Alex Moukanos

Alex Moukanos


Alex Moukanos
Alex Moukanos
Alex Moukanos


Dangerous Cooking
Two men, different characters, share the most fascinating woman in the world, while the smells and tastes work as the best aphrodisiac in their parallel relationships. A love triangle, with little doses of the art of the cousine.
The Homecoming
After 35 years working in a factory in Germany, Ilias returns to his almost deserted village and buys a service station on the main street to Ioannina. He wants to make a new start but soon feels like a foreigner again, this time in his own country. His relationship with Eleni, his younger and still beautiful wife, is going though a serious crisis. Eleni, who married him when she was very young to escape the poverty of village life, now feels she is suffocating. She wants to live while there is still time.Their life changes when Ilias saves Petros, a young Albanian illegal immigrant who comes to Greece seeking a better life, from the border guards and hires him in his shop.
Трилогия: Плачущий луг
Горстка людей, одетых в черное, с тяжелыми чемоданами и держа за руку детей, будто вышли из моря на неприветливо-пустынный, с заплатами луж, отеческий берег. Этот образ вечного изгнания и скитальчества, варьируясь, проходит лейтмотивом через весь фильм, в котором, переплелись история минувшего века, судьба греков и история любви с преградами и разлуками.
Earth and Water
Nicolas is a shepherd. He is around twenty years old, thin and spirited. Constantina is eighteen years old. Constantina fell in love with Nikolas the very first time she saw him with his lyre at the bull sacrifice ritual. She entered the whirlpool of ecstasy and became his lover. Their relationship was clearly physical, all other things were setting them apart. Constantina decides that they should break up. "We come from different places and head in different directions", she says. When she finds out that she is pregnant, she does not tell Nikolas.