rankin/Bass. The story line is reminiscent of an earlier 1966 R/B Animagic film, 'The Daydreamer', both of which chronicles the fairy tales of Danish author, Hans Christian Andersen.
Peter Cottontail wants to be the #1 chief Easter Bunny, and everyone in April Valley agrees...except for Evil Irontail. Peter must deliver more eggs than this archrival to earn the top spot...and save Easter for children everywhere!
Peter Cottontail wants to be the #1 chief Easter Bunny, and everyone in April Valley agrees...except for Evil Irontail. Peter must deliver more eggs than this archrival to earn the top spot...and save Easter for children everywhere!
A postman, S.D. Kluger, decides to answer some of the most common questions about Santa Claus, and tells us about a baby named Kris who is raised by a family of elf toymakers named Kringle. When Kris grows up, he wants to deliver toys to the children of Sombertown. But its Mayor is too mean to let that happen. And to make things worse, the Winter Warlock lives between the Kringles and Sombertown.
A postman, S.D. Kluger, decides to answer some of the most common questions about Santa Claus, and tells us about a baby named Kris who is raised by a family of elf toymakers named Kringle. When Kris grows up, he wants to deliver toys to the children of Sombertown. But its Mayor is too mean to let that happen. And to make things worse, the Winter Warlock lives between the Kringles and Sombertown.
A postman, S.D. Kluger, decides to answer some of the most common questions about Santa Claus, and tells us about a baby named Kris who is raised by a family of elf toymakers named Kringle. When Kris grows up, he wants to deliver toys to the children of Sombertown. But its Mayor is too mean to let that happen. And to make things worse, the Winter Warlock lives between the Kringles and Sombertown.
The Mad, Mad, Mad Comedians is a 1970 American animated television special produced by Rankin/Bass Productions. After the Christmas special Frosty the Snowman (1969), it was Rankin/Bass' second hand-drawn animated work to be outsourced to Osamu Tezuka's Mushi Production in Tokyo, Japan. The show aired on ABC on April 7, 1970 before the airing of that year's Oscars. It was a tribute to early vaudeville, and featured animated reworkings of various famous comedians' acts.
За старую шелковую шляпу идет борьба между закончившим карьеру магом и группой школьников. Ведь это не просто шляпа, она помогла оживить снеговика. Понимая, что весной снеговик начнет таять, снеговик Фрости и маленькая девочка, с которой Фрости подружился, отправляются на северный полюс. Маг же преследует их, желая вернуть свою шляпу.
За старую шелковую шляпу идет борьба между закончившим карьеру магом и группой школьников. Ведь это не просто шляпа, она помогла оживить снеговика. Понимая, что весной снеговик начнет таять, снеговик Фрости и маленькая девочка, с которой Фрости подружился, отправляются на северный полюс. Маг же преследует их, желая вернуть свою шляпу.
After being kidnapped and escaping, young drummer boy Aaron searches for his camel and finds him in the Nativity of the Baby Jesus. Aaron gives Baby Jesus the only gift he has, a song on his drum.
After being kidnapped and escaping, young drummer boy Aaron searches for his camel and finds him in the Nativity of the Baby Jesus. Aaron gives Baby Jesus the only gift he has, a song on his drum.
After being kidnapped and escaping, young drummer boy Aaron searches for his camel and finds him in the Nativity of the Baby Jesus. Aaron gives Baby Jesus the only gift he has, a song on his drum.
The famous ship called Mayflower is trapped amidst a huge storm. The entire story is narrated by a church-mouse called Willum, from his viewpoint. The tale begins with the pilgrim preachers deciding to move to America and getting aboard the Mayflower. However, because of the huge storm, the ship gets on the verge of sinking. Then, Willum, the pilgrim mouse, comes up with an idea to save the ship. When the pilgrims land safely, they write the Mayflower Compact and start constructing their new church and colony. However, it is already the autumn season and they do not have much food stored for the winter. The pilgrims then learn to plant crops during the spring season and celebrate a big feast toward the onset of the autumn season or fall. This is their first Thanksgiving celebration.
