For many decades, the Caribbean island of Vieques was used for military tests and training. In Mississippi, a small-town lawyer receives a phone call, drawing his attention to increased incidences of cancer. He takes the case to court. Based on his investigation, "Kings in Paradise - The Vieques Case" shows how the military destroyed the island's ecosystem and its people. It is a story about a desperate fight for justice.
Во времена ГДР тюрьма Hoheneck в Саксонии была самой страшной женской тюрьмой для политических заключенных, ранее ее некоторое время использовали нацисты. Этот фильм - иллюстрация свидетельств двух женщин, прошедших через ее ужас.
A father and daughter have lost touch. They used to take trips to the cinema, discuss music and politics. Until her interests began to change; then her looks; then her way of speaking. And one day she told him she was going to a wedding party in Denmark. Instead she started a new life. As the wife of a jihadist living in Syria.