An embattled man mixed up with dirty cops. Sumair will do anything to save the one relationship that truly matters to him, facing off on one fateful night against Gurugram's drug lords, a crime boss, murderous narcs and straight cops, trapped in a kingpin's lair
Chhalaang humorously addresses the value of Sports Education in the school curriculum. It follows a hilarious, yet an inspirational journey of a typical PT Master from a semi government-funded school in Northern India, Montu, for whom it’s just a job and is forced to do what he has never done - Teach.
The Murder of a college girl morphed into a suicide takes Dr. Shiv on a journey to dig the truth out of his daughter's murder.
The Murder of a college girl morphed into a suicide takes Dr. Shiv on a journey to dig the truth out of his daughter's murder.
Two friends start a hotel called Milan, a convenient destination for lovers to meet but things don't turn as planned as they are attacked by the anti-Romeo squad and political hooligans.
A group of Meerut rogues aspire to become crime kingpins and local politicos. But, a major kidnapping makes them lose their all.
A group of Meerut rogues aspire to become crime kingpins and local politicos. But, a major kidnapping makes them lose their all.
A group of Meerut rogues aspire to become crime kingpins and local politicos. But, a major kidnapping makes them lose their all.
A group of Meerut rogues aspire to become crime kingpins and local politicos. But, a major kidnapping makes them lose their all.
Alka Singh, the leader of a political party, and her obsessive love for Rohan Mehra, a rising star of Bollywood.
It’s the sequel and the final chapter in the bloody lives of the avenging ‘Gangs of Wasseypur’. Sardar Khan’s sons are at war with Ramadhir Singh’s men; and the knives clash and the bullets flash; till either drops dead.
It’s the sequel and the final chapter in the bloody lives of the avenging ‘Gangs of Wasseypur’. Sardar Khan’s sons are at war with Ramadhir Singh’s men; and the knives clash and the bullets flash; till either drops dead.
В колониальной Индии деревня Васепур входила в провинцию Бенгалия, в независимой Индии стала крупным посёлком в штате Бихар. В настоящее время Васепур, центр угледобычи, небольшой городок в округе Дханбад находится в новом штате Джаркханд. Фильм основан на реальных событиях, которые имели место в Васепуре. Шахид Кхан и Рамадхир Сингх — главы двух мафий, соперничающих друг с другом. После того как они не пришли к соглашению, Рамадхир Сингх прикончил Шахид Кхана. Сардар Кхан, сын Шахид Кхана дал клятву — отомстить убийце. Это стало единственной целью его жизни. Кровная месть продолжается с 1941 г. по 2004 г., из поколения в поколение.
Executive Producer
A boy, eking out a living on Kolkata's streets, falls one day in love with the Moon. This is the story of how he woos her.