Inthira Sawantrat


First Assistant Director
События разворачиваются в будущем, во время войны между людьми и искусственным интеллектом. Бывший спецназовец Джошуа вместе с отрядом оперативников получает задание найти и убить архитектора продвинутого искусственного интеллекта — Создателя, который разработал оружие, способное положить конец не только войне, но и всему человечеству.
Тайлер Рейк: Операция по спасению
First Assistant Director
Группировка наёмников берётся освободить из заложников сына сидящего в тюрьме индийского наркобарона. Подростка похитили конкуренты и держат его в столице Бангладеш Дакке - городе, состоящем из трущоб и практически полностью окружённом реками. Ответственное задание поручатся бывшему военному Тайлеру Рейку. Он легко расправляется с вооружённой охраной и быстро освобождает пленника, но доставить парня в безопасное место и выбраться из города, где на тебя объявлена охота, оказывается не так-то просто.
Окончательный рецепт
First Assistant Director
Hao's Singaporean restaurant is in danger of going out of business. Hao's grandson, Mark, secretly travels to Shanghai to attend a cooking competition despite his grandfather's wishes for him to become an engineer. Mark takes the place of a contestant who did not show up and must now impress the host, Julia Lee, and her chef husband, David Chen. Chen, who is originally from Singapore and misses his family, eventually learns he is Mark's father.
Oba: The Last Samurai
First Assistant Director
In 1944, the American military lands on the shores of Saipan. Refusing to commit suicide with his superiors or be forced into camps for prisoners of war, Captain Oba Sakae leads a group of his men and other similarly minded local residents into the mountains. Even after hearing reports of the Japanese military's surrender, Oba dismisses the reports as propaganda and continues to launch guerilla attacks against the American soldiers, earning him the nickname "The Fox". Soon, even the American commander who's charged with the task of capturing Oba comes to admire his persistent enemy.
Bitter / Sweet
Assistant Director
American businessman Brian Chandler has a perfect life with a great job and beautiful fiancée. When his boss, renegade coffee mogul Calvert Jenkins sends him to Thailand to inspect a crop for purchase, Brian meets Ticha, a beautiful Bangkok executive who has long-since given up on the prospects of finding love.
OK Baytong
Assistant Director
On hearing the news of the death of his sister, a Buddhist monk leaves the temple where he has lived since childhood and struggles to adjust to life on the outside as an uncle to a young niece and as a businessman running a hair salon in a small Thai town in a southern province. He even must learn to ride a bicycle and zip up his trousers without injuring himself. He is confronted by a flood of feelings - sexual, for a woman and family friend across the street; as well as fear and hatred for the Muslims, who he believes is responsible for his sister's death and other sorrows in his life.