Jon Arvesen


Ballen i øyet
Art Direction
While near sighted Denise plays football, she accidently gets a ball in her face, and her glasses break. When she wakes up in the hospital she's double sighted.
Битва за остров сокровищ
Set Decoration
Мог ли подумать юнга Хаакон Хааконсен, что это рутинное плавание обернется для него великим приключением и настоящим испытанием на мужество, выносливость и смекалку? Еще в начале похода юноша начал догадываться, что на борту корабля затевается что-то недоброе. Опасения подтвердились, когда лейтенант Меррик, оказавшийся самым настоящим пиратом, поднял мятеж и захватил судно. Морская стихия - налетевший шторм - уносит Хаакона от банды корсаров и выбрасывает его на уединенный остров. Но именно на этом клочке суши негодяи прячут награбленное. А значит, героя ждет новая встреча с пиратами, которые не раз пожалеют, что связались со смелым и хитроумным юнгой!
Something Completely Different
Set Decoration
On a dark night, under a full moon, a childless couple find a crying baby on their doorstep and decide to adopt him. As the years pass, they come to discover that their young son is not like other children.
Set Decoration
This is a tale that has an epic scope in scenery "the northern snow-covered lands of coastal Norway" and is dramatized by moments of tumultuous stormy weather. But the focus is on Heikki (Stein Bjorn) a young man who is inspired by the northern lights to take a horse-drawn sled and make his way to the sea, hoping to come back with abundant fish. He is overtaken by a snowstorm and is forced to find shelter in a small, isolated cabin that is home to a half-crazy widow, her baby, and a blind man. Driven to arson by her internal demons, the woman destroys the cabin. She and the blind man perish, but Heikki manages to save the baby. He is now faced with an even greater challenge as he holds the infant and looks in the direction of the coastline.
Snart 17
Set Decoration
Marianne is going on 17, she feels too fat, and struggles with the ideals girls have to live up to to get accepted. When she meets her penpal Svein for the first time things look up, but she soon has to face new and unexpected problems when she discovers she is pregnant. Not being able to get support even from her own family, she has to make her life's most difficult decision on her own.
Production Design
The film follows a gang of unemployed youth in the little town of Svolvær, Lofoten, starting up an illegal radio-channel called "Radio Feskslog".
Carl Gustav, the Gang and the Parking Bandits
Set Decoration
Carl Gustav is 12 years old and particularly interested in comics and detective work. Gjengen is his friends, two boys and two girls of the same age and 'Rævedilter'n' Georg who is seven.