Um Sang-hyun

Um Sang-hyun

Рождение : 1971-12-29,


Um Sang-hyun


Bread Barbershop: Celebrity in Bakery Town
A film depicting various stories between 'Bread', the owner of 'Bread Barbershop', 'Wilk', an unscrupulous employee, and celebrities living in Bakery Town.
번개맨: 더 비기닝
Running Man
Boing, The Secret of Super Transformation
Dr. Hyaena
Hello Carbot the Movie: The Cretaceous Period
Miniforce X
Zenos, who once made whole universe feared, has returned to Earth to take back his power. He exploits sadness of humans as his source of power. Zenos and his underlings, Dandandan trio bring all weird aliens to the earth. In order to defeat the annoying enemies, Miniforce is reborn as Miniforce X, armed with new “X Power” and “X bot”. Both old and new characters appear for a new season and support Miniforce, including Ray an ex-Miniforce member, and Jacky a monkey who admires Volt. Would Miniforce X can complete their mission this time too, against Zenos and the aliens? Go and watch!
Пингвинёнок Пороро. Мир динозавров
Mr. Wai (voice)
Пороро и его друзья-зверята живут в заснеженной, глухой деревушке, о которой никто и не слышал, но с ними все равно постоянно происходят удивительные, а порой и невероятные вещи. Какие бы сложности и опасные приключения ни поджидали Пороро, ему на помощь всегда приходят его товарищи — лисенок Эдди, динозаврик Кронг, медвежонок Поби, бобренок Лупи. Здесь все просто: можно преодолеть любые преграды, особенно когда рядом — твои верные друзья.
Turning Mecards W: Resurrection of the Black Mirror
피닉스 (목소리)
There is a strange feeling around Earth and Triforce just before the completion of the world's first mechanimal, Disc Cannon. Black Mirror who was thought to be dead, has revived and is seeking revenge. He turns all the mechanimals into Black Mechanimals and starts to destroy the world. The tamers start preparing for the final battle in the most dangerous of times...
King of The Greeks
Отправляясь в увлекательное приключение, которое заведёт её далеко от привычного ей мира, Розочка объединяет усилия с самым мрачным троллем на свете по имени Цветан для достижения успеха в своей смелой миссии спасти её друзей из тисков зловещих бергенов и их лидера, короля Хрящ Старший. Невероятные приключения Розочки проверят её силу, покажут её истинную суть и бросят вызов её способности ударяться в пение в любой момент.
Three people with different mysteries abilities want to solve the mystery of a mass suicide in order to prevent another one.
Noblesse: The Beginning of Destruction
The Previous Lord (voice)
820 years ago, Mujaka, the lord of werewolves finally visits Raizel after a long journey. But the werewolf Maduk interferes in a war of human plotting some scheme. Raizel and Mujaka fall into a hand of tragic destiny, fighting with each other desperately leaving their friendship behind.
Kuru Kuru and Friends: The Secrets of the Rainbow Tree
Grandfather Time
The movie takes place between Seasons 1 and 2. The Green Forest Village hosts a festival in celebration of the 1000th anniversary of the large tree growing in the middle of the village. While Curucuru and his friends are helping in the festival, they learned that tree's vitality is due to a legendary item call the Pingya, which gives it Eternal Love and Life. But in the midst of the festival, a bunch of Pirate Hyenas came to the village and stole the legendary item, causing the tree to wilt. Now it's up to Curucuru and his pals to get it back from the pirates, before things can go worse. But amid-st the actual troubles they face, the kids also encounter a strange Tiger child, who is connected to the incident.
Pororo: Cyberspace Adventure
One day , Pororo and Crong enter a video game "Golden wing adventure" In the cyber space , Pororo and Crong met 'Prince ChiChi" and agreed to find Golden wing to save Princess On the other hand, Pororo's friends were captured by SPIDER KING " Will Pororo save the Princess and his friends and escape from Cyber space ?
Clearer than You Think
Doo-sik (voice)
The feature length film is composed of four short animations. In ‘Lucky Me’, a couple in their twenties run towards their dreams despite being emersed in the problems of reality. Another short deals with a couple in their thirties who share their true feelings with each other, while a short named ‘Coffee Luwak’ talks about the growing pains of teenagers. The stories HAN deals with are everyday life stories of ordinary people, that looks at dreams, reality and love as its core themes.
Отважная Лифи
Неугомонная курочка Лифи оставляет уютную сытую жизнь на птицефабрике и отправляется в лес. Волей случая она спасает маленького утенка от лисы и берет его под свое крыло. Веселые и опасные приключения ждут эту странную парочку.
Gogo Dinosaur Expedition Team - In Search of the Legendary Dinosaur