Angela Halim


Pasar Setan
Art Direction
Tamara, a vlogger who received blasphemy from netizens for uploading fake apparition videos. As soon as she learns the legendary story of the Devil's Market, he plans to prove the existence of spirits as well as clear his reputation. Together with her friends, Tamara visited a forbidden forest called Devil's Market. Instead of getting what she wants, Tamara is stuck in it.
Agak Laen
Art Direction
Four friends who set up a haunted house ride at the night market which unfortunately didn't sell, found the body of an old man who had a heart disease and they decided to bury his body in the haunted house and it turned out to be a spooky haunted house that sold well.
Семья Чемары 2
Art Direction
Пока родители пытаются заработать на жизнь честным трудом, три подрастающие дочки сталкиваются с собственными проблемами.
Rentang Kisah
Art Direction
From the true experiences of Gita Savitri Devi, an Indonesian student in Germany who discovered Islam in an Islamic minority country and found the closeness of family when they were far apart.
Милея: Голос Дилана
Art Direction
Перед великим воссоединением Дилан решил написать и пересказать свою историю любви с Милеей. Это его способ ещё раз прочувствовать всё, что они вместе пережили.
Kuambil Lagi Hatiku
Art Direction
Agra City, India, will be the witness to the marriage of Sinta and Vikash, which are just counting the days. But Sinta is shocked by her mother, Widhi Malthora, who suddenly disappears. Sinta tries various ways to find out her mother's whereabouts while Vikash's family urge that the marriage be carried out immediately. Apparently Widhi returns to her hometown in Indonesia after receiving a telephone call from Dimas, her only brother. Widhi gets word that her father had died three months ago. Sinta is shocked because she always heard from her mother that her mother has no family in Java. Sinta is following her mother's departure with a thousand questions and delays her marriage in India. Arriving in Borobudur Village, Widhi's hometown, how surprised is Sinta, when she discovers the reality of her true roots and the dark secrets of her mother's past is not as beautiful as she has imagined so far. This reality will change her life forever.
Dilan 1991
Art Direction
Dilan's involvement in the motorbike gang imperils his relationship with Milea, whose distant relative returns from Belgium.
Dilan 1990
Art Direction
At a Bandung high school, charming and rebellious Dilan vies for the affections of shy new student Milea.
Art Direction
As Jovial does everything he can to prove his love for Alexandra, his brother Andovi records his comical failures and uploads them on his social media channel. Andovi's success constantly comes at Jovial's expense as they both become famous.
Философы: Урок выживания
Art Department Production Assistant
В международной школе в Джакарте таинственный учитель философии в качестве выпускного экзамена предлагает 20 студентам провести эксперимент. Этот опыт будет самым экстремальным, с которым они когда-либо сталкивались. Используя только силу логики, студенты должны выбрать, кто из них будет достоин получить место в подземном бункере — единственном месте, где можно спастись от приближающейся ядерной катастрофы. Бункер рассчитан на десять человек, а значит, тех, кого не выбирают, ожидает жестокая смерть. Реальность классной комнаты эффектно перетекает в воображаемый, но в то же время пугающий мир надвигающегося апокалипсиса…
Postcards from the Zoo
Assistant Art Director
Little Lana was 3 years old when she was abandoned alone in the zoo. Raised by a giraffe trainer, the zoo is the only world she knows. Until one day, a charming magician arrives and Lana finds her love, for she is ready to leave the zoo. Lana embarks on journey, until one day, she decided to go back to the place where she was abandoned.