Marcelo Novais Teles, a young Brazilian, arrives in Paris to become an actor. But he is caught up in a very intense love as well as professional life; that's when he choses to film everything as time progresses. Dinner, parties, rehearsals, friendly and family meetings, falsely profound conversations, trips to Europe, etc. THE EXILED is the magnificently happy montage of these sequences, home movie of an obvious and chronic happiness, where the insolence of youth and its beauty are displayed. There are many well-known faces of actors who have become famous since then, which adds to the charm continuously lavished by these innocent images. Self-portrait in the form of a generational portrait, where the love of art crosses the art of living, the exile here is in the land of happiness.
Marcelo Novais Teles, a young Brazilian, arrives in Paris to become an actor. But he is caught up in a very intense love as well as professional life; that's when he choses to film everything as time progresses. Dinner, parties, rehearsals, friendly and family meetings, falsely profound conversations, trips to Europe, etc. THE EXILED is the magnificently happy montage of these sequences, home movie of an obvious and chronic happiness, where the insolence of youth and its beauty are displayed. There are many well-known faces of actors who have become famous since then, which adds to the charm continuously lavished by these innocent images. Self-portrait in the form of a generational portrait, where the love of art crosses the art of living, the exile here is in the land of happiness.
Marcelo Novais Teles, a young Brazilian, arrives in Paris to become an actor. But he is caught up in a very intense love as well as professional life; that's when he choses to film everything as time progresses. Dinner, parties, rehearsals, friendly and family meetings, falsely profound conversations, trips to Europe, etc. THE EXILED is the magnificently happy montage of these sequences, home movie of an obvious and chronic happiness, where the insolence of youth and its beauty are displayed. There are many well-known faces of actors who have become famous since then, which adds to the charm continuously lavished by these innocent images. Self-portrait in the form of a generational portrait, where the love of art crosses the art of living, the exile here is in the land of happiness.
Marcelo Novais Teles, a young Brazilian, arrives in Paris to become an actor. But he is caught up in a very intense love as well as professional life; that's when he choses to film everything as time progresses. Dinner, parties, rehearsals, friendly and family meetings, falsely profound conversations, trips to Europe, etc. THE EXILED is the magnificently happy montage of these sequences, home movie of an obvious and chronic happiness, where the insolence of youth and its beauty are displayed. There are many well-known faces of actors who have become famous since then, which adds to the charm continuously lavished by these innocent images. Self-portrait in the form of a generational portrait, where the love of art crosses the art of living, the exile here is in the land of happiness.
Успешный парижский телепродюсер Жоаким бросил все — детей, друзей, врагов, любовь и сожаления — и в сорок лет уехал в Америку, чтобы начать жизнь сначала. Он возвращается на родину с одержимой Францией стриптиз-группой «Нью-Бурлеск». В каждом городе веселые номера и роскошные формы девушек вызывают восторг мужчин и женщин. Несмотря на безликие отели, пошлые мелодии и нехватку денег, танцовщицы создают вокруг себя волшебную атмосферу фантазии, тепла и праздника. Но их мечта о триумфальном окончании турне в Париже разбивается вдребезги: из-за предательства старого «друга» Жоаким теряет контракт на аренду зала для выступлений. Продюсеру приходится ненадолго наведаться в столицу, и старые раны открываются вновь…
Транссексуал Тирезия, незаконный бразильский иммигрант, живет со своим братом в парижском пригороде. Поэт-эстет Терранова встречает её в лесу, где она занимается проституцией. Поражённый её красотой, он её похищает. Но, лишённая гормонов, Тирезия становится мужчиной. Терранова выкалывает ей глаза и оставляет на обочине дороги. Её подбирает странная девушка-подросток Анна и лечит её. Набравшись сил, Тирезия понимает, что может предсказывать будущее. Люди идут к оракулу толпами, на что очень косо смотрит церковь.