Arun Matheswaran
Arun Matheswaran is an Indian film director known for his debut feature film, Rocky (2021), and his upcoming film Saani Kaayidam (2022).
In British India, during the 1930s and the 1940s, an outlaw named Miller commits robberies, sackings and attacks.
In British India, during the 1930s and the 1940s, an outlaw named Miller commits robberies, sackings and attacks.
In British India, during the 1930s and the 1940s, an outlaw named Miller commits robberies, sackings and attacks.
A police constable from an oppressed caste and her half-brother go after the dominant caste men who raped her and burned her husband and kid alive.
A police constable from an oppressed caste and her half-brother go after the dominant caste men who raped her and burned her husband and kid alive.
A police constable from an oppressed caste and her half-brother go after the dominant caste men who raped her and burned her husband and kid alive.
A police constable from an oppressed caste and her half-brother go after the dominant caste men who raped her and burned her husband and kid alive.
A gangster who is released from prison goes in search of his sister only to find his violent past tagging along and threatening to derail his attempt to lead a normal life.
A gangster who is released from prison goes in search of his sister only to find his violent past tagging along and threatening to derail his attempt to lead a normal life.
A gangster who is released from prison goes in search of his sister only to find his violent past tagging along and threatening to derail his attempt to lead a normal life.
A gangster who is released from prison goes in search of his sister only to find his violent past tagging along and threatening to derail his attempt to lead a normal life.
Тренер по боксу Ади , который находится в длительной ссоре с коварным главным тренером Девом Кхатри ), обвинён в сексуальных домогательствах по анонимному письму и переведён национальным институтом бокса в Ченнаи. Именно здесь, в Мадрасе, Ади находит Мадхи , 17-летнюю рыбачку, имеющую огромный потенциал боксера. Мадхи, хотя и неохотно, но соглашается пройти обучение у Ади. Произошедший инцидент, тайно спровоцированный собственной сестрой Мадхи, Лакс создает раскол между Ади и Мадхи, причем настолько, что Ади отказывается тренировать Мадхи. События разворачиваются таким образом, что приводят Мадхи в полицейский участок, чтобы внести залог за Ади. Живет ли Мадхи теми же надеждами и ожиданиями, как и Ади, что она принесет ему лавры на международном уровне?