Pattanam Rashid


Makeup Artist
A Biopic on Industrialist Srikanth Bolla
Makeup Designer
Pulipandi and friends, wanted by police, escape to Sabarimala. Pulipandi buys lottery, loses it. Lottery is found, wins 10 crores. Will Pulipandi get the prize? Action-packed rollercoaster unfolds.
Aanandham Paramanandham
Makeup Artist
Anupama's alcoholic father dies by suicide with a masterplan. However, she must prosper in life for his soul to attain salvation
Makeup Designer
An espionage agent who is branded a traitor returns from exile to take down a dubious water project and safeguard the country.
Pathonpatham Noottandu
Makeup Artist
Arattupuzha Velayudha Panicker, a 19th century fiery social reformer and his unswerving fight against the dominant caste oppressions by the upper classes.
Makeup Artist
Randu is a socio-political satire that hilariously portrays how the quite normal life of a village youth namely Vava is disturbed by the acts of some communal groups in the village. The current social atmosphere and political events add to his challenges. Can he make things straight through his wit and innocence?
Makeup Designer
Three youngsters in a resettlement colony that houses people displaced from their neighbourhood because of gentrification try to chart out a life for themselves.
Мараккар: Лев Аравийского моря
Makeup Artist
Биографический фильм, рассказывающий историю о легендарном Кунджали Мараккаре IV. Он был мятежником, поднявшим восстание против португальских колонистов. Мараккар стал первым в истории Индии командиром военно-морской эскадры, и именно под его началом было одержано несколько стратегически важных для страны побед. Мараккар блестяще справлялся со своими задачами, и довольно скоро он сумел нанести несколько болезненных поражений португальской армии. В конце концов, именно его вклад оказался решающим в борьбе индийцев за побережье, и именно благодаря ему португальцы так и не смогли отстоять свои колонии и были вынуждены покинуть занятые территории…
Jai Bhim
Makeup & Hair
A pregnant woman from a primitive tribal community, searches desperately for her husband, who is missing from police custody. So as to find her husband and seek justice for them, as their voice, a High Court advocate rises in support. Will their battle for justice succeed?
Key Makeup Artist
Биографический фильм о жизни Джаярам Джаялалиты политика и киноактрисы, которая шесть сроков занимала пост главного министра штата Тамилнаду.
Makeup Artist
За день до помолвки парню начинает угрожать местный бандит, которому он должен денег.
Makeup Artist
The aborted child of a couple goes after her own family members who were responsible for separating her from her mother.
Makeup Artist
Kaaliyan is a Malayalam movie starring Tini Tom in prominent roles. It is an action drama directed by Jijo Pangode.
Только женщины
Makeup Artist
В центре повествования находится современная девушка Прабха, которая занимается съёмками своих собственных документальных фильмов. Она живёт с женихом и готовится к скорой свадьбе. Прабха сумела сдружиться со своей будущей свекровью и начала всячески ей помогать. Однажды главная героиня решила найти своих подруг, с которыми она познакомилась ещё во время обучения в колледже. Прабха и предположить не могла, что процесс поиска станет для неё настоящим приключением.
The Black Jew
Makeup Artist
Aaron Eliyahu, a Jewish man, travels to a small village called Mala, Kerala in search of his Jewish heritage. On his journey, he befriends a Muslim man named Beerankunj. Unfortunately, Aaron meets with a fatal motor accident that lands him in a state of coma in a hermitage somewhere in North India. By the time he reaches Mala, he sees that his house has been converted into a post office and learns that his mother, Veronica, entrusted all her property with the panchayat before leaving for Israel. Unable to prove his own identity, Aaron is denied the rights to his own house. Since he is unable to provide any concrete evidence in the court of law, Aaron is thrown into the streets with only his true friend Beerankunj by his side. Karutha Joodhan reveals the unexpected happenings passing through the three generations of Aaron and Beerankunj.
Key Makeup Artist
Seven people from different walks of life give their blood sample for ELISA Test - AIDS Screening. To avoid the tension of waiting, they decide to bribe the technician and know the results earlier. They come to know only one among them has AIDS. Each one hoping it is not him,waits with anxiety. The film takes an unexpected turn from here creating an emotional and shocking end.
Adaminte Makan Abu
Makeup Artist
Abu, a poor perfume seller, lives with his wife. The couple strives hard to make an honest attempt to go for the Hajj pilgrimage.
Проклятая волна
Makeup Artist
Мэр Джон Браун решает возвести новую дамбу для замены столетней плотины, построенной еще его дедом во времена колониализма в Индии, дабы избавить 2,5-миллионный город от угрозы наводнения, но гибнет во время акций протеста. Его зять, коррумпированный политик, становится следующим мэром и объявляет об открытии новой плотины, которую он построил без соблюдения каких-либо мер безопасности. Астролог Шанкаран предсказывает катастрофу, и группа моряков объединяется, чтобы попытаться избежать этого и спасти людей.
Kerala Cafe
Makeup Artist
Ten stories meet at Kerala Cafe.
The Dawn
Makeup Artist
The film takes place in a coastal town where the locals are known for fishing and boat building. As it turns out, work in these two professions has started to decrease. Most young local men have deserted the town and started heading to the capital to look to for work.
Makeup Artist
A group of students camping in a forest accidentally set free a spirit who is seething with revenge to kill her murderer. When the spirit begins to kill the students one by one, they call a sorcerer.
Achcham Enbathu Illaye
Makeup Designer
Yezhu Kadal Yezhu Malai
Makeup Designer
Idhu Vedhalam Sollum Kadhai
Makeup Artist