Taylor Gianotas


Training Wheels
A socially inept woman rents one man to prepare for another.
Зеленее травы
История крутится вокруг превращения сына домохозяйки, во всем соперничающей со своей соседкой, в собаку.
The Arrival
A little boy feels betrayed when his mother has another son and decides to give her a taste of her own medicine -- by summoning another mother.
Sunspring is a short film about three people living in a weird future, possibly on a space station, probably in a love triangle. You know it's the future because H (played with neurotic gravity by Silicon Valley's Thomas Middleditch) is wearing a shiny gold jacket, H2 (Elisabeth Gray) is playing with computers, and C (Humphrey Ker) announces that he has to "go to the skull" before sticking his face into a bunch of green lights. It sounds like your typical sci-fi B-movie, complete with an incoherent plot. Except Sunspring isn't the product of Hollywood hacks—it was written entirely by an AI. To be specific, it was authored by a recurrent neural network called long short-term memory, or LSTM for short. At least, that's what we'd call it. The AI named itself Benjamin.
Sunspring is a short film about three people living in a weird future, possibly on a space station, probably in a love triangle. You know it's the future because H (played with neurotic gravity by Silicon Valley's Thomas Middleditch) is wearing a shiny gold jacket, H2 (Elisabeth Gray) is playing with computers, and C (Humphrey Ker) announces that he has to "go to the skull" before sticking his face into a bunch of green lights. It sounds like your typical sci-fi B-movie, complete with an incoherent plot. Except Sunspring isn't the product of Hollywood hacks—it was written entirely by an AI. To be specific, it was authored by a recurrent neural network called long short-term memory, or LSTM for short. At least, that's what we'd call it. The AI named itself Benjamin.
Поцелуй проклятой
Перед нами разворачивается любовная история между красивой вампиршей и смертным мужчиной. Долго сдерживаясь, героиня все же уступает искушению и пьет кровь любимого и не убивает его. Однако вскоре объявляется сестра вампирши, которая пытается положить конец чужеродным отношениям и спасти род вампиров от угрозы раскрытия.