Ayelet Kait


Valeria Is Getting Married
Christina is a Ukrainian woman who moved to Israel through a ‘bride-to-order’ kind of deal. Compared to her life back in Ukraine, life in Israel is great for Christina. She works in a beauty salon, earns her own money, and loves Israel. Her Israeli husband Michael is also satisfied with this marriage. He is happy that he found a woman who can live with him. In fact, he is so satisfied that he starts his own little business scouting for Ukrainian brides for other Israeli men. Michael’s recent matchmaking is a special one—the bride’s name is Valeria, and she’s Christina’s younger sister. Michael went out of his way and found the best man he could get for her. His name is Eitan, and while he may not be the most handsome guy in the country, he is a good-hearted, generous man. However, Valeria is different to her older sister. And the whole delicate balance is at risk.
Что если? Ехуд Барак о войне и мире
78-летний Эхуд Барак – бывший скандальный премьер-министр Израиля. Полевой командир, ведущий деятель сионистского движения. Ему же принадлежит концепция плана убийства Ясира Арафата. В этом фильме Барак без иллюзий оценивает своё прошлое и историю Израиля через 20 лет после провала саммита в Кемп-Дэвиде.
Работающая женщина
Орна сталкивается с проблемами на работе: начальник ценит ее и всячески помогает продвигаться вверх по карьерной лестнице, но при этом оказывает ей неуместные знаки внимания. Женщина становится перед тяжелым моральным выбором. Она вынуждена кормить всю семью с тремя детьми и не может лишиться работы, но чтобы сохранить ее, героине придется изменить мужу, который тоже пребывает в тяжелой жизненной ситуации.
Na'ama is seventeen. She lives in a sleepy suburbia. She is bored. With detached parents and a rebellious older sister, her life at home is a mess. It all changes when a new girl appears at school. She's introduced to a world of drugs, lesbians and sex. She's thrilled. Her life, at last, becomes exciting. Is it going to last? "Barash" is a coming of age story, planted in the heart of Israeli society, about a young woman who struggles to find her self-identity in an environment that has different ideas about sex, drugs and love.
The Polgar Variant
The extraordinary story of three Hungarian-Jewish sisters who were raised in communist Budapest of the 1970s to become chess masters.
Mrs. Moskowitz and the Cats
When Yolanda Moscowitz, a retired French teacher, wakes up in a hospital geriatric ward, she is convinced it must be a mistake. But the titanium plate in her hip confines her to a wheelchair and to a lengthy convalescence. Nonetheless, Yolanda discovers a new life in the hospital. She develops a close relationship with Allegra, a solitary woman who is her roommate, and she meets Shaul, a former soccer player, who makes her feel certain emotions she thought had vanished from her life for good.
'Veterans', focuses on WW2 veterans, once fighters in the Red Army and now uprooted immigrants, fighting for their place in society. These people, who experienced the twentieth century's bloodiest war as Soviet soldiers, immigrated to Israel after the collapse of the Soviet Union and found themselves in a society that is totally indifferent to their glorious past. The film offers a close and compassionate look at the veterans' lives, fueled by complexity, pain, and an almost silent insult, alongside joy and self-deprecating humor. The feeling of living on borrowed time drives the veterans to embark on what may be their last adventure.