Nicolás Grosso


Executive Producer
Ignacio embarks on a trip driven by the coincidences that bring together the news that his young girlfriend is pregnant and an invitation to a seminar in Chile almost simultaneously.
Ignacio embarks on a trip driven by the coincidences that bring together the news that his young girlfriend is pregnant and an invitation to a seminar in Chile almost simultaneously.
Собачья смерть
Жизнь мещанской супружеской пары идёт под откос, когда Сильвия выходит на пенсию и в ветеринарной клинике, где работает Марио, внезапно умирает собака. Вскоре паранойя перерастает в насилие, а насилие в конце концов становится бессмыслицей.
20-летний Жайме отбывает срок за убийство по пьяни близкого друга. В тюрьме юноша находит себе влиятельного покровителя по кличке Жеребец. Страстные отношения мужчин помогают им противостоять окружающей дикости, под защитой любовника Жайме становится Принцем.
Executive Producer
20-летний Жайме отбывает срок за убийство по пьяни близкого друга. В тюрьме юноша находит себе влиятельного покровителя по кличке Жеребец. Страстные отношения мужчин помогают им противостоять окружающей дикости, под защитой любовника Жайме становится Принцем.
Год Леона
Потеряв любимого, Флавия никак не может вернуться к нормальной жизни. Ежедневные заботы не спасают ее от чувства беззащитности и одиночества. Внезапно в жизни Флавии появляется Люсия, дочь Леона от первого брака. Это знакомство заставляет Флавию переосмыслить свою жизнь, расстаться с прошлым и начать жить заново.
Executive Producer
Since their parents split up, Sara and her younger sister live with their mother, whose new partner is a woman. Everyday life for the four of them is hardly any different than it is for other families. But not everyone sees it that way – Sara's father in particular has his doubts. As Sara’s 13th birthday approaches, she feels rather overwhelmed: her first crush, a body in the midst of changes and to top it off, conflicts over loyalty with her parents.
Camino de Campaña
Agustín (32) returns to the city where he was born, after 6 years of absence, to watch the legal process in which he will be tried for the - supposedly - murder of his father and mother. Alone and in constant alert, he begins to experience acts of violence. Agobiado, he meets an enigmatic and unpredictable young woman who shows him other ways of experiencing isolation.
Camino de Campaña
Agustín (32) returns to the city where he was born, after 6 years of absence, to watch the legal process in which he will be tried for the - supposedly - murder of his father and mother. Alone and in constant alert, he begins to experience acts of violence. Agobiado, he meets an enigmatic and unpredictable young woman who shows him other ways of experiencing isolation.
Camino de Campaña
Agustín (32) returns to the city where he was born, after 6 years of absence, to watch the legal process in which he will be tried for the - supposedly - murder of his father and mother. Alone and in constant alert, he begins to experience acts of violence. Agobiado, he meets an enigmatic and unpredictable young woman who shows him other ways of experiencing isolation.
La carrera del animal
Feature film.
La barbarie
18-year-old Nacho shows up at the cow-breeding ranch of his father, Marcos, whom he barely knows. His father is worried because, as the ranch’s yearly auction is approaching, several cows are dying without explanation. When Nacho finds out who is killing the cows and why, he understands the magnitude of the problem. Cornered by distress and confusion, he’ll have to choose: being a boss or not being a boss. Perpetuating the system, the insult, the abuse, or refusing to take part in it.