The famous ship called Mayflower is trapped amidst a huge storm. The entire story is narrated by a church-mouse called Willum, from his viewpoint. The tale begins with the pilgrim preachers deciding to move to America and getting aboard the Mayflower. However, because of the huge storm, the ship gets on the verge of sinking. Then, Willum, the pilgrim mouse, comes up with an idea to save the ship. When the pilgrims land safely, they write the Mayflower Compact and start constructing their new church and colony. However, it is already the autumn season and they do not have much food stored for the winter. The pilgrims then learn to plant crops during the spring season and celebrate a big feast toward the onset of the autumn season or fall. This is their first Thanksgiving celebration.
This animated musical version of Charles Dickens' classic tale tells the story of a poor toymaker and his daughter whom a helpful cricket named Crocket befriends on Christmas morning.
This animated musical version of Charles Dickens' classic tale tells the story of a poor toymaker and his daughter whom a helpful cricket named Crocket befriends on Christmas morning.
In this animated children's film, Mother Goose and her fairytale friends must stop a group of sneaky spies.
In this animated children's film, Mother Goose and her fairytale friends must stop a group of sneaky spies.
Барон фон Франкенштейн вызывает всех монстров - Дракулу, Доктора Джекилла и Мистера Хайда, Горбуна из Нотр-Дама, Человека-Невидимку, Мумию, Волка-Оборотня и Существо из Черной Лагуны - на их ежегодную встречу в его замке на Острове Зла.
Там он объявляет, что он собирается уходить на покой с поста главы Monsters Inc. Но когда другие монстры узнают, что он собирается передать всю работу его тормозному племяннику Феликсу Франкену вместо кого-то из них, они пытаются остановить его.
Барон фон Франкенштейн вызывает всех монстров - Дракулу, Доктора Джекилла и Мистера Хайда, Горбуна из Нотр-Дама, Человека-Невидимку, Мумию, Волка-Оборотня и Существо из Черной Лагуны - на их ежегодную встречу в его замке на Острове Зла.
Там он объявляет, что он собирается уходить на покой с поста главы Monsters Inc. Но когда другие монстры узнают, что он собирается передать всю работу его тормозному племяннику Феликсу Франкену вместо кого-то из них, они пытаются остановить его.
The Ballad of Smokey the Bear tells the story, or a story of Smokey the Bear. The premise has Smokey’s big brother, voiced by James Cagney, telling the story of how his brother got his name. It’s a long winded and rambling tale that has very little Smokey and a great deal of a cranky Jimmy. The story has the animals trying to find out who set a forest fire and is poisoning the water. Its not giving anything away to say it’s an escaped circus gorilla that smokes cigars.
In this hybrid of live-action and stop-motion animation, a young Hans Christian Andersen goes in search of knowledge in the Garden of Paradise in order to make his studies easier. Each time he falls asleep, he experiences in his dreams the different characters he would later write about in fairy tales including The Little Mermaid, Thumbelina and The Emperor's New Clothes.
In this hybrid of live-action and stop-motion animation, a young Hans Christian Andersen goes in search of knowledge in the Garden of Paradise in order to make his studies easier. Each time he falls asleep, he experiences in his dreams the different characters he would later write about in fairy tales including The Little Mermaid, Thumbelina and The Emperor's New Clothes.
In this hybrid of live-action and stop-motion animation, a young Hans Christian Andersen goes in search of knowledge in the Garden of Paradise in order to make his studies easier. Each time he falls asleep, he experiences in his dreams the different characters he would later write about in fairy tales including The Little Mermaid, Thumbelina and The Emperor's New Clothes.
Associate Producer
Little Willy McBean joins up with a Mexican monkey named Pablo to travel back in time and stop the evil Prof. von Rotten from changing history.
Он родился красноносым. Но ведь это — не беда. Нос его, при том, светился, будто яркая звезда. Обижали все олени красноносого юнца. И в игру не принимали. И дразнили без конца. Но однажды, на кануне Рождества, чтоб в метель не заплутать, попросил Рудольфа Санта путь упряжке освещать. И отныне скачет первым красноносый молодец. Все олени его любят. Наш Рудольф — он лучше всех!!!
Rather than adapt a later or create a new Oz story, this production has Dorothy still in posession of the shoes, and she clings to an apple tree during a tornado which takes her back to Oz. The Scarecrow, Tin Woodman, and Lion (using the names created for the nearly-abstract television series, Tales of the Wizard of Oz, from which this was derived) have had their MGM gifts destroyed by the restored Wicked Witch, and the four proceed to the Wizard for help, who is ineffectual as usual